Ist aber sicherlich interessant, auf die spezifischen Wirkungen der einzelnen Hormone einzugehen. Beispielsweise Cortisol als Stresshormon, welches ja ebenfalls ein Glucosteroid ist und vielfältige Wirkungen aufweist.
High levels of testosterone combined with low levels of cortisol and/or serotonin have been theorized as contributing factors. Testosterone is "associated with approach-related behavior, reward sensitivity, and fear reduction". Injecting testosterone "shift the balance from punishment to reward sensitivity", decreases fearfulness, and increases "responding to angry faces". Some studies have found that high testosterone levels are associated with antisocial and aggressive behaviors, yet other research suggests that testosterone alone does not cause aggression but increases dominance-seeking. It is unclear from studies if psychopathy correlates with high testosterone levels, but a few studies have found psychopathy to be linked to low cortisol levels. Cortisol increases "the state of fear, sensitivity to punishment, and withdrawal behavior". Furthermore, high testosterone levels combined with low serotonin levels, which are associated with "impulsive and highly negative reactions", may increase violent aggression when an individual becomes frustrated.[74] Several animal studies note the role of serotonergic functioning in impulsive aggression and antisocial behavior.[75][76][77][78]
Studies have suggested other correlations. Psychopathy was associated in two studies with an increased ratio of HVA (a dopamine metabolite) to 5-HIAA (a serotonin metabolite).[74] Studies have indicated that individuals with the traits meeting criteria for psychopathy show a greater dopamine response to potential "rewards" such as monetary promises or taking drugs such as amphetamines. This has been theoretically linked to increased impulsivity.[79] A 2010 British study found that a large 2D:4D digit ratio, an indication of high prenatal estrogen exposure, was a "positive correlate of psychopathy in females, and a positive correlate of callous affect (psychopathy sub-scale) in males".[80] Monoamine oxidase A also affected the predictive ability of PCL-R in one study.[65]Das finde ich mal hoch interessant. Es wurde also herausgefunden dass die 2D:4D digit ratio also das Längenverhältnis des Ringfingers zum Zeigefinger Aufschluss über die Östrogenexposition während der Pränatalperiode und darüber wohl auch über die Tendenzen zur Psychopathieneigung eines Menschen geben. Darüber hinaus wurden offenbar bei Psychopathen relativ niedrigere Cortisol-Konzentrationen festgestellt. Das führt dann aufgrund der Stress steigernden Wirkung des Cortisols zu einer Angst-Resistenz. "Cortisol increases "the state of fear, sensitivity to punishment, and withdrawal behavior". "
Wikipedia: Psychopathy