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Luka Magnotta

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Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 09:49
Ja ich finde es auch sehr krass wie das heut zu Tage abläuft.

Aber wenn dann sollte man auf diese kranken Fans los gehen und nicht uns an den Pranger stellen. Wir haben ja nicht geschrieben LUKA wir lieben dich, heirate mich , ich will ein Kind von dir du bist unser Held und es ist super spitzen Klasse was du da für eine Show abgezogen hast.

Naja egal ob wir uns jetzt darüber aufregen oder ob in China ein Sack Reis umfällt, das kommt doch aufs gleiche hinnaus.

Ist nur schade wie manche Leute sich hier nenehmen.

Zurück zum Thema.... wir sind ja schon wieder off Topic *** LOOOOOOOL***

Mich nervt es voll das man jetzt keine neuen Infos bekommt... was sollen wir bloß tun? Es sind noch 9 Monate bis die endlich mal zu potte kommen.

Sagt mal wie lange hat es jetzt noch mal bei Breivik gedauert... von der Tag bis zum Urteil? War das jetzt echt genauso lange? Ich weiß es gar nicht mehr.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 09:51
Ich glaube ich hab das gestern noch im Radio gehört. Die Tat ist ca. ein Jahr her. Aber direkt danach wurden ja auch alle Details veröffentlicht


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 09:51
sorry ich schreibe ja schon wieder eine scheiße ich meinte erstens benehmen und nicht nenehmen und zweitens bei Breivik von der Tat bis zum Urteil....

Man ich muss mir angewöhnen den Text immer noch mal zu lesen bevor ich ihn abschicke.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 09:53
ja stimmt auch da wurde so einiges veröffentlicht und bei Luka gibt es nur das Tatvideo, die Infos mit den Paketen und that's it.

Gut dann sind da noch die paar Angehörigen die jetzt ne Chance auf Medienpräsenz erhoffen aber sonst.

Also wäre das mein Sohn oder so... ich würde mich gar nicht mehr auf die Str. trauen.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 09:54
Ich denke auch, dass die Familie von LM untergetaucht ist...


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 09:59
ja es ist beides krass. Natürlich für die Eltern des toten, das auf jeden Fall.
Aber auch für die Eltern von Luka. Ich wüsste gar nicht was ich machen sollte wenn ich ein Kind hätte das solch ein Video ins Netz stellt... worauf man genaustens sieht was er einem armen anderen Menschen so schlimmes angetan hat.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 12:03
Guten Tag all:)
In den Nachrichten wird auch nichts mehr berichtet über Luka Magnotta.Über Breivik hab ich gelesen,dass er angeblich in Notwehr gehandelt hat.Er wollte die Eurpäische Welt vor der Islamisierung retten und er drohe mit weiteren Terroranschlägen.Naja es läuft wohl alles darauf hinaus das er als krank abgestempelt werden soll.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 13:48
Hab das noch im Net gefunden.

Luka Rocco Magnotta

Bisexual porn star, possible kitten killer, murderer


Luka Magnotta is a Canadian model and bisexual pornstar who has been in the news for two separate incidents. He is known for allegedly dating serial killer Karla Homolka (which he completely denies), and for suffocating two kittens on YouTube.

Homolka is best known for killing three schoolgirls and getting out within 12 years after testifying against her husband. Magnotta claims to have never met her and has claimed to have lost both sleep and his dog over the incident.

The kitten killing video is what has really angered the internet. Animal rights websites as well as 4chan have jumped on the model. $5000 was raised as reward money to whoever could identify the man in the kitten video.


There are many different possible real names, birthdays, and origins for Magnotta. What we do know is that he is between 25-29 and Magnotta is not his real name. Luka claims to have gotten cosmetic surgery to look more like James Dean.

Rise to fame

Mr Magnotta has been embroiled in a series of sexual deviancy. On May 20th, Mr Magnotta perpetrated one of his worst crimes yet - homicide[1]. According to Montreal Police, Magnotta, 29, is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant and police are asking for the public's help to find him. Police also said Magnotta knew the victim whose dismembered corpse was found in Montreal on Tuesday, but have yet to identify the victim. In a brilliant example of foresight, Mr Magnotta proceeded to send the corpse to the offices of the Federal Conservative Party of Canada. Needless to say, this resulted in a massive shitstorm in the old media. A little after a week, parts of the corpse turned up in British Columbian schools. His victim's elderly parents arrived at Trudeau international airport on June 6th, from Wuhan, China. A fund has been established to cover thier expenses.

