@Selmaa Es sind leider keine angaben von wem der twitter ist dabei. Die nachricht ist mittlerweile von anderer seite dementiert worden:
Mr. Atilano said (unfortunately too late) that the president story was total nonsense. A typical rumor who starts to live his own live and was probably a setup by political opponents of Alpidio Armas.
He said the real reason is simply TOO MUCH VISITORS. In only 1 hour the webcam had more than 350000 visitors! Mr. Atilano said that they are working on a solution. A stronger server and more traffic capacity may solve the problem tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
http://earthquake-report.com/2011/09/25/el-hierro-canary-islands-spain-volcanic-risk-alert-increased-to-yellow/ (Archiv-Version vom 09.11.2011)(Auf dieser adresse findest du auch die von mir zitierte twitternachricht)
Aktueller stand:
Update 09/11 – 07:50 UTC :
Raymond Matabosch reports :
5:59: The activity is very strong in the jacuzzi and the successive explosions still show plumes of steam, ash and pyroclasts which rise in between 15 and 30 meters above the water surface. They are currently occurring 1 to 2 times per hour.
The top of the vent seems to rise gradually to the surface but it is still too deep (probably between 30 and 50 meters) for the bubbles to rise higher. With each explosion, in addition to the IGN listed earthquakes, the ground vibrates and the smell of sulfur near La Restinga and Puerto Naos are sometimes suffocating.
Dazu noch ein interessanter kommentar:
ER: The words of Raymond, who is really focused on the Las Calmas activity, are sometimes a little overheated . This is in part due his proximity to the action. Everybody who ever has visited a volcano in an increasing pre-eruptive phase knows what we are talking about).
Zur erklärung:
Las Calmas ist der name den die Mehrheit bei einer internetabstimmung gewählt hat. So soll der neue vulkan vor El Hierro und damit auch die neue kanaren insel heißen wenn es nach den usern im internet geht. Ob es so kommen wird steht noch nicht fest.