caligae168 schrieb:Soviel zur Aussagekraft des Merer-Papyros zum Pyramidenbau der „Cheops-Pyramide".
Tag 29: Inspektor Merer verbringt den Tag mit seiner Truppe um Steine zu ziehen in Tura-Süd. Verbringen der Nacht in Tura-Süd.
Die besorgen sich Tura-Kalkstein. Genau das, was zur Verkleidung mehrerer Pyramiden verwendet wurde. OK, sicher auch für andere Bauwerke. Aber auf jeden Fall werdense das nicht für die heimische Tafelkreideversorgung besorgt haben, sondern für ein Bauwerk.
Tag 27: Inspektor Merer startet mit seinem Phyle aus Tura [Süd], beladen mit Stein, für Achet-Chufu; verbringt die Nacht in Sche-Chufu.
Und wie man sieht, handelt es sich bei dem Bauwerk um jenes "Achet-Chufu", "Horizont des Chufu". Und nun rate mal, welche Art Bauwerk "Horizont" genannt wurde, und dann speziell welches konkrete Bauwerk "Horizont des Cheops"... Genau! Pyramide, und Cheopspyramide.
Sche-Chufu heißt übrigens "Teich des Cheops" und bezieht sich auf eine künstliche Teichanlage bzw. einen künstlichen See in Giseh-Nähe.
Tag 22: Verbringen der Nacht in Ro-Sche-Chufu. Am Morgen lossegeln von Ro-Sche-Chufu nach Achet-Chufu, verbringen der Nacht bei den Kapellen von Achet-Chufu.
Das Giseh-Plateau liegt einiges oberhalb des Nils. Um dennoch auf dem Wasserweg bis nah an den Pyramidenkomplex zu kommen, wurden wie es scheint künstliche Teiche/Seen und Kanäle angelegt. Hier mußten also die Steine vom Nil zum oberen Hafenbecken, dem "Teich des Chufu", verbracht werden, damit es zu Wasser weitergehen konnte. Ro-Sche-Chufu heißt nun "Eingang des Teiches des Chufu".
Mehrfach erwähnt der Papyrus noch einen gewissen Anchhaf, er wird "Edler" und "Aufseher von Ro-Sche-Chufu" genannt. Dazu passend gibt es auf dem Friedhof östlich des Giseh-Plateaus das Grab eines Anchhaf, welcher der Sohn des Pharao Snofru (Cheopsens Vater) war, also Chufus Halbbruder. Und ganz gewiß ein "Edler", Angehöriger der königlichen Upper Class. Klar, den Namen Anchhaf wirds öfter gegeben haben. Aber sozialer Status und Bezug zu Cheops sowie zu seiner Pyramide stimmen auch überein. Das ist schon mal verdammt dicht.
Betrachtet man alle diese Daten, die in dem Papyrus vorkommen, dann wird deutlich: wenn Wissenschaftler "vermuten", daß hier der Transport von Turakalkstein zur Verkleidung der Cheopspyramide während der Lebenszeit des Cheopsbruders Anchhaf (er starb erst nach Cheops während der Herrschaft dessen Nachfolgers Chephren) - dann ist das kein "die raten ja auch nur" und keine Hintertür für die Berechtigung der eigenen wilden Spekulationen. Wissenschaft formuliert vorsichtig; sie produziert keine Dasistsos, sondern Annahmen.
Hier mal ne englische Übersetzung:
First day : […] spend the day […] in […].
[Day] 2: […] spend the day […] in? […].
[Day 3: Cast off from?] the royal palace? [… sail]ing [upriver] towards Tura, spend the night there.
Day [4]: Cast off from Tura, morning sail downriver towards Akhet-Khufu, spend the night.
[Day] 5: Cast off from Tura in the afternoon, sail towards Akhet-Khufu.
Day 6: Cast off from Akhet-Khufu and sail upriver towards Tura […].
[Day 7]: Cast off in the morning from […]
Day 8: Cast off in the morning from Tura, sail downriver towards Akhet-Khufu, spend the night there.
Day 9: Cast off in the morning from Akhet-Khufu, sail upriver; spend the night.
Day 10: Cast off from Tura, moor in Akhet-Khufu. Come from […]? the aper-teams?[…]
Day 11: Inspector Merer spends the day with [his phyle in] carrying out works related to the dyke of [Ro-She] Khuf[u …]
Day 12: Inspector Merer spends the day with [his phyle carrying out] works related to the dyke of Ro-She Khufu […].
Day 13: Inspector Merer spends the day with [his phyle? …] the dyke which is in Ro-She Khufu by means of 15? phyles of aper-teams.
Day [14]: [Inspector] Merer spends the day [with his phyle] on the dyke [in/of Ro-She] Khu[fu…].
[Day] 15 […] in Ro-She Khufu […].
Day 16: Inspector Merer spends the day […] in Ro-She Khufu with the noble? […].
Day 17: Inspector Merer spends the day […] lifting the piles of the dy[ke …].