Current status

German police report he was caught in Berlin [3]. He is currently in prison, following extradition back to Canada, awaiting trial befoore the quebec supreme court.

• Luka Magnotta has an IQ of 65;_ylu=X3oDMTByMTNuNTZzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=11tgop6rc/EXP=1340480573/**http%3a//


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 13:50
Sein Account bei MySpace wurde nun endlich mal gelöscht.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 13:59
Den Artikel hab ich auch noch gefunden.Anscheinend hat er "methamphetamine"eingenommen.

Luka Rocco Magnotta: Anatomy Of A Suspected Killer

Posted: 06/04/2012 2:23 pm Updated: 06/06/2012 10:28 am

Cannibalism, Crime, Video, Canada Crime, Luka Rocco Magnotta, Park Dietz, Scott Bonn, Who Is Luka Rocco Magnotta, Cannibal, Crime News, Lin Jun, Luka Rocco Magnotta, Necrophilia, Serial Killers, Slideexpand, Who Is Luka Magnotta, Crime News

To those who knew him, suspected killer Luka Rocco Magnotta -- who allegedly dismembered a man and ate parts of his body before sending other parts to political party offices in Canada -- was a nice guy and a friendly neighbor. To others, he was a man who bragged about a desire to kill.

•Luka Rocco Magnotta Arrested In Berlin
•Five Bizarre Acts Of Human Flesh Eating
•More Luka Rocco Magnotta Coverage

Police in Montreal, believe the 29-year-old, low-budget porn actor carried out a brutal murder on or about May 25, which he allegedly recorded and uploaded to the Internet. The victim has been identified as 33-year-old Lin Jun, a Chinese student at Montreal's Concordia University reported missing on May 24.

Magnotta was captured in Berlin, Germany, on Monday, after authorities in Canada issued a countrywide arrest warrant for Magnotta and he was added to Interpol's list of wanted persons. Magnotta, who is being held pending an international extradition, faces charges of first-degree murder, committing an indignity on a dead body, publishing obscene material, mailing "obscene, indecent, immoral or scurrilous" material and criminally harassing Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and several unnamed members of Parliament, police said.

While details of the arrest are still unfolding, authorities are learning much about the man they said is responsible for the killing.

According to police and Interpol, Magnotta is from Scarborough, Ontario. Born Eric Clinton Newman on July 24, 1982 to Anna Yourkin and Donald Newman, he legally changed his name to Luka Rocco Magnotta in 2006. He also has been known to use the aliases Vladimir Romanov and Mattia Del Santo.

An article attributed to Magnotta at claims he endured sexual abuse when he was younger and suffered from mental illness. The validity of the statements remains unclear.

Magnotta's immediate family lives in Peterborough, Ontario. His mother has declined requests for an interview. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a close relative told The Ottawa Citizen that the family has not had any recent contact with Magnotta.

"He hurt us when he was younger and we haven't been in contact with him in a while. We heard about all of this on the news, and then the police called and asked us to let them know if he calls us," the relative said.

An unidentified neighbor of the family told The Toronto Star that Magnotta last visited the family a year ago and set a fire inside a second-floor closet, causing $60,000 in damage. Authorities have yet to confirm Magnotta was responsible for the blaze.

In an online interview posted to, Magnotta did not mention his family, but he did claim he is involved in adult films and modeling.

"I started when I was 20 years old. It was in Los Angeles, and I was doing webcam shows. I was approached by an agent, and he explained the business to me," he said, according to the website.

The article states Magnotta has performed in more than 12 movies and has appeared in dozens of magazines, under different stage names.

The Luca Rocco Magnotta Case

In September 2007, Magnotta was interviewed by The Toronto Sun. He claimed rumors that he had dated the infamous Canadian serial murderer Karla Homolka had ruined his life.

"I want to set the record straight," he said. "I not only have never dated Karla, I have never even met her."

