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Der Iran entwickelt keine Atomwaffen!
01.02.2012 um 11:01Der Iran entwickelt keine Atomwaffen.
Das jedenfalls sagte Leon Edward Panetta, United States Secretary of Defense. (Video: Panetta: Iran not trying to build a nuke, they are trying to build capability)
"To make them understand that they cannot continue to do what they’re doing. Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No. But we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability, and that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is, do not develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us."
Trotz dieses Wissens bereitet man den Krieg gegen den Iran vor. England schickt mehr und mehr Schiffe, die USA bereiten ein "Mutterschiff" für Spezialeinsätze vor.
Das jedenfalls sagte Leon Edward Panetta, United States Secretary of Defense.
"To make them understand that they cannot continue to do what they’re doing. Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No. But we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability, and that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is, do not develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us."
Trotz dieses Wissens bereitet man den Krieg gegen den Iran vor. England schickt mehr und mehr Schiffe, die USA bereiten ein "Mutterschiff" für Spezialeinsätze vor.