Day 18: Inspector Merer spends the day […]
Day 19 […]
Day 20 […] for the rudder? […] the aper-teams.
[Day 25]: [Inspector Merer spends the day with his phyle [h]au[ling]? st[ones in Tura South]; spends the night at Tura South
[Day 26]: Inspector Merer casts off with his phyle from Tura [South], loaded with stone, for Akhet-Khufu; spends the night at She-Khufu.
Day 27: sets sail from She-Khufu, sails towards Akhet-Khufu, loaded with stone, spends the night at Akhet-Khufu.
Day 28: casts off from Akhet-Khufu in the morning; sails upriver Tura South.
Day 29: Inspector Merer spends the day with his phyle hauling stones in Tura South; spends the night at Tura South.
Day 30: Inspector Merer spends the day with his phyle hauling stones in Tura South; spends the night at Tura South.
[First day ] the director of 6 Idjer[u) casts of for Heliopolis in a transport boat-iuat to bring us food from Heliopolis while the Elite (stp-sȝ) is in Tura.
Day 2: Inspector Merer spends the day with his phyle hauling stones in Tura North; spends the night at Tura North.
Day 3: Inspector Merer casts off from Tura North, sails towards Akhet-Khufu loaded with stone.
[Day 4 …] the director of 6 [Idjer]u [comes back] from Heliopolis with 40 sacks-khar and a large measure-heqat of bread-beset while the Elite hauls stones in Tura North.
Day 5: Inspector Merer spends the day with his phyle loading stones onto the boats-hau of the Elite in Tura North, spends the night at Tura.
Day 6: Inspector Merer sets sail with a boat of the naval section (gs-dpt) of Ta-ur, going downriver towards Akhet-Khufu. Spends the night at Ro-She Khufu.
Day 7: sets sail in the morning towards Akhet-Khufu, sails towing towards Tura North, spends the night at […]
Day 8: sets sail from Ro-She Khufu, sails towards Tura North. Inspector Merer spends the day [with a boat?] of Ta-ur? […].
Day 9: sets sail from […] of Khufu […].
Day 10: […]
[Day 13 …] She-[Khufu] […] spends the night at Tur]a South.
[Day 14: … hauling] stones [… spends the night in] Tura South.
[Day 15:] Inspector Merer [spends the day] with his [phyle] hauling stones [in Tura] South, spends the night in Tura South.
[Day 16: Inspector Merer spends the day with] his phyle loading the boat-imu (?) with stone [sails …] downriver, spends the night at She-Khufu.
[Day 17: casts off from She-Khufu] in the morning, sails towards Akhet-Khufu; [sails … from] Akhet-Khufu, spends the night at She-Khufu.
[Day 18] […] sails […] spends the night at Tura .
[Day 19]: Inspector Merer] spends the day [with his phyle] hauling stones in Tura [South ?].
Day 20: [Inspector] Mer[er] spends the day with [his phyle] hauling stones in Tura South (?), loads 5 craft, spends the night at Tura.
Day 21: [Inspector] Merer spends the day with his [phyle] loading a transport ship-imu at Tura North, sets sail from Tura in the afternoon.
Day 22: spends the night at Ro-She Khufu. In the morning, sets sail from Ro-She Khufu; sails towards Akhet-Khufu; spends the night at the Chapels of [Akhet] Khufu.
Day 23: The director of 10 Hesi spends the day with his naval section in Ro-She Khufu, because a decision to cast off was taken; spends the night at Ro-She Khufu.
Day 24: Inspector Merer spends the day with his phyle hauling (stones? craft?) with those who are on the register of the Elite, the aper-teams and the noble Ankhhaf, director of Ro-She Khufu.
Day 25: Inspector Merer spends the day with his team hauling stones in Tura, spends the night at Tura North.
[Day 26 …] sails towards […]
Day x+1: [sails] downriver […] the bank of the point of She-Khufu.
Day x+2: […] sails? from Akhet-Khufu […] Ro-She Khufu.
Day x+3: [… loads?] […Tura] North.
Day x+4: […] loaded with stone […] Ro-She [Khufu].
Day x+5: […] Ro-She Khufu […] sails from Akhet-Khufu; spends the night.
Day x+6: [… sails …] Tura.
Day x+7: [… hauling?] stones [in Tura North, spends the night at Tura North.
Day x+8: [Inspector Merer] spends the day with his phyle [hauling] stones in Tura North; spends the night in Tura North.
Day x+9: […] stones [… Tura] North.
Day x+10: […] stones [Tu]ra North;
Day x+11: [casts off?] in the afternoon […] sails? […]
x+1 […Tura] North […] spends the night there.
x+2: […] sails [… Tura] North, spends the night at Tura North.
x+3 [… loads, hauls] stones […]
x+4 […] spends the night there.
x+5 […] with his phyle loading […] loading a craft.
x+6 […] sails [… Ro-She?] Khufu […]
x+7 […] with his phyle sails […] sleeps at [Ro]-She Khufu
x+8 […]
Wikipedia: Papyrus Jarf A und BWikipedia: Anchhaf