@Glünggi @cbarkyn @Masterblunt @DCWS
Masterblunt schrieb:Hilfe für Kurdenhochburg
Arabische Kämpfer erreichen überraschend Kobane
Die Aktion der "FSA"-Kämpfer ist sehr undurchsichtig,
wie soll man da trauen,
Erst gab es noch Absprachen,
Kurden waren aber eher abgeneigt.
"Speaking at a news conference during a visit to Estonia, Erdogan said his side was working on details of the route of passage for the FSA fighters, indicating that they would access Kobani via Turkey.
But Moslem said talks between Abdul Jabbar al-Aqidi, top commander of the FSA, and the armed wing of the Kurdish PYD were continuing about the potential role of FSA rebels.
"There are already groups with links to the FSA in Kobani helping us," he said.
It would be far preferable, Moslem said, for the FSA to open a second front against ISIS in Syria. "Politically we have no objections to FSA....But in my opinion, if they really would like to help, then their forces should open another front; such as from Tel Abyad or Jarablus," he said.
http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Oct-24/275214-erdogan-says-kurdish-pyd-agrees-to-allow-1300-fsa-fighters-to-kobani-tallinn.ashx?utm_source=Magnet&utm_medium=Entity%20page&utm_campaign=Magnet%20tools#axzz3Hec0Q7QB"Meanwhile, a small contingent of Syrian rebels was reported to have arrived in Kobani on Wednesday to join the battle against the Islamic State there. The precise number of rebel fighters was unknown. A rebel who claimed to command the group, Abdul Jabbar al Akidi, told the Cumhuriyet newspaper in Turkey that 200 fighters had arrived from Aleppo and Idlib province to help the Kurdish defenders of Kobani fend off the Islamic State.
The new arrivals drove into Kobani from Turkey and appear to be backed by the Turkish government.
Read more here:
http://www.fresnobee.com/2014/10/29/4205467/syria-rebels-plead-for-us-help.html#storylink=cpyDieser Abdul Jabbar al-Aqidi zeigte sich voll befreundet mit IS, sowie verteidigte alNusra in Interview, erklärte sie seien Brüder,
wie soll man ihm geschweige seinen Truppen trauen, dass die wirklich Kurden helfen..
"After the battle, Col. Abdul Jabbar al-Okaidi, the head of the United States-backed opposition's Aleppo military council, appeared in a video alongside Abu Jandal, a leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
In camouflage, Colonel Okaidi offered thanks to "our brothers al-Muhajireen wal Ansar and others," adding: "We're here to kiss every hand pressed on the trigger." He then ceded the floor to Abu Jandal and a mix of jihadist and Free Syrian Army leaders, who stood together, each praising his men, like members of a victorious basketball team."
http://www.longwarjournal.org/threat-matrix/archives/2013/08/free_syrian_army_commander_cel.php#ixzz3HertX4k2"Abduljabbar Akidi the commander of FSA stand with IS fighters and say that they are his brothers "