Um mal wieder zum Topic zurückzukehren: Ich habe den Artikel gefunden, auf dem die Gerüchte beruhen, die der TE ansprach:
2m schrieb am 10.03.2010:Die Signale gingen bis zum Mars. Ebenfalls kamen bei der Sende- bzw. Empfangsstation Signale an, die nach Tesla vom Mars gekommen sind.
At the present stage of progress, there would be no insurmountable obstacle in constructing a machine capable of conveying a message to Mars, nor would there be any great difficulty in recording signals transmitted to us by the inhabitants of that planet, if they be skilled electricians. Communication once established, even in the simplest way, as by a mere interchange of numbers, the progress toward more intelligible communication would be rapid. Absolute certitude as to the receipt and interchange of messages would be reached as soon as we could respond with the number "four," say, in reply to the signal "one, two, three." The Martians, or the inhabitants of whatever planet had signaled to us, would understand at once that we had caught their message across the gulf of space and had sent back a response. To convey a knowledge of form by such means is, while very difficult, not impossible, and I have already found a way of doing it.
What a tremendous stir this would make in the world! How soon will it come? For that it will some time be accomplished must be clear to every thoughtful being.
Something, at least, science has gained. But I hope that it will also be demonstrated soon that in my experiments in the West I was not merely beholding a vision, but had caught sight of a great and profound truth. Das ist, wie ich finde, ein sehr schönes Beispiel dafür, wie skrupellos die Tesla-für-ihre-Propaganda-mißbrauchenden Menschen die Tatsachen verdrehen: Tesla schreibt lediglich, es gäbe kein unüberwindbares Hindernis für den Bau eines Transceivers (Sender+Empfänger) zur Kommunikation mit den Marsbewohnern. Das reicht den Scharlatanen natürlich nicht, sie machen daraus einen bereits erfolgten "Kontakt mit Außerirdischen".