"als ob du hier der wiessenschaftler seihst................"
Nee, was wo imKoran steht weisst du schon besser.
Aber dann hörts halt auf.
Beim Rest kannich dir dann weiterhelfen, aber ich glaube, du fühlst dich ganz wohl in deiner kleineWelt göttlicher Geborgenheit ohne die NOtwendigkeit, das Ding zwischen den Ohren mal zubenutzen, gelle?
Aber naja, das sagt ja wohl einiges:
"Some skeptics, suchas historian and philosopher Richard Carrier, counter that certain scientific facts whichare said to be detailed in the Qur'an were known in the Middle East centuries before itwas written, or were "predicted" also by other people with no claims of divineinspiration, or are found in passages that are clearly rephrasals of the Hebrew Bible. Healso presents criticisms based on the translations and context of the verses presented asscientific facts. Others, such as Turkish physicist and philosopher Taner Edis, alsocounter that the Qur'an offers "VAGUE descriptions of natural phenomena" which are shownto be in agreement with modern science by using "STRETCHED OR ARBITRARY" interpretations.Further, Edis describes claims that the Quran refers to the expanding universe, paralleluniverses, and cosmic structural hierarchies as "BLATANTLY WRONG.""
Wikipedia: The relation between Islam and Science)