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bushs machenschaften!!!

22 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: USA, Bush ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
corey Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 19:44
Link: www.bushflash.com (extern) (Archiv-Version vom 15.07.2004)
Anhang: nuke.jpg (184 KB)
da ja bald die wahlen in dne usa anstehen wollte ich mit diesen videos noch zur aufklärung beitragen welch verbrecher im weißen haus sitzt!
kann ja sein dass nicht jeder davon weiß (lest stupid white man wirklich ein sehr gutes buch)
ich hoffe dass diese videos euch die augen öffnen und euch zeigen dass es so nicht weitergehen kann wenn bush nochmal gewählt wird wird es zu einem großen krieg kommen!
wahlbetrug kriege und morde gehen auf sein konto!!!

ich rate euch wirklich alle videos anzuschauen!!!

Es wäre leichter die Menschheit zu vernichten als sie zu verstehen (ich)
the whole thing i think its sick (slipknot)
Die Zeit ist ein Feind, denn wir uns selbst erschaffen haben(ich)

yo ehemaliges Mitglied

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bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 19:49
endlich mal ein thread zu bush :|

corey Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 19:50
vorher war ja immer nur USA jetzt servier ich euch den AUSLÖßER BUSH!!!!

Es wäre leichter die Menschheit zu vernichten als sie zu verstehen (ich)
the whole thing i think its sick (slipknot)
Die Zeit ist ein Feind, denn wir uns selbst erschaffen haben(ich)


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 20:24
Dieser Verbrecher muss weg!!!!!

Ein Kaktus der läuft ist ein Igel!


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 20:37
ich habe vor kurzem ein referat darüber gahalten, wei bush bei den wahlen vor vier jahren die wählen manipuliert hat. es ist auf englisch (aber das dürfte ja kein prob sein)
sollte dem ein oder anderen die augen öffnen:

English presentation - The American way of elections


Unbelievable, that I won,
I competed against peace, workers
and prosperity

(George Bush to Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson on the 14th of July 2001; he didn´ t realize, that the cameras were still running)

George W. Bush is the President of the United States of America. Since the end of the year 2000, when he officially won the presidential elections against the democrat AL Gore, George W. Bush has been the greatest man of the USA. But the ,man, who takes seat in the Oval Office of the White House is not the democratically elected President of the people, but a impostor and swindler, who cheated on his people to win the presidential elections with unfair and illegal means.
At the end of the evaluations Al Gore had 539898 votes more than Bush actually had. But why doesn’t he sit then at the top of the USA? SO how can such a cheat in a country with more than 250mio. inhabitans be possible at all? George W. Bush and his republican collaborators planned the cheat over a long time and only had just one thing in mind: George W. Bush must become the next President of the USA, no matter which means were to take.

Why Florida?
Why is Florida that important for George Bush? Florida is just a small part of the whole nation, isn´ t it?
In every state electors are elected. These people finally elect the President. The number of electors depends on the size of each state. There are 538 electors at all. The candidate, who wins the elections in a state gets every electors there.
There are states, in which the democrats have no chance to beat the republicans, but there are also states, where the republicans usually lose the elections. There are only 14 states, in which both have more or less the same number of supporters (just like Oregon, Washington and Florida).
But why is Florida now that important for the candidates?
Well, Florida has 25 electors and finally Al Gore would have had 267 electors, 21 more than George Bush, if Florida hadn´ t been cheated.
Al Gore would have won.
And that’s why Florida was so important.

Part 1
The preparations to cheat the elections in Florida started long before the real elections. It began so, that the brother of George W. Bush, Jeb Bush instructed Katherine Harris, head of electoral battle of the republicans and the Secretary of the Interior, to manipulate the lists of the voters.
It was Harris´ task to strike all the people who have ever commited a crime out of the register. After the electoral law in Florida criminal offenders are not allowed to vote. Harris and Bush knew that the result of Harris´ task would be that many black people were not allowed to vote. Besides they knew that the majority of the blacks would vote for the democrat Al Gore. With sorting out criminal offenders, 31% of all blacks in Florida were not allowed to vote. But Harris even continued and stroke those who never commited a crime in their life or just had police records for little things like insults off the electoral list. But how was such a manipulation possible at all?
The company Database Technologies was responsible for the evaluation of Florida´ s elections. Katherine Harris cultivated strong links to this company which was heavily oriented according to the republicans. Harris demanded to strike off as many citizens as possible, who in all probability won´ t vote for George W. Bush. Database then went through the lists and stroke off every citizen, who has ever commited a crime or had a police record. She even went further and stroke these people off, whose names sounded similar to those of offenders. Even voters with the same birthday as offenders were sorted out as well. An 80% agreement of the personal dates was enough for the person concerned to be stroken off the election lists forever.
On this way, Database stroke off more than 173000 voters of the democrats off the electoral list.
In Miami Dade, an electoral district of Florida, 66% of the voters stroken off were blacks, in Tampa it was 54%. But this was not enough and Database stroke further 8000 voters out off the list. A independent investigation of the New York Times after the Elections showed, that these People had commited a crime, but served it and therefore got back their right to vote.
After the votes, George W. Bush officially received 537 votes more than Al Gore at all. If you considered, that in the run- up to the elections already 173000 were sorted out, it becomes clear, that George Bush clearly would have lost in Florida.

