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Black-Metal Thread

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Black-Metal Thread

08.06.2013 um 22:34
Youtube: Darkthrone - Rust.
Darkthrone - Rust.
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I come from a land
of systematic erasure of optimism and positiveness
You don't want to encourage me

Slowly corroding your fortified norm
Leaving you bitter, grim and sober

With rigid cramp or silent fear
I strangle what you do hold dear
With rigid cramp or silent fear
evoking addiction, limp, severe

It's sin again
Like charcoal on flaming nuns
Consistence unknown like early black metal

We're born without armor -
don't you think I'm watching my back ?!

With rigid cramp or silent fear
I strangle what you hold dear
With rigid cramp or silent fear
evoke addiction; limp; severe


Black-Metal Thread

08.06.2013 um 23:28

Eins der besten Darkthrone -Lieder.


Black-Metal Thread

09.06.2013 um 16:18
Hallo @snafu , Behexen mag ich auch ;) Die lyrics sind Geschmackssache, ich mag keine vulgären Lyrics, dafür habe ich Geschmack gefunden an kalten, kompromisslosen und nihilistischen Inhalten:
Lyrinx - Astral Collapse

The reversal of concept.
Black exists as white.
Motion becomes backwards, thoughtless horizons.

Staring into the abyss is where light is now bound.
Feeling nothing (is the essence of everything).
Wrathful nature is against humanity, the consequence of your actions...

Youtube: Svarti Loghin- The Silence Always Returns
Svarti Loghin- The Silence Always Returns
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Svarti Loghin - The silence always return

You are worthless
You are nothing
The earth will crumble
Macrocosm will fall
The fires of eternity will devour your memories
Yet the silent cold
Will forever be eminent
Lyrinx - Universal Negativity

Where is our control of the universe?
Not understanding our role in the universal equilibrium.
Ignorance is excuse.
No future.
Only nature's selection.
How can a future be expected?
Years of limiting work crushes the will to understand.
Slowly limiting our possibilities.

Youtube: ELYSIAN BLAZE - Black Hole Euphoria
ELYSIAN BLAZE - Black Hole Euphoria
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Elysian Blaze - Black Hole Euphoria

Sub zero soul collapse
Mind is numb

Skin quickly dissipating

Cold Void Possession
Anxiety filled Depression

Heart failure
Mind erasure

All is none

Reality exists as a constant stream
When the sun dies out, nothing will matter
Corporate structures will wither into the ground.
Moments from the past, present, or future will no longer have ever existed.
How can anything exist without consciousness?

The Truth is in fire.


Black-Metal Thread

10.06.2013 um 09:35
Ist genau, was mir auch gefällt. :) @Peisithanatos

Vor einem Monat sah ich Amenra live, ist zwar kein bm, war sehr beindruckend.

Youtube: Amenra - Nowena l 9.10
Amenra - Nowena l 9.10
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the darkest hours will seem long
they will feel like for ever
then new light breaks into dawn

novena burns for my brothers at night
a flame that burns the bodies of light

brothers burn. I see the fire in their eyes.

the past is your now
the present now passed

now is the time

(everything awaits you and the light will let you)

The Truth is in fire.


Black-Metal Thread

10.06.2013 um 14:04

Ich habe bisher noch keine Lyrics entdeckt, die so radikal nihilistisch sind, bzw. wo der Fokus so stark auf diese Thema ausgerichtet ist, wie bei "Eftos", auch wenn es kein BM ist. Mich faszinieren diese Lyrics:

Eftos - Nihilist Antiorem

Nihilist Antiorem
Suicide brachialis
The universe does not exist
Religion nihil.

Superior anti-system
Killervoid totalis
Emphasis on emptiness
Destruction supreme.

Eftos - Self-Destruct Intelligence

Self-destruct Intelligence
Desperate evidence.
They are screaming in confusion
Screening poisoned evolution.
Crying at the void
Dying, ending, wiping out.
No suicide is no solution
Anti learning - a growing conclusion.
Help us, help us nonexistence
No one there to cast a shout.
I refuse to see the truth
Kill me, shoot me, wipe me out.
Learning leads to devastation
Mindless efforts combination.
All the books they tell us lies
No one here to win the price.

Eftos - Bows

Bows, Nihilism
Non-existent master.
You always never override
The Nothing ideology

Pseudo positive hopeful nothings
Shadow motivation trainer
Ghosts barking in Rome
My lord, they are no match.

Their greatest fear,
The constant Nothing
Let those zombies shiver.

Ave Nihilism
Morituri te salutant
Hope and faith is obsolete
Principal nihil.


Black-Metal Thread

10.06.2013 um 18:10
@snafu .... let the sun shine through...

Youtube: Octinomos - "Nuclear Blitz"
Octinomos - "Nuclear Blitz"
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Octinomos - Nuclear Blitz

I have sought forever it seems
Yet I haven't found any reason for your existence
You are all of the same greedy flesh
All pretending to care as you stab your neighbor in the back
Foul is the human race and so must its ending be

A nuclear blitz of relentless death
That only leaves a faint memory of and endless trail of dead bodies
I have set out to ruin you, to destroy and plunder your abode
I have come to bring an end to you and your existence
An existence that for so many years

Has brought me nothing but bitterness and hatred
Lust and apathy, greed and hopelessness
They are my allies, they are the only things that can be trusted
And apart from death the only rules of life
I long for the day when I will cut you down
I long for the day of earth's destruction

I long for to see your children cry as all they have ever known disappears
I long to see you cling to your lives as I take them
The realization of your weakness and the punishment
For you pointless existence
I live only to watch you die
With ever breath comes the thought of killing you
All without hesitation or doubt

1x zitiertmelden

Black-Metal Thread

10.06.2013 um 19:11!

