gestern wurden doch massengräber in einer kohlemine gemeldet, hier der osce berich davon :
..The ‘military police’ of ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’ (‘DPR’) told the SMM that three unmarked graves allegedly containing multiple bodies had been found; two of them were located in a coal mine Komunar near the village Nyzhnia Krynka (35km north-east of Donetsk) and one inside the village. The SMM proceeded to the scene and saw in the coal mine two areas located fifty metres apart, each containing two human bodies. All four corpses were in the process of decomposition. The SMM also saw eight 9mm Makarov pistol cartridges approximately five meters away from the bodies. Near the road on the edge of the village, the SMM observed a pile of earth resembling a grave which had a stick with a plaque, written in Russian and containing the names (or in one case – initials) of five individuals. The plaque indicated that the individuals died on 27.08.2014. On top of the plaque there was another inscription saying: ‘Died for Putin’s lies’. Neither in the coal mine nor in the village did the SMM see any forensic experts. COMMENT: The SMM cannot provide a forensic assessment of the sites....., jede meldung aus dem krisengebiet muss geprüft werden, denn die gestern gemeldeten berichte hörten sich dramatischer an, für mich persönlich sind 5 leichen in gräbern kein massengrab (da verstehe ich dutzend und mehr tote, wobei jeder tote einer zuviel ist und das recht auf eine ordentlich beerdigung hat, alleine schon für die hinterbliebenen!)