Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)Hallo zusammen
:)Wie alle braven Erdbebenverfolger schon mitbekommen haben gibt es einen starken Erdbebenschwarm in Oregon und in Chester, Kalifornien.
Da ich vermute, dass es zu einem stärkeren Beben in der Region um Oregon kommen wird, sah ich mich verpflichtet, dies dem USGS zu melden, folgendes Gespräch entwickelte sich:
Good morning, good afternoon.
I come from Austria.
I have already written to you one day before the big(great) earthquake in Haiti, in 2010.
In Oregon an earthquake will come that nobody expects.
Evacuate the population!
I ask you!
Hello -
We receive similar warnings all of the time, all over the world. Occasionally, a prediction comes close enough that people claim success, even if it is non-specific. A successful prediction would need to be location and date specific. For instance, where in Oregon is this supposed to occur, and what is the date range?
Greg Durocher
USGS Office of Communications & Publishing
Science Information Services - Anchorage, Alaska
Thank you for your response.
I fear that the earthquake will occur in the near future. (1 month)
In Lakeview, Oregon, where the earthquake swarm was.
I know that it is not possible to evacuate an entire population based on a "prediction".
But keep an eye on it, please!
(Forgive my bad english
:)I wish you a beautiful day without a strong earthquake!
Yes, there is the possibility that the current earthquake swarm that is occurring in N.W. Nevada could lead to a significantly larger event. The Nevada Seismological Laboratory has made that information public. The epicentral area is desert, and has little population. Lakeview, Oregon is about 70 km away from the swarm.
Greg Durocher
Es besteht die Gefahr, dass in Chester oder um Lakeview in Oregon ein starkes Erdbeben in den nächsten Tagen/Wochen auftreten wird.
Oder aber der Schwarm zieht weiter in der selben Linie.
Die nächste Station wäre dann ...