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Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

203 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Nasa, Supernova, Entdeckung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:17
Und Allmystery war wieder eine wenn nicht die Erste Plattform dies herausgefunden hat.

Meine Herren

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!^^


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:17
Hat die frau nicht gesagt - es sind 3 Entdeckungen - und zuerst eine nicht so großartige gesagt wird .
aber könnte mich irren - bei mir rauscht das ein wenig .


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:18

Youngest Stellar Explosion in Our Galaxy Discovered

Astronomers have found the remains of the youngest supernova, or exploded star, in our Galaxy. The supernova remnant, hidden behind a thick veil of gas and dust, was revealed by the National Science Foundation's Very Large Array (VLA) and NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory, which could see through the murk. The object is the first example of a "missing population" of young supernova remnants.

From observing supernovae in other galaxies, astronomers have estimated that about three such stellar explosions should occur in our Milky Way every century. However, the most recent one known until now occurred around 1680, creating the remnant called Cassiopeia A. The newly-discovered object is the remnant of an explosion only about 140 years ago.

"If the supernova rate estimates are correct, there should be the remnants of about 10 supernova explosions in the Milky Way that are younger than Cassiopeia A," said David Green of the University of Cambridge in the UK, who led the VLA study. "It's great to finally track one of them down."

Supernova explosions, which mark the violent death of a star, release tremendous amounts of energy and spew heavy elements such as calcium and iron into interstellar space. They thus seed the clouds of gas and dust from which new stars and planets are formed and, through their blast shocks, can even trigger such formation.

The lack of evidence for young supernova remnants in the Milky Way had caused astronomers to wonder if our Galaxy, which appears otherwise normal, differed in some unknown way from others. Alternatively, scientists thought that the "missing" Milky Way supernovae perhaps indicated that their understanding of the relationship between supernovae and other galactic processes was in error.

The astronomers made their discovery by measuring the expansion of the debris from the star's explosion. They did this by comparing images of the object, called G1.9+0.3, made more than two decades apart.

In 1985, astronomers led by Green observed G1.9+0.3 with the VLA and identified it as a supernova remnant. At that time, they estimated its age as between 400 and 1,000 years. It is near the center of our Galaxy, roughly 25,000 light-years from Earth.

In 2007, another team of astronomers, led by Stephen Reynolds of North Carolina State University, observed the object with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. To their surprise, their image showed the object to be about 16 percent larger than in the 1985 VLA image.

"This is a huge difference. It means the explosion debris is expanding very quickly, which in turn means the object is much younger than we originally thought," Reynolds explained. However, this expansion measurement came from comparing a radio image to an X-ray image.

To make an "apples to apples" comparison, the scientists sought and were quickly granted observing time on the VLA. "I've never seen a large astronomical institution move so fast," said Reynolds. Their new VLA observations confirmed the supernova remnant's rapid expansion.

The discovery provides scientists with a valuable source of new information about exploding stars. "Our previous situation was as if someone studying humans could look at babies and at adults, but could not study teenagers. Now, we're filling in that gap," said Reynolds.

The object already has provided surprises. The velocities of its explosion debris and extreme energies of its particles are unprecedented. "No other object in the Galaxy has properties like this," said Reynolds. "Finding G1.9+0.3 is extremely important for learning more about how some stars explode and what happens in the aftermath," he added.

The discovery was possible because radio and X-ray telescopes, unlike visible-light telescopes, can penetrate the thick clouds of gas and dust in our Galaxy. "Looking out of the Milky Way, we can see some supernova explosions with optical telescopes across half of the Universe, but when they're in this murk, we can miss them in our own cosmic back yard," Reynolds said.

"Fortunately, the expanding gas cloud from the explosion shines brightly in radio waves and X-rays for thousands of years. X-ray and radio telescopes can see through all that obscuration and show us what we've been missing," he added.

Because of the obscuration, no one could have seen the original explosion 140 years ago.

The astronomers are reporting their results in papers published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:18
Nein die Frau hat gesagt

"3 Speaker...."

die hat nur die 3 Leute vorgestellt , die die entdeckung vorstellen


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:19
Der Link noch

Chandra hat gemeinsam mit VLA das entdeckt
http://www.nrao.edu/pr/2008/youngsnr/ (Archiv-Version vom 17.05.2008)


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:20

Soll ich ehrlich sein: ich weiß es auch nicht :D


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:22
Bitte zusammenfassen... (bei mir geht das radio nicht...)
Ist nur die Supernova oder noch was anderes ?
wenn ja haben sie wieder viel luft um nix gemacht
lg deat


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:23
das wars

keine 3 entdeckungen

Es ist die Jüngste,größte ZUFÄLLIGSTE SupernOva der menscheitsgeschichte

Ihr entstehen ist eine Chemische Sensationen

da ausschlagebende Gase in einer Konstellationen vorkamen wie es vorher nie der Fall war.

Deswegen der Zufall.

Dazu ist sie die nähste , und er sagt gerade das das ein EXTREMER ZUFALL und eine Riesige Sensation ist das das in unserem Sonnensystem passiert , milchstrasse,

und man kann den "mushroom" (pilz??) in der mitte der Nova nicht sehen, wegen der ENORMEN ansammlung von dunkler materie....

simultan übersetzen suckt!

1x zitiertmelden

Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:23
Es ist eine Supernova ansonst haben wir daraus ein Hype gemacht die NASA hat nichts gemacht ;). Es ist unter anderem die JÜNGSTE Supernova die wir bis jetzt entdeckt haben !!!


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:25
*hust* unserem Sonnensystem Wohl kaum ... GOTT SEI DANK :-)
sondern in unserer Galaxie ...
Zitat von HammelbeinHammelbein schrieb:und man kann den "mushroom" (pilz??) in der mitte der Nova nicht sehen, wegen der ENORMEN ansammlung von dunkler materie....


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:25
>>in unserem Sonnensystem passiert<<

Das hat übrigens nur eine Sonne und die scheint weiterhin.


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:25

gerade mal 100 Jahre alt.

So das wars..

nun kann jemand anderes übersetzen


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:25
Kein Killer-Asteroid der unsere Erde bedroht? Langweiliggggggggggg!^^


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:26
Ist ja noch nicht vorbei - Ich könnte schwören , dass die was von drei Entdeckungen gesagt hat .


Die NASA hat "etwas" in unserem Universum entdeckt !

14.05.2008 um 19:26
he leute spart euch böswillige verbesserungen ^^

ich habs simultan übersetzt :D