In this age of splintered glass
In this ripping of living souls
In this moment of deaddeathdreams
In this scattering of self-restlessness
Scars of my everdrowned condemned spirit
Shall I travel to worlds unknown then?
I probably shan't. Pray
I am stuck in this world of shitstained tears
I swallowed the swimming horses
I engulfed the sleeping winters owl
I gave birth to the last beast in the sky
And at worlds end I laughed out loud
I crucified my dreams with passion
I erected the tombstone myself
I dug the grave with scornful glee
Three days of silence I obtained
For my crucifixion
The burial and funeralpyre of my past
Now change came with mournful hatred
In the eyes. Your eyes. Eyes of doom.
In them I find the comfort of where others fear to roam
Open the rivalry within the codex of life
I'll ride through these drugcrazed nights
Me and my reflection are but one
I pushed up into life and pulled out of it
Disabled was God
Disabled was Satan
Disabled we never were
Crack open the lingering fear and let it breathe
I drown so slowly these days
I choke on stale air
In limbo I remain
My blood is pregnant with contortionists
I do not fear
I do not
I do not - fear life


Black-Metal Thread

10.06.2013 um 19:47
Hab mir was von Eftos angesehen. Bin verwirrt. ... :)
Zitat von PeisithanatosPeisithanatos schrieb: let the sun shine through...
x 666 , das ultimative Licht das unsere Seelen illuminiert.

Words brought back to life
Those meaning and those invective tone we had
What did affect without effect
Took another form one will never neglect
Torments of angels that faded
All those shade I had to sew back making all one
Reaching none while
All those shadows I had to fake
Hiding some form Praying the One...
Trapped in a body
My own betrayer
Not allowing any moves nor excess
An unsharp tool that damage unity
An enemy within that evolves toward statues
Lack of motion, lack of action, Mind overprocessing
For he hath shown the way and put on my path
The pain and the torture of a shattered body
I shall go on, wearing the burden of Pain, turning it
Glorifying it
For it didn't limit the strong For it didn't stop the Evilution
For it just changed the process
And made the whole scheme higher
Battling on different mindfield
Words as weapons
Eyes as judges
Smell the viktory
& sense the defeat


Black-Metal Thread

10.06.2013 um 20:30

let the sun shine through...

x 666 , das ultimative Licht das unsere Seelen illuminiert.
Die schwarze Sonne, "das schwarze Licht", das für die Unendlichkeit der Melancholie und Negativität steht, alles durchdringt und "erleuchtet".

0acaa0 My-Darkest-Light-Will-Shine-300x2


Black-Metal Thread

11.06.2013 um 14:46
meiner Meinung nach, die genialsten lyrics im black metal

Youtube: DEATHSPELL OMEGA | Carnal Malefactor
DEATHSPELL OMEGA | Carnal Malefactor
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Carnal Malefactor

Below the lid of a vast rounded monument
Trickling of gristly vestiges and whacked hopes
Enhanced by the horrible excess of fetid exhalation
And uterine strangulation by the wreaths
Of the herds astray, arid in despair, blessed
With dilated flakes of fire, slowly wafting down...
Say, what does a maternal heart feel when merely
Vinegar stills your child's thirst?
You'd implore to harbour his torment in your chest...
To make this burden yours, but... Sacrilege!
Who are you, harlot, to interfere with His emerald will
When even your glance should never leave the soil?

There resides the fusion, there is the nucleus
Angel prick and holy semen,
And a woman genuflecting an aroused beast of burden alike
Seduced by the father and seducing the son
There resides the fusion, there is the nucleus
A phallic communion that sanctifies interior wastelands

He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption
Carnal malefactor, rub your sterile wriggling womb
With a candle in reverential contemplation
And give voluptuous harbour to vile insects
He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption
The scorpion shall open the book of Salomon for you to see
And the snake slither out of the lips that delivered once
The redeemer of man, born out of shameful maternity...
He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption
The lactiferous beast subjugated reason to appetite
Praised be human nature, ciborium of shame and waste,
For bathing in decline a redeemer moisty of semen so contemptible

There resides the fusion, there is the nucleus
Angel prick and holy semen
And a woman genuflecting an aroused beast of burden alike
Seduced by the father and seducing the son
There resides the fusion, there is the nucleus
A phallic communion that sanctifies interior wastelands
When a woman is knead by the claws of fowls attracted
By seminal odours no longer hidden by dignity
And purified by their beaks rummaging her swollen vagina
When laments alter into praises despite holy duty and menacing perdition
Seers can say that his birth does death subdue no more
His birth does death subdue not, for my God proceeds of failed humility...
O Master, the eastern pillar of your domination is the organic fallibility.


Black-Metal Thread

11.06.2013 um 14:47

Drink The Devil's Blood

Come to Him in belief, accept truth as lies and lies as truth
Does the first candle burn or is it ashen cold? Grace or Damnation?
Come to Him in belief, and see not the secret of Heaven
But of earth; a prodigy of great magnitude

Drink the Devil's Blood
Holy essence that consumes even the stars
Drink the Devil's Blood
Drink and become the poison of earth and man
Drink the Devil's Blood and become
One of His million hands; One of His million eyes
One of His million brains shining with utmost devotion
A molecule of The One with many faces
While of thy soul remains but ashes cold...

This funeral bell and it's sacred sound
Haunting always and no more peace
Nor redemption, but moribund ecstasy...
And the glory to serve as one among many

Drink the Devil’s Blood: Necessitas medii
Drink the Devil’s Blood: Necessitas praecