"We wish to make it very clear that the material that has been aired was obtained illegally and in breach of the non-disclosure agreement with the Evidence Room," said Brian Webber, a lawyer representing Pistorius, in a statement released Sunday afternoon.
"It has come to our attention that Channel 7 purchased this footage unlawfully," said Webber. "In addition, during our engagement with Channel 7, we received an undertaking that they would not air any of the material before the end of the trial."
Was meint Brian Webber denn genau damit?
Welches Engagement hatten sie denn bereits mit Channel 4 ?.....und warum musste es dann erst illegal erstanden werden?
Und wenn das Video doch privat und nur den Prozessvorbereitungen galt, WIESO steht dann die Frage im Raum, dass es NACH dem Prozess doch gezeigt werden durfte?