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Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

58.916 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Michael Jackson, Thriller, Hoax ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:28

der bleibt vielleicht da unten, Obervolta, das ist ja tiefstes Afrika, da kann er nicht gefunden werden. Geburtstag-wie alt ist der eigentlich. Zumindest sieht er noch gut aus für sein Alter, nur die viereckigen Betonhaare gefallen mir nicht.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:30
hahaha, nochmal.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:31
Joe hat das geäussert bei einer Pressekonferenz anlässlich des Buches über die Mordtheorie an Michael. Er wurde gefragt, was er dazu sage, dass einige Leute behaupten, Michael hätte seinen Tod gefakt. Er antwortete:" No, Michael is not with us, anymore." Mehr sagte er dazu aber nicht.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:32
Michael Jackson the Business

His Empire

Fan compilation -

Just confirmed in The Raymone Bain case, the existence of his new company, MJJ Kingdom. Below you may see an updated list of his other known business entities:


Name: MJJ Productions LLC and Inc.
Profile: Management (Old company, re-activated)
Established: Re-activated on 07-31-2008 (10-30-1979)
Status: Active

Name: Michael Jackson Company LLC
Profile: Management (Established in the "Raymone Bain era", it's future is still unknown)
Established: 06-13-2006
Status: Active

Name: Jackson International LLC
Profile: Management and investment
Established: 12-21-1998
Status: Active

The newly created MJJ Legacy Inc. has been already defaulted.

Fire Mountain Services LLC set up in the Marc Schaffel era is still active.


Name: MJJ Kingdom LLC
Profile: Music production (Newly established, exact profile still unknown, legal firm: Robin C. Gilden from Reish Luftman Reicher & Cohen LLP)
Established: 08-08-2008
Status: Active

Name: MJJ Records LLC (dba as MJJ Music)
Profile: Music label
Established: 08-15-1997
Status: Cancelled on 04-26-2002


Name: MJJ Ventures Inc.
Profile: Video production (Old company, re-activated)
Established: 2-26-1991
Status: Active


Name: MJ Licensing LLC
Profile: Licensing
Established: 10-10-2003 (Re-activated on 04-18-2007)
Status: Active

Name: Triumph International Inc.
Profile: Licensing
Established: 07-19-1982
Status: Cancelled on 03-01-2003 - Triumph International LLC established the same time


Name: MiJac Music Inc. (under Waner-Tamerlane Publishing)
Profile: Publishing
Established: 1979
Status: Active

Name: Sony ATV Music Publishing LLC
Profile: Publishing
Established: 11-02-1995
Status: Active

Name: MJ ATV Publishing Trust (Jackson's 50% stake in Sony ATV Music Publishing LLC)
Profile: Publishing
Established: 02-09-1999
Status: Active

Name: MJ Publishing LLC (Jackson's 100% stake in Mijac Music Inc.)
Profile: Publishing
Established: 11-30-1998
Status: Inactive

Name: New Horizon Trust
Profile: Publishing
Established: 02-10-2006
Status: Active

Name: New Horizon Trust II.
Profile: Publishing
Established: 11-09-2007
Status: Active

Name: New Horizon Trust III.
Profile: Publishing
Established: 11-13-2007
Status: Active

Name: Sony MJ Music Publishing LLC
Profile: Publishing
Established: 11-02-1995
Status: Active

Name: MJ Sony Music Trust
Profile: Publishing
Established: 1995
Status: Cancelled on 05-31-2006


Name: Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC
Profile: Properties
Established: 07-15-2008
Status: Active

Many of you wondered if Michael Jackson was a good business. Some Fans did a serious research and I can assure you that he still was!

Michael owns or owned the following companies:
- MJJ Productions Inc. [Established: 10-30-1979 / Production company]
- MJJSource Inc. [Established: 03-09-2004 / PR company]
- Triumph International Inc. [Established: 03-09-1984 / Merchandising company]
- Michael Jackson Japan Co. [Established: 05-11-2000 / Merchandising company]
- MJ Licencing LLC. [Established: 08-2003 / Merchandising company]
- Optimum Productions [Established: 09-21-1983 / Video company]
- Jackson International LLC [Established: 12-21-1998 / Multimedia IT company]
- MJJ Music LLC [Music company]
- MiJac Music Publishing LLC [Music company]
- Peacock Music Publishing Co. [Music company]
- Sony/ATV Music Publishing Acquisitions Inc. [Established: 05-14-1999 / Music company]
- Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC [Established: 11-20-1995 / Music company]
- Sony/ATV Songs LLC [Established: 11-20-1995 / Music company]
- Sony/ATV Sounds LLC [Established: 02-06-1998 / Music company]
- Sony/ATV Tunes LLC [Established: 11-20-1995 / Music company]
- Welbeck Music Corp. [Established: 01-28-1974 / Music company]


- MJ invested in Landmark Entertainment through Kingdom Entertainment, but sold his part in the late 90's.
By the way, in 2001 Landmark Entertainment showed losses and very possible could be dissolved, sold out in parts. This explains why there is no single record about this compnany and it's activity since 2001.

