Es ist so weit - erste Reservate (KZs) für uns Ureinwohner
31.12.2012 um 18:09@the.smoker
Wenn man jeden mobbenden Vollidioten in einen Container sperren wollte, würde der verdammte Container-Hafen von Rotterdam nicht ausreichen.
Aber hier der passende Soundtrack: Philip Boa-Container Love: (Video: Phillip Boa-Container Love)
"40 years he was very lucky, was in love with his wife
when she suddenly died,
3 years of cry and horror - made him a lonely man.
when friends one day went out with him to get him some drinks
container love, the years have passed, the rainbow shows.
he fell in love, not far from there, decation grows.
container love, the sky's above, the rainbow shows
he fell in love, not far from death, decation grows...
he got married with drinks, he started to get into the clubs
he had no money, he drank out empty glasses.
then he cleaned the club - every day and night
cleaning the club was his profession.
years and years have passed,
he was in love with the container in the backyard of the club
and when the summer begins...he slept in the container...
not (only) for control, but for love.
don't touch his container!
it's his container!
he fell in love with his container!
nobody was allowed..."
the.smoker schrieb: auch nicht wenn dabei mobbing im spiel ist. es gibt schließlich noch andere strafmaßnahmen als mitteralterliche verbannungGenau, nehmen wir doch standrechtliches Erschiessen, das ist viel moderner. :D :D :D
Wenn man jeden mobbenden Vollidioten in einen Container sperren wollte, würde der verdammte Container-Hafen von Rotterdam nicht ausreichen.
Aber hier der passende Soundtrack: Philip Boa-Container Love:
"40 years he was very lucky, was in love with his wife
when she suddenly died,
3 years of cry and horror - made him a lonely man.
when friends one day went out with him to get him some drinks
container love, the years have passed, the rainbow shows.
he fell in love, not far from there, decation grows.
container love, the sky's above, the rainbow shows
he fell in love, not far from death, decation grows...
he got married with drinks, he started to get into the clubs
he had no money, he drank out empty glasses.
then he cleaned the club - every day and night
cleaning the club was his profession.
years and years have passed,
he was in love with the container in the backyard of the club
and when the summer begins...he slept in the container...
not (only) for control, but for love.
don't touch his container!
it's his container!
he fell in love with his container!
nobody was allowed..."