Der Prozess Oscar Pistorius und der Tod von Reeva Steenkamp
03.07.2014 um 11:44Nel basically wants to show that Derman tailored his evidence after OP testified on the stand - court takes a tea break
Nel basically wants to show that Derman tailored his evidence after OP testified on the stand - court takes a tea break
Luminarah schrieb:Da kann man nur sagen : hey Leute ,gehts noch?Tja, ein hochkarätiger und selbstgefälliger BLENDER!
Tea time:
Milady has Earl Grey in fine bone china, with perhaps a small slice of cake.
Nel has nothing...too busy thinking with that handsome head of his.
Roux has freshly brewed coffee, as befits his status as a classy gentleman.
Oldwadge has a second breakfast, 6 cups of tea with 3 sugars apiece, and all of the cake that Roux, Harry Potter, Whatsherface and Mr Square Haircut have not eaten.
11.31 Uhr: Weiterhin geht es um die Frage, wann die Infos über die Tatnacht in den Report einflossen. Nun sagt Derman, es sei nach Prozessbeginn gewesen. Nel gibt sich noch immer nicht zufrieden, erhält aber keine weitergehenden Antworten.
11.28 Uhr: Wann genau er die Informationen notiert habe, will Nel wissen. Derman sagt nur: Es war vorher. - Vor was?, so Nel. ... Nach einigem Hin und Her sagt Derman: "Ich schrieb es nieder, bevor ich Pistorius das zweite Mal traf." - "Sicher?" - "Nein." - Nel: "Sehen Sie, das ist das Problem, was ich mit Ihnen habe": Er müssen sich doch sicher sein über das, was er mache.
Nel: Did you receive a formal engagement document from Defence Derman: No I did notDerman verleugnet wieder seine eigene Motivation und behauptet scheinheilig dem Gericht helfen zu wollen.
Derman: disagrees that his evidence is relevant to why the accused shot the deceased. He’s here to explain anxiety, fight/flight
Derman: I’m here to explain the role of anxiety in people with disabilities. BB
Nel is pushing the witness to commit to explain the purpose of his report. BB
Nel: Did you make notes Derman: Yes I did (smiles proudly) and pulls open a fileHahaha!!! Gefällt mir auch @infinitas :-)
Nel: So why did you say earlier you didn't make notes Derman: Cause you asked me about something else and I didn't make notes
Nel: So some aspects you deal with in your report are not in your notes Derman: No