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The Head of a Top

3 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: casual wear, sarees ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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blackmirror Diskussionsleiter
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The Head of a Top

13.06.2022 um 07:08
Dear Money! I need you! I need you in me, I need you to love me!

Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-13 um 06.42.52Original anzeigen (6,7 MB)

I need your Power to support me! I need you in motion! I need you get going!
I need your love, to thrill me!

I need a Pussy to fullfill me!

Let me rule the world! Let me be the cepter, your word and your sword, let your pope carry me blindly through the dark!

Let me be your shooting star!
I want to rock your world, believe my word! Believe in everything reversed!

I need you to turn your world, upside down and inside out, I need you to look at the things around!

I need you to support my brain! If not! I send you my snail, at night when you're in my dream! Kisses babe! I love you!

sarees images Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-04 Original anzeigen (7,9 MB)
blackmirror schrieb (Beitrag gelöscht):And I want to share my love with you.
Quelle: Blog von blackmirror

Sorry für den doppelten Eintrag. Deine Antwort gehört in den Geld-Blog


The Head of a Top

13.06.2022 um 14:36
Ist das ein Hate-Blog für mich? Ich fühle mich geehrt!

blackmirror Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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The Head of a Top

13.06.2022 um 18:11

My sensors have detected a slight raise in my pulse!

Gravity pulling in! Explosion pushing out!

Big Bang and Big Crunch compressed in a Heart Beat!

I Love you Babe!

Follow the White Rabbit!

Down the Rabbit Hole!
