Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
14.12.2016 um 21:05"American-led intervention
According to SOHR, U.S.-led Coalition airstrikes have killed 6,455 people across Syria, of which: 5,508 dead were ISIL fighters, 152 Al-Nusra Front militants and other rebels, 90 government soldiers and 705 civilians. The air strikes occurred in the period between 22 September 2014 and 23 November 2016.[203]
Russian Intervention
According to SOHR, Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 10,503 people, of which: 2,911 were ISIL fighters, 3,108 militants from the Al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front and other rebel forces and 4,484 civilians. The air strikes occurred in the period between 30 September 2015 and 30 November 2016.[204]"
Wikipedia: Casualties of the Syrian Civil War
Soviel zu Russlands Hilfe, 4484 tote Zivilisten.
Syrien war schon immer durchmischt, es gibt (oder gab) Christen, Alaviten, etc. , Dörfer und Viertel,
mit welchem Recht werden die überrannt oder belagert?
According to SOHR, U.S.-led Coalition airstrikes have killed 6,455 people across Syria, of which: 5,508 dead were ISIL fighters, 152 Al-Nusra Front militants and other rebels, 90 government soldiers and 705 civilians. The air strikes occurred in the period between 22 September 2014 and 23 November 2016.[203]
Russian Intervention
According to SOHR, Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 10,503 people, of which: 2,911 were ISIL fighters, 3,108 militants from the Al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front and other rebel forces and 4,484 civilians. The air strikes occurred in the period between 30 September 2015 and 30 November 2016.[204]"
Wikipedia: Casualties of the Syrian Civil War
Soviel zu Russlands Hilfe, 4484 tote Zivilisten.
Jetzt mach aber mal einen Punkt. Was schiitische Enklaven?canales schrieb:Foah und Kefraya sind schiitische Enklaven...und sind nach wie vor nicht von den Rebellen überrannt worden.
Syrien war schon immer durchmischt, es gibt (oder gab) Christen, Alaviten, etc. , Dörfer und Viertel,
mit welchem Recht werden die überrannt oder belagert?
The UN said it also had government permission for access to Kefraya and Foah in the north but, unlike Madaya, these are besieged by rebel forces.http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35255012
The U.N. inquiry, composed of independent experts, has long denounced use of starvation by both sides in the Syrian conflict as a weapon of war, and has a confidential list of suspected war criminals and units from all sides which is kept in a U.N. safe in Geneva.http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-idUSKCN0UP0VM20160113