>>Es gibt viele menschen auf dieser welt die den Kuran auswändig können<<
darumgeht es garnicht, es gibt auch viele Menschen wo die Bibel auswendig können.
>>und auch die Hadithen des Propheten<<
Buhari = 7275 hadis
Müslim= 9200 hadis
Nesai = 5724 hadis
Ebu Davud = 5274 hadis
Tirmizi = 3951 hadis
İbn'u Mace = 4341 hadis
==>35.647 hadithe
Thename "Al-Sihah al-Sittah" translates literarly to "The Six Authentic", even though theyare not all considered authentic (sahih), except for the first two collections.
All six collectors of these ahadith lived in modern-day Iran or Uzbekistan
(unless Imam Malik is included.) Some were ethnically Persian, such as Bukhari [1]and Ibn Maja, while others were ethnically Arab, such as Imam Muslim (from the Qushayrtribe [2]) and Al-Tirmidhi (from the Banu Sulaym [3]).
Due to this, some peoplestate that they were all Persian and not Arabs
# Sahih Bukhari, collectedby al-Bukhari (d. 870), included 7275 hadiths
# Sahih Muslim, collected by Muslim b.al-Hajjaj (d. 875), included 9200
# Sunan al-Sughra, collected by al-Nasa'i (d. 915)
# Sunan Abi Da'ud, collected by Abu Da'ud (d. 888)
# Sunan al-Tirmidhi, collectedby al-Tirmidhi (d. 892)
# This one is disputed. Sometimes its referred to Al-Muwatta,collected by Imam Malik (d. 796) and sometimes it is referred to Sunan Ibn Maja,collected by Ibn Maja (d. 886). Some people even consider Sunan al-Darami to be the sixthone
Wikipedia: Six major Hadith collectionsAlleine die Hadithen Sammlungen der bekanntesten umfassen ja schon mehr
weit mehr als 30.000 Hadithe. Allgemeinhin sagen die Islamischen gelehrten,
dases insgesamt 2.000.000 Hadithe gäbe.
Also nur die bekanntesten zu kennen schonein Unding, aber ALLE wie du
behauptest ist absolutes Märchen. Träume ruhig weiter...