Habe ich zwar heute schonmal hier reingesetzt, aber lest das mal, falls Ihr noch nicht gelesen haben solltet
http://www.realnewsreporter.com/?p=843EARTHQUAKE WARNING FROM RUSSIAN INSTITUTE of PHYSICS of the EARTH
Posted by Real News Reporter on March 12th, 2011
A new report released today in the Kremlin prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth, in Moscow, is warning that the America’s are in danger of suffering a mega-quake of catastrophic proportions during the next fortnight (14 days) with a specific emphasis being placed on the United States, Mexico, Central America and South American west coast regions along with the New Madrid Fault Zone region.
This report further warns that catastrophic earthquakes in Asia and the sub-continent are, also, “more than likely to occur” with the 7.3 magnitude quake in Japan today being “one of at least 4 of this intensity” to occur during this same time period.
Raising the concerns of a mega-quake occurring, this report says, are the increasing subtle electromagnetic signals that are being detected in the Earth’s upper atmosphere over many regions of the World, with the most intense being over the US Western coastal and Midwest regions.
Important to note are that Russian and British scientists are at the forefront of predicting earthquakes based on these subtle electromagnetic signals and have joined in an effort to put satellites in space to detect more of them.
More ominously in this report are Russian scientists confirming the independent analysis of New Zealand mathematician and long-range weather forecaster, Ken Ring, who predicted the deadly Christchurch quake and this week issued another warning of a quake to hit on or about March 20th.
Russische Wissenschaftler warnen vor Mega Beben in USA innerhalb der nächsten
14 Tage, bedingt durch den Anstieg/Intensität der elektromagnetischen Signale