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MER Opportunity (Erklärung bitte)
29.08.2006 um 15:30Ist von Opportunity aufgenommen ...
NASA's Mars Exploration RoverOpportunity
recently stopped to analyze an exposure of rock near "Beagle Crater," on atarget
nicknamed "Baltra." Nearly 100 sols, or Martian days, had passed sinceOpportunity had
last analyzed one of the now-familiar rock exposures seen on thePlains of Meridiani. The
rover ground a 3-millimeter-deep (0.12-inch-deep) hole in therock using the rock
abrasion tool on sol 893 (July 29, 2006) while stationed about 25meters (82 feet) from
the southwest rim of Beagle Crater.
Scientists wantedto analyze the outcrop one
more time before driving the rover onto the ring of smoothmaterial surrounding "Victoria
Crater." Opportunity's analysis showed the rock to bevery similar in its elemental
composition to other exposures encountered during therover's southward trek across
Meridiani Planum.
Opportunity's microscopicimager acquired this view on sol 894
(July 30, 2006) while the target was fullyshadowed. The view shows an area about 6
centimeters (2.4 inches) across, justspanning the diameter of the hole ground into
Baltra. The image resolution of 30microns per pixel makes it possible to see features as
small as 0.1 millimeter (0.004inch).
NASA's Mars Exploration RoverOpportunity
recently stopped to analyze an exposure of rock near "Beagle Crater," on atarget
nicknamed "Baltra." Nearly 100 sols, or Martian days, had passed sinceOpportunity had
last analyzed one of the now-familiar rock exposures seen on thePlains of Meridiani. The
rover ground a 3-millimeter-deep (0.12-inch-deep) hole in therock using the rock
abrasion tool on sol 893 (July 29, 2006) while stationed about 25meters (82 feet) from
the southwest rim of Beagle Crater.
Scientists wantedto analyze the outcrop one
more time before driving the rover onto the ring of smoothmaterial surrounding "Victoria
Crater." Opportunity's analysis showed the rock to bevery similar in its elemental
composition to other exposures encountered during therover's southward trek across
Meridiani Planum.
Opportunity's microscopicimager acquired this view on sol 894
(July 30, 2006) while the target was fullyshadowed. The view shows an area about 6
centimeters (2.4 inches) across, justspanning the diameter of the hole ground into
Baltra. The image resolution of 30microns per pixel makes it possible to see features as
small as 0.1 millimeter (0.004inch).