Vampir-RPG (die Gruppendiskussion) - Kapitel 2
08.02.2014 um 21:53
(Obama: ) "I am sure you wonder about why I am here."
(Ich: ) "Yes."
(Obama: ) "Well, Sultan Mehmed II is a serious threat, and since you are the one who knows him best, I wanted to ask you what you know about him."
(Ich: ) "I know a lot about him, since I have been knowing him for a very long time by now. Mehmed was born in 1432 in Edirne in the former Ottoman Empire. He is the son of Murad II and his first reign lasted from 1444 to 1446. His father deposed him in 1446, but after his death in 1451, Mehmed regained power. His greatest acquisition surely was the fall of Constantinople - now Istanbul - on May 29th, 1453. This sealed the fall of the Holy Roman Empire. Mehmed's second rain lasted from 1451 to his death.
He had several children. I am afraid I do not know how many, and I do not know whether they are still alive. But what I do know is that his army is more than five times as big as ours. But that should not be a problem. All we need is a good tactic."
(Obama: ) "What kind of tactic do you think of?"
(Ich: ) "It is a secret of me and my army at the moment, but I will tell you by time."
(Obama: ) "Alright. I am afraid I am not sure whether my troops will be able to help you fight the Turks."
(Ich: ) "That is not a problem. I am used to fighting them on my own."
(Obama: ) "Alright then."
(Ich: ) "Do you have any further questions?"
(Obama: ) "Yes... you are a vampire, right?"
(Ich: ) "Yes."
(Obama: ) "How old are you? And how often have you fought the Turks so far?"
(Ich: ) "I am 582 years old and I have stopped counting the fights against them."
(Obama: ) "So, I am sure you have a lot more experience than I have. And I am a little ashamed of admitting it, but I somehow do admire you. You are a good and just ruler, although you are brutal and disregard human rights."
(Ich: ) "Thank you very much. You do a quite good job, too. I mean, for someone unexperienced ;)"
Obama lacht
(Obama: ) "Oh, thank you."
(Ich: ) "No problem."
CountDracula und Obama trinken ihre Gläser aus und gehen wieder in die Eingangshalle
(Obama: ) "Just one more question: If you are a vampire, why do you drink wine?"
(Ich: ) "Oh... actually, this was not wine."
(Obama: ) "Oh, I see. You have a nice castle, though."
(Ich: ) "Thank you."
Vampir-RPG (die Gruppendiskussion) - Kapitel 2
08.02.2014 um 22:14
CountDraculas Vater organisiert einen Krankentransport
CountDraculas Frauen laden währenddessen die Kiste ins Auto