Jackson International LLC owns a part of Inc. Inc. is the second largest online ticket-seller.

Furthermore I can assure that Michael has some publicly not known companies in resorts and in the HI-Tech/Internet market, since he has to keep his name out of the records because of the press.

Michael is also a big shareholder of Sun International, which is the owner of Sun City in South Africa.

There are 4 hotels in Sun City and one of them is "The Palace of Lost City" which Michael owns completely.

Very few people know about that...

>>> The Palace of Lost City

PLUS founded sites a few years ago (some of them works some not): (new) (new) ( redirects to

In addition (owned by Sony) also heavily promotes the new website.

The Palace of the Lost City

Developed by Sol Kerzner, the boxer-turned-businessman known locally as the "Sun King," who capitalized on South Africa's stern antigambling laws by situating Sun City in the then homeland of Bophuthatswana, Sun City is unlikely to bowl over anyone who's ever been to Vegas, but it continues to rake in visitors and Bollywood film crews who love its larger than life atmosphere. The resort is relatively easy to get around, with shuttle buses constantly moving from one end to the next. A "sky train" takes visitors without cars from the entrance to the entertainment center. Closest to the entrance are the Kwena Crocodile Sanctuary, Waterworld, and The Cabanas, followed by the tacky Sun City Hotel, Casino, and world-famous Gary Player Golf Club. Adjoining this club to the north is the more upmarket Cascades Hotel and Entertainment Centre, from where you enter the grounds of the Palace of the Lost City -- for most visitors, the star attraction.

The Palace was built 12 years after Sun City opened, and the sheer magnitude of its opulence is proof of the amount of money taken from those frequenting Sun City's slot machines and tables. Separated from the rest of the resort by "The Bridge of Time" -- a large stone structure that shudders and rumbles at preappointed times from a mythical earthquake, and is lined with a "guard of honor" of carved elephants -- the Palace is entered through the massive Mighty Kong Gates. Looking down on the rivers and jungle vegetation, it's hard to imagine that 15 years ago this was nothing but a dusty, rocky plain. From the bridge, you can clearly see the "Valley of Waves," where landlocked Gautengers learn to "surf" on simulated waves, tan on man-made beaches, and hurtle down steep waterslides, reaching speeds of up to 35kmph (22 mph; note that the Valley is closed in winter). In the distance, overlooking a lake filled with live flamingos, is the majestic Palace, with what seems like an entire jungle of carved animals in attendance. Surrounding the Palace is what must be the most artfully landscaped garden in Africa, featuring five trails through 22 different sections of forest. The theme (that of a "lost city" that has been rediscovered and restored) is sometimes carried to ridiculous extremes, but the craftsmanship is world-class; the fantasy landscape is quite overwhelming. With Michael Jackson a majority shareholder, things can only get weirder.

The Palace of the Lost City

"The Palace of the Lost City in South Africa ranks as one of the world's most extraordinary hotels. The centerpiece of the extraordinary Palace of the Lost City complex is a fairytale palace residence, built with unbelievable attention to detail. The interior features exquisite mosaics, frescoes and hand-painted ceilings depicting South Africa 's wildlife and culture. Hard to believe that this is all located in a remote part of South Africa!"


Official Michael Jackson Websites
Another research regarding Michael Jackson's official websites:

News and informations - MJJ Source - (Archiv-Version vom 01.11.2005)
Licencing - MJ Licencing - (Archiv-Version vom 09.02.2007)
Merchandising - MJ Merchandising - (Archiv-Version vom 24.11.2010)
Merchandising and Japán - MJ Japan -
Charity - What More Can I Give - (Archiv-Version vom 24.11.2010)
Music - Sony/ATV Music Publishing -
Music - MJJ Music -
Music - Michael at the Sony Music Entertainment -
Music - Number Ones combo pack - (Archiv-Version vom 13.02.2009)
Movie - Miss Cast Away And The Island Girls - (Archiv-Version vom 14.12.2009)
Clothing - MJ Brand - (Archiv-Version vom 12.08.2009)
Music - We Are The World -


Several trademarks

Related to the "Thriller" videoclip from 1985.

"Michael Jackson Signature"
This was a registered trademark until April 2007 in Australia (Triumph International Inc.)

"The World of Michael Jackson"
Official Michael Jackson fan club from 1987 (Triumph International Inc.)

"Michael Jackson"
Logo from 1987 (Triumph International Inc.)

"MJJ Productions"
Michael Jackson's production company from 1992 (MJJ Productions Inc.) Last year transformed into The Michael Jackson Company Llc.

