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The meaning of the world
01.03.2017 um 06:25Once, there were two gods. They discussed many things and learned from each other. One time, the second asked: "I saw, you worked much in your creation. The World you call it. Tell me, brother, what is the deeper meaning of it?"
And his goddess brother told him: "You want to see the deeper meaning of this world? - then go my friend! Search for it and tell me by yourself, what is the deeper meaning of the world!"
And the god went to the world.
He traveled from country to country, he swams trough the oceans and into the sea. He climbed to the highest mountains and the darkest caves. After 5000 years, he went back to his brother.
He said: "I travelled for 5000 years across your world. I saw a peacefull world, swam in the clearest water. I saw the fire of wars and my eyes looked down on the world from the highest place. I studied the oldest languages and broke lost codes in the ruins of death folks. I saw all meaningful things inside your world - but what of all the secrets are the deeper meaning of it?"
And his brother laughed to him and spoke: "None. None of them are mine. I created the world, but i didn't placed any secrets or hidden messages in it. All you saw, was what my creation did from itself. It filled the emptyness of life with its very own meaning."
But the brother got mad and yelled: "So i spent all the time in your world for nothing?!"
And his brother replied: "No, you found something very powerful and magical - the meaning of life"
And his goddess brother told him: "You want to see the deeper meaning of this world? - then go my friend! Search for it and tell me by yourself, what is the deeper meaning of the world!"
And the god went to the world.
He traveled from country to country, he swams trough the oceans and into the sea. He climbed to the highest mountains and the darkest caves. After 5000 years, he went back to his brother.
He said: "I travelled for 5000 years across your world. I saw a peacefull world, swam in the clearest water. I saw the fire of wars and my eyes looked down on the world from the highest place. I studied the oldest languages and broke lost codes in the ruins of death folks. I saw all meaningful things inside your world - but what of all the secrets are the deeper meaning of it?"
And his brother laughed to him and spoke: "None. None of them are mine. I created the world, but i didn't placed any secrets or hidden messages in it. All you saw, was what my creation did from itself. It filled the emptyness of life with its very own meaning."
But the brother got mad and yelled: "So i spent all the time in your world for nothing?!"
And his brother replied: "No, you found something very powerful and magical - the meaning of life"