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Der arabische Aufstand hat jetzt auch Syrien erfasst
30.09.2012 um 19:16Die Türkei und Ägypten, Mursi und Erdogan, Seite an Seite gegen Assad. Und noch viel interessanter die Präsenz von Khaled Mashaal, Chef der Hamas, eigentlich ehemals Verbündete Assads wie Teherans. Da tun sich ganz neue Gräben auf. da verschieben sich paar Querverbindungen die Wochen.
Auch interessant das gerade am Vortag, in solchen Zeiten, die Türkei wie Jordanien verkündeten wieder einen Botschafter nach Israel zu senden. Da ist Tauzeit angebrochen.
Assad eint seine Gegner, über paar Gräben hinweg.
Auch interessant das gerade am Vortag, in solchen Zeiten, die Türkei wie Jordanien verkündeten wieder einen Botschafter nach Israel zu senden. Da ist Tauzeit angebrochen.
Turkey, Egypt slam Syrian regime (Archiv-Version vom 30.09.2012)
30 September 2012 / AP, ANKARA
Turkey and Egypt sought to boost their alliance in a turbulent region on Sunday, unleashing harsh criticism of the Syrian regime and pledging joint support for the Palestinian cause.
Egypt's new president, Mohammed Morsi, addressed a major congress of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's ruling party, amid signs that a partnership between their two countries is emerging, and said they both plan to stand by Palestinians and the Syrian people.
"Our common goal is to support other people who are standing up against their administrations or regimes, to support Palestine and the Syrians in their efforts," Mursi said.
"The events in Syria are the tragedy of the century," Morsi said. "We will be on the side of the Syrian people until the bloodshed ends, the cruel regime is gone and Syrian people reach their just rights."
In his speech to the congress, which is marking the ruling Justice and Development party's decade in power, Erdoğan promised that Turkey, which is host to some 88,000 Syrian refuges as well as Syrian opposition groups, would continue to support the Syrian people wanting to oust the regime of President Bashar Assad.
He appealed to Russia, China and Iran to stop backing the regime.
"We call on Russia, China as well as Iran: please review your stance. History will not forgive those who stand together with cruel regimes," he said.
With Khaled Mashaal, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic militant group Hamas also present, Erdoğan said Turkey is determined to speak out against what he called Israel's "state terrorism" in the region and praised Morsi for his support to Palestinians.
Assad eint seine Gegner, über paar Gräben hinweg.