"Michael's Pets"
Series of Michael Jackson merchandises from 1987 (Triumph International Inc.)

"Michael Jackson Official Logo"
Used as a Trademark since 1995 on almost every MJ stuff, it lost its trademark in EU and was sold at the auction in 2007

Source: MichaelFanSK @ MJJB

March 17, 1999
Michael Jackson Seeks South Africa Hotel Stake

NEW YORK - Pop superstar Michael Jackson and his business partner are in talks to buy a $60 million stake in hotel and casino group Sun International South Africa Ltd., according to sources familiar with the situation.

Jackson and Detroit businessman Don Barden are seeking to buy a 28 percent investment being sold by major shareholder North West Development Corp. Ltd., said the sources, who declined to be identified. The pair has been searching since last year to invest in the booming hotel and casino business.

They have scouted properties in the U.S. Virgin Islands and held preliminary talks with Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Inc. last October to buy the Desert Inn resort in Las Vegas. They have considered other properties in Las Vegas, and also unsuccessfully tried to build a casino in Detroit.

One source said Barden was expected to fly to South Africa next week in hopes of completing the deal. Shares of Sun International, known as Sisa, rose sharply in South Africa on speculation about a potential deal with Jackson. Sisa declined comment. Jackson, Barden and North West could not be reached for comment.!A679A9B694DD1478!3181.entry


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:36
Also "Sun International "Aber jetzt die Frage: Gibts das in Burkina Faso??


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:40
Das soll das Hotel sein

Oder von innen



Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:42
Oh, da würd ich auch wohnen.............


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:43

Wenn Du genug Kleingeld über hast ;)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:47
Erst mal vielen,lieben Dank Hanika für deinen Eintrag. Ist ja sehr interessant, welche Firmen ihm gehörten. Was mir auffiel, das es zwei neue Webseiten gibt. Wann sind sie denn ins Net gegangen? Nach dem25.6.09??? Leider kann ich die Links nicht öffnen von der Sun City und dem Palace. :((
Deshalb danke dir für das Einstellen der wunderschönen Fotos! Das ist der Hotel-Palast von ihm? Ö_Ö Wow!! Da möchte ich auch mal Urlaub machen. :D Also sparen und Koffer packen. :D


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:47
Das allein kann es aber nicht sein, es ist doch die Rede davon, daß es aus 4 Hotels besteht sowie einem, The Palace ov Lost City" Oder ob diese Hotels alle in diesem Komplex sind? Könnte auch sein.
Michael is also a big shareholder of Sun International, which is the owner of Sun City in South Africa.

There are 4 hotels in Sun City and one of them is "The Palace of Lost City" which Michael owns completely.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:51
Da will ich gern mal Urlaub machen. Das sieht ja super aus !


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:53
Also zu Sun International Group Ltd. in Süd Afrika habe ich das gefunden: (Archiv-Version vom 22.08.2010)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 18:55
Vor allem aber ist interessant, welche noch immer aktiv sind! Da müßt ihr mal reinlesen! :)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 19:02
Ganz ehrlich, ich habe ziemliche Flugangst und flieg nur im Notfall. Wenn ich also bis dahin kommen würde, würd ich mir das glatt leisten. Als Entschädigung sozusagen.^^


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 19:03
Wer da mal Urlaub machen möchte, hier bitte schön: :D :D (Archiv-Version vom 19.12.2010)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 19:10
Wirklich gehören tut Michael aber nur das hier:
The Palace of Lost City
Bei allen anderen ist er als Aktikonär beteiligt.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 19:13
Habe noch einen Link zum *Palace of the Lost City* gefunden: (Archiv-Version vom 19.12.2010)
~Traumhaft schön~


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 19:17
Ich hatte das Hotel im alten Tread schon mal eingestellt. Finde Südafrika genau so ein attaktiv
wie Bahrein um unerkannt zu leben.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 19:18
also ich habe mich jetzt auch damit beschäftigt. Ich habe gelesen, daß es 1999 Verhandlungen mit Sun International Hotels Ltd. gab. Michael wollte Aktien von "Palace of Lost City" haben.
Unter den Mehrheitseignern ist er nicht, zumindest nicht unter den ersten 10. Die sind aufgeführt.
Das ist wieder so ein Ding. Nichts genaues weiß man nicht.
Ich kann nur sagen, in seinem offiziellen Nachlass ist nichts davon zu lesen.
Wer aber aufgetaucht ist - Philip Anschütz - stutz.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

12.12.2010 um 19:18
zu eurem Tread mit Barry Gibb.
MJ hatte bei der Bashir Doku erwähnt, dass Barry ein sehr guter Freund von ihm ist und dass
seine Kinder abwechselnd bei Barry und umgekehrt übernachten.