Incredible things happened in the following 36 days. While Gore concentrated on the votes, which had to be recounted, the Bush-Team had its eye on the absentee voter. Many of the absentee voters were soldiers and they traditionally vote the republicans. Bush desperately needed those votes which were still lacking, although he denied thousands of people their franchise.
The election campaign committee of Bush ensured, that all available ballots are given away.
An investigation of the New York Times showed, that 680 ballots of the 2490 counted were wrong or questionably. Four of fife Voters from abroad voted for Bush, so 544 votes for Bush shouldn’t have been allowed.
Consequently his protrusion dwindled from 537 votes of the elections in Florida to minus 7 votes. As a consequence he should had lost the elections in Florida.
How could it be, that such a cheat could ever happen?
Republican collaborators assured, that as much ballots as possible from the ships of the US navy come in, but some even came in after the election day.
Now the republicans had to assure that as many ballots as possible were counted.
An here starts the actual cheat:
Katherine Harris charged Database Technologies, which counted the votes, to be as permissive as possible by the count of the absentee ballots. The law in Florida says, that the ballots are only going to be allowed if they arrive before or at the election day. Additionally the law says that the fiction and rejection of an absentee ballot depends on the electoral district of the voter, which clarifies, why only 2 of 10 ballots with an indefinite postmark in the electoral district, where Gore wins, were allowed, and in the electoral district of Bush 6 of 10.
When the democrats complained about ballots which were allowed, but which were not up to the mark, the republicans waged a PR-campaign.
They wanted to suggestive that the democrats wanted to deprive the elective franchise of those people, who risked their lives for their country, only because of a wrong postmark.
the democrats were affected by this measure and they allowed the assessment of ballots from soldiers in action in spite of a wrong postmark.
The New York Times reported in the period following:

- 344 ballots had no clue of a surrender in time
- 183 ballots had no Postmark
- 96 ballots had no verification of a witness
- 169 ballots had no signature and came from unregistered voters or from some who hadn’t applied for absentee ballot
- 19 absentee voters sent two ballots and both were counted

All those ballots were invalid, but they were counted anyway.

But how could those cheats have been smothered up, especially in such an important democratic country? the whole world was blind to this cheat, but the question is why!
The first trick George W. Bush used was to get the ok of the people in the USA. The same night after the elections, the manager of FOX News Channel (One of the most important channels in USA), John Ellis, the cousin of George W. Bush said on TV that Bush was the winner. He actually wasn’t the winner at this point of time, but nearly every other channel started to proclaim Bush as President, because they didn’t want to be misinformed. In fact at this Point of time, the elections in Tallahassee hadn’t been finished yet and Bush didn’t lead.
That’s why Al Gore and his Democrats would have had the problem to be a bad loser if they had fought against this election and had persisted in recountings. But they did.
The first plan failed, but how was Bush able to manipulate the recountings in Florida to win and nobody noticed anything? As long as he lead, nothing happened. But at 2 pm on December 12th, it was reported that Gore was only 66 votes behind Bush and is steadily getting closer. At quarter to three the Supreme Court stopped the recountings with the reason: ” The counting of votes that are of questionable
legality does in my view threaten irreparable harm to
petitioner, and to the country, by casting a cloud upon
what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election”
But why did the supreme court stop recounting the votes at a moment when everything became exciting about who is becoming the real President?

To make this clear, let’s take a closer look on the judges.
- The two most important Judges, Sandra Day O´Connner and William Rhenquist were Republicans and wanted to retire in a republican America, because they were about 70 years old at this point of time
- The Judge Clarence Thomas had good contacts to George W. Bush.
- The son of Judge Antonia Scalia, called Eugene Scalia, was a lawyer and worked for a company which represented George W. Bush in court.
That’s probably the most important reason why the Supreme Court stopped the recountings in Florida at December 12th
Finally it can be said, that the elections in USA weren’t much better than the elections in any bananarepublic. The Republicans manipulated and cheated, so that George W. Bush became President.

John Kerry should keep his eyes open!

mein sonnenschein: fernsehn, sulfosalze, bier, schwedinen, kirschen, die toten hosen und bettina zimmermann.
visit http://www.csherrmann.com (Archiv-Version vom 17.08.2004)


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 20:54
yes! because harris is cooking up some cheating-soup again.

Ein Kaktus der läuft ist ein Igel!


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 21:36
boah! respekt. das hast du geschrieben? ne menge Gedult braucht man dafür bestimmt.

"Und er wird jede Träne von ihren Augen abwischen..." (Offenbarung 21:4)


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 21:45
Ja JFK führt derzeit nach Umfragen....


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 21:46
Umfragen sind leider noch keine Wahlen!

Ein Kaktus der läuft ist ein Igel!


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 21:49


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 21:50
...sind auch keine gewonnenen Wahlen ein Garant für die Presidentschaft, wie man ja bei den letzten Wahlen in den USA gesehen hat...


bushs machenschaften!!!

14.07.2004 um 22:22
oder bildung sebulon, und interesse, und daran scheint's dir zu mangeln... aber du hast ja immer noch deinen glauben an die bibel, gratuliere ;)

look who you are:
just a member of society-
in a tragic comedy,
pretending it will be ok.


bushs machenschaften!!!

15.07.2004 um 02:08
http://www.themedianews.com/DAGGER/Video/Bush_NBC/WMV_56k.wmv (Archiv-Version vom 06.06.2004)

anschauen und kommentieren bitte

man muss nur richtig hinsehen.........


bushs machenschaften!!!

15.07.2004 um 04:16
Guter Aufsatz.

Wenn der Vorhang fällt sieh hinter die Kulissen, die Bösen sind oft gut und die Guten sind gerissen. (FK)Jeder hat seine eigene Wahrheit und jeder geht seinen eigenen Weg. Warum also streiten? (ich)Die Realität ist eine Illusion, nur wer das erkennt ist wirklich Frei! (ich)

apo ehemaliges Mitglied

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bushs machenschaften!!!

18.07.2004 um 13:33
jaja, war am freitag auf dem die ärzte konzert in darmstadt, und die waren von bush wohl auch net so angetan, zitat:

"auch frau merkel hat einen chef. und der sitzt in washington! hallo bushi, falls du uns jetzt hörst: du bist ein arschloch. aber kopfhoch, nachdem du ab november nicht mehr präsident bist, bleibste bestimmt weiterhin ein arschloch."

- gott sei dank bin ich atheist
- jede kuh wird in der eu pro tag mit 2 euro subventioniert. ich mag kühe, aber wann investiert die eu das geld endlich in universitäten?
- no more bushit!


bushs machenschaften!!!

18.07.2004 um 13:56
@the shadow
Ein bisschen mager.
Bsuh gehört zu Skull & Bones, ist aber sehr geheim!
Ansonsten sehr wenig und absolut keine Aussage!

Soviel zu diesem Video.

Ein Kaktus der läuft ist ein Igel!


bushs machenschaften!!!

18.07.2004 um 18:22

du hast das geschrieben? hab ich erst nach dem Lesen erfahren.

Ja ganz gut, und die Erklärung leuchtet ein.

Und darum sollte man wissen, dass auch jetzt geschummelt werden wird.

Eines Palladium hast du aber ganz und gar vergessen, der Gouvernür von Florida, in dem dieser betrug möglich wurde ist der Bruder von George Bush. Der hat doch sicher alles abgesegnet.

Und welche Rolle spielen die "Exilkubaner" wie ist das Haus Barcardy, als Revolutionsgegener darin verwickelt?

Darum ist Florida wichtig, werd die Exilanten bacuhpinselt, bekommt en Block ne ganze menge Stimmen.

Was war mit den seltsamen missdeutbaren Stimmzetteln?

Mit den Altenparadis Bewohnern, denen man die Stimmen in die Hand legte?

All dies, muss auch beachtet werden.


bushs machenschaften!!!

18.07.2004 um 20:20
Das kann sogar alles nachgelesen werden in:

Stupid white Men

von Michael Moore.

Ein Kaktus der läuft ist ein Igel!


bushs machenschaften!!!

18.07.2004 um 23:29
Man sollte nicht allem Bsuh zu übel nehmen.
Bush ist doch nur ein kleines Kind, das spielen will... schau ihn dir an :
nettes kleines Bildchen, es ist kein fake ! :)
http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~tubbs/images/humour/bush.jpg (Archiv-Version vom 09.06.2004)

Die waren Verbrecher sind die Ölfabrikanten, die sich in der Bush-administration tummeln unter anderem auch so Namen wie (Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell).


bushs machenschaften!!!

18.07.2004 um 23:55
@ thot666 .... ich sagte doch GUTE beiträge.....so'n alter hut ist net GUT.......strang dich mal an!!!

man muss nur richtig hinsehen.........


bushs machenschaften!!!

19.07.2004 um 00:00

omg, das beweist alles, alles wird mir plötzlich klar, hitler kommt zurück, die abdeckungen sind keine, es ist eine kommunikationseinrichtung, mit der er die aldebaraner schiffe auf die erde ruft........

bitte bitte bitte gib mir solch eindeutige bilder für deine theorien

Ich mach euch eure träume kaputt........ und fühl mich gut dabei