Magnotta said he received death threats from people and was in therapy. "I have lost modeling jobs and have been receiving death threats," he said. "People are so stupid because I don't even know Karla Homolka."

On Thursday, the reporter who interviewed Magnotta, Joe Warmington, recalled the 2007 interview in an article for The Toronto Sun.

"He might have been the creepiest person I have ever interviewed," Warmington wrote. "I can't think of anybody weirder. I mean this guy was really out there. Coherent but not connecting."

The reporter added, "When I met him he wasn't unlikable but definitely transfixed [in] his own world -- speaking in a dull monotone voice, his eyes at times [glazed] over."

Magnotta was in the spotlight again two years ago when he was targeted by animal-rights activists, who allege he filmed himself torturing and killing cats and posted the videos online. In one of the videos, a live kitten was fed to a python. In another, a kitten was suffocated inside a plastic bag by using a vacuum cleaner to suck out the air.

When The Sun questioned Magnotta about the animal murders, he allegedly responded with an email sent in December that read, in part: "In the near future you will be hearing from me again. This time, however, the victims won't be small animals.

"I will however, send you a copy of the new video I'm going to be making. You see, killing is different than smoking ... with smoking you can actually quit. Once you kill and taste blood it's impossible to stop."

According to Scott A. Bonn, who researches serial killers and is an assistant professor of sociology at Drew University, the killing of animals is frequently a precursor to serial homicide.

"Approximately 40 percent of captured serial killers admit to torturing or killing animals prior to their first human killing," Bonn said.

The Sun notified authorities of the email Magnotta allegedly sent them about his next video, but the investigation reportedly fizzled.

Three months later, in March of this year, a blog post allegedly written by Magnotta and titled "Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta" appeared online. In it, he allegedly wrote:

"It's not cool to the world being a necrophiliac. It's bloody lonely. But I don't really care, I have never cared what people thought of me, most people are judgmental idiots. I'm unable to talk to anybody about it and there's always the knowledge that 99% of people would be repulsed by me if they found out about my feelings. Some people would even want to harm me."

In another article, Magnotta allegedly authored a step-by-step guide on how to disappear and start a new life in another country.

It was roughly four months ago that Magnotta moved into Apartment 208 on Décarie Boulevard in Montreal's Snowdon neighborhood. The superintendent, Eric Schoer, told The National Post that Magnotta was paying $490 per month for the apartment.

"He seemed like a really nice guy, really," Schoer said. "It's like you see on TV all the time ... It's almost a cliche or a joke."

Speaking with the same newspaper, neighbor Derek MacKinnon, an actor who played the role of a killer in the 1980 horror film "Terror Train," said he had spoken with Magnotta in the past and that he had recently been invited to hang out with him.

"He said, 'You've never been to my apartment, why don't you come up?' And I didn't, thank God," MacKinnon said.

Luka Magnotta

Lin Jun's homicide was the 11th to occur in Montreal this year, according to Montreal police. The investigation began to unfold Tuesday morning, when his torso was found in a suitcase near Magnotta's apartment.

Later that morning, authorities were called to the headquarters of the Conservative Party of Canada to investigate a suspicious package. Inside, they found Jun's severed foot and a note, indicating the sender planned to kill again, police said. A second body part -- Jun's severed hand -- was found that night inside a package at the Ottawa Postal Terminal. The package had been addressed to the Liberal Party of Canada.

Other body parts belonging to Jun were found at the apartment building, Montreal Police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere told The New York Times. However, police have yet to recover all of the victim's body.

As the investigation continues, it has emerged that Magnotta had allegedly filmed Jun's murder and posted it online. The film, titled, "1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick," is more than 10 minutes long. It shows a naked male being attacked with an icepick and a knife. The victim is brutally stabbed multiple times, decapitated and dismembered. During the film, the killer masturbates with a severed arm, appears to devour a piece of flesh he sawed from the victim's buttocks and has sex with the headless torso.

The video was posted to on May 25. The website described the video as the "most horrific shock video to have been released to date."

The Huffington Post acquired a copy of the video Friday, however, it is far too graphic to post.

A motive in the killing remains unclear.

Forensic consultant Park Dietz told HuffPost that most killers who dismember a body do so for practical reasons -- to prevent identification or to make the body easier to conceal or dispose of. Some might even do so as a means of symbolism or to shock those who discover or learn of the dismemberment. There are, however, some who dismember a corpse for psychopathological reasons.

"Where dismemberment reflects perversion, sexually significant parts of the body are a focus, but this is not limited to genitals or breasts and may include feet, legs, or whatever part of the body is sexually significant to the killer," Dietz said.

Dietz is president of Park Dietz & Associates, which has given court testimony or consultation on numerous serial killer cases, including those involving Jeffrey Dahmer, the Green River murders and the D.C. snipers.

"One of the body parts Jeffrey Dahmer kept from some victims was their biceps, which had sexual significance to him. Men who dismember for sexually perverse reasons are usually classified as sexual sadists or necrophiliacs, and the older literature sometimes called them necrosadists or lust murderers," Dietz said.

Drew University professor Bonn shares a similar view.

"Based on what has been reported, it sounds like Magnotta is a sexual sadist and a psychopathic mission killer," Bonn said. "His mission is to create widespread terror and to shock the world. He targets men of power in the government with his messages of hate and retaliation. He is like an anarchist or terrorist ... He seeks attention and acclaim for his crimes."

Nina Arsenault, who claims she was romantically involved with Magnotta in the past, told Toronto's City News that he was a "pathological liar" who used methamphetamine and would "do anything to be famous."

"He would joke about killing animals. He would joke about killing people," Arsenault said. "He said, 'I'm afraid when you look in my eyes ... that you'll see that there's nothing inside of me.' To me he was a fucked-up kid."

On a Facebook page that appears to be Magnotta's, he wrote, "There is [sic] such things as monsters, demons and ghosts. They live inside of us, and sometimes they win."

Much about the case remains unresolved, but one thing is certain -- Magnotta quickly went from being a relatively-unknown porn actor to an internationally known accused killer.

If you know Luka Magnotta personally, please email this author at;_ylu=X3oDMTBzMWhtOHI0BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMTQEY29sbwNhYzIEdnRpZAM-/SIG=13p687kce/EXP=1340480938/**http%3a//


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 20:49

also hier einmal der Link zu diesem Youtube Konto. Ich weiss nicht was an dem dran ist und was nicht. Könnte sein das es echt ist, aber es könnte auch sein, das die Type sich einfach nur über diese Tat lustig macht oder etwas von dem fragwüdigen Ruhm abhaben will. Guckt es euch am besten selbst an. Ich versteh das nicht so wirklich alles.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 20:56
ist da irgendetwas ekeliges zu sehen ...?


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 20:57
Wenn Du das eine Video abspielst ja glaube ich, aber ich habe keine ahnung ob das echt oder gefaked ist. Mir ging es eher um die Beschreibungen der Videos.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 21:00
ich kann nichts sehen muss angemeldet es das erste video

Chapter 2: Luka Rocco Magnotta Topper; Body Part Mailing! The Next Level Horror


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 21:01
Jap. Genau, das meingte ich. Hab ich grade auch ganz vergessen zzu schreiben. Das Video ist ab 18, man muss angemeldet sein und bestätigen das du die warnung des videos verstanden hast.


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 21:02
Da sind aber noch mehr.....über eine bessere Flucht als die von Magnotta


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 21:05
hmmm scheint fake zu sein in der beschreibung steht Das ist nicht real, also nicht markiert es. (Zwinker, zwinker). Ein kurzer Horrorfilm-Projekt. Ein Wahnsinniger ein eyepack, wird dies zu verdrehen Ihre Nudel.

ich schau mir das jetzt an ...


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 21:07
Ja, das dass da steht weiss ich, aber die Kommentare von anderen Usern.....ich weiss nicht.

Ich versuch jetzt malm den anderen Link zu finden


Luka Magnotta

23.06.2012 um 21:13
ich verstehe die kommentare von den anderen usern nicht so richtig...Das was mir google übersetzt hat ist so komisch... ich höre irgendwie raus das der typ der das video hochgeladen hat ein kinderschänder ist??? Ich glaube ich muss mal wieder englisch lernen ...kacke ey
