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Massengrab in der Türkei gefunden
06.11.2006 um 19:25Suchfunktion wollte ich benutzen ABER die hat mich immer wieder zur Startseite gebracht:

“Found by Villagers; Covered upby the Military”
[October 30, 2006]
Turkish gendarmeriehas instructed local villagers of a southeastern region to keep silence about a recentlydiscovered mass burial site that might contain skeletons of massacred Armenians.
The mass burial, believed to be from the Armenian Genocide, was discovered insoutheastern Turkey's Mardin region on October 17, 2006.
According toÜlkede Özgür Gündem , a Kurdish newspaper published in Turkish, villagers from Xirabebaba(Kuru) were digging a grave for one of their relatives when they came across to a cavefull of skulls and bones of reportedly 40 people.
The Xirabebaba residentsassumed they had uncovered a mass grave of 300 Armenian villagers massacred during theGenocide of 1915. They informed Akarsu Gendarmerie headquarters, the local military unit,about the discovered cave. Turkish army officers, according to Ülkede Özgür Gündem,instructed the villagers to blockade the cave entrance and make no mention about theskeletons. The officers said an investigation would take place.
ÜlkedeÖzgür Gündem reported on the developments and the Turkish military's attempt to hide thenews. In an October 22, 2006 article, titled “Found by Villagers; Covered up by theMilitary,” the newspaper wrote that soldiers from Akarsu gendarmerie headquarters came tothe site, covered the cave entrance and took photographs. Journalists, who had arrived toobtain more information, were denied access to the cave.
Although there hadbeen prior instances of finding mass burial sites believed to be from the ArmenianGenocide, this was the first incident when such a discovery was reported by a dailynewspaper in Turkey.
As the mass burial made news, local gendarmerie madeanother visit to the villagers. The latter were pressed to report the name of the personwho leaked the mass burial discovery to the press. The officers told the villagers thatthe news reported by Roj TV, an international Kurdish satellite television, and ÜlkedeÖzgür Gündem were “all lies.” The villagers were warned not to show the way to the caveto anybody.
The victims of the mass grave, according to SödertörnUniversity History Professor David Gaunt, are most likely the 150 Armenian and 120 Syriacmales, heads of their families, from the nearby town of Dara (now Oguz) killed on June14, 1915.
The Armenian and Syriac residents were marched out of the town,and only one person was known to have escaped to tell of what had happened, Prof. Gauntsays. According to the Syriac survivor, his marching neighbors were murdered and theirbodies were placed in a well. “The mass burial in this cave suggests that the two groupscould have been killed in separate places, and that the Armenians were put into thiscave, while the Syriacs were put in a well,” Prof. Gaunt, whose “Massacres, Resistance,Protectors: Muslim-Christian Relations in Eastern Anatolia during World War I” book comesout November, 2006, concludes.
The Turkish government officially denies thegenocide of over a million Armenians, accompanied with massacres of thousands of Syriacsand other minorities, which took place in what is now eastern Turkey during WWI.
Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 08.03.2007)
Sorry fürdas Englisch, hoffe einige können's lesen ;)

“Found by Villagers; Covered upby the Military”
[October 30, 2006]
Turkish gendarmeriehas instructed local villagers of a southeastern region to keep silence about a recentlydiscovered mass burial site that might contain skeletons of massacred Armenians.
The mass burial, believed to be from the Armenian Genocide, was discovered insoutheastern Turkey's Mardin region on October 17, 2006.
According toÜlkede Özgür Gündem , a Kurdish newspaper published in Turkish, villagers from Xirabebaba(Kuru) were digging a grave for one of their relatives when they came across to a cavefull of skulls and bones of reportedly 40 people.
The Xirabebaba residentsassumed they had uncovered a mass grave of 300 Armenian villagers massacred during theGenocide of 1915. They informed Akarsu Gendarmerie headquarters, the local military unit,about the discovered cave. Turkish army officers, according to Ülkede Özgür Gündem,instructed the villagers to blockade the cave entrance and make no mention about theskeletons. The officers said an investigation would take place.
ÜlkedeÖzgür Gündem reported on the developments and the Turkish military's attempt to hide thenews. In an October 22, 2006 article, titled “Found by Villagers; Covered up by theMilitary,” the newspaper wrote that soldiers from Akarsu gendarmerie headquarters came tothe site, covered the cave entrance and took photographs. Journalists, who had arrived toobtain more information, were denied access to the cave.
Although there hadbeen prior instances of finding mass burial sites believed to be from the ArmenianGenocide, this was the first incident when such a discovery was reported by a dailynewspaper in Turkey.
As the mass burial made news, local gendarmerie madeanother visit to the villagers. The latter were pressed to report the name of the personwho leaked the mass burial discovery to the press. The officers told the villagers thatthe news reported by Roj TV, an international Kurdish satellite television, and ÜlkedeÖzgür Gündem were “all lies.” The villagers were warned not to show the way to the caveto anybody.
The victims of the mass grave, according to SödertörnUniversity History Professor David Gaunt, are most likely the 150 Armenian and 120 Syriacmales, heads of their families, from the nearby town of Dara (now Oguz) killed on June14, 1915.
The Armenian and Syriac residents were marched out of the town,and only one person was known to have escaped to tell of what had happened, Prof. Gauntsays. According to the Syriac survivor, his marching neighbors were murdered and theirbodies were placed in a well. “The mass burial in this cave suggests that the two groupscould have been killed in separate places, and that the Armenians were put into thiscave, while the Syriacs were put in a well,” Prof. Gaunt, whose “Massacres, Resistance,Protectors: Muslim-Christian Relations in Eastern Anatolia during World War I” book comesout November, 2006, concludes.
The Turkish government officially denies thegenocide of over a million Armenians, accompanied with massacres of thousands of Syriacsand other minorities, which took place in what is now eastern Turkey during WWI.
Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 08.03.2007)
Sorry fürdas Englisch, hoffe einige können's lesen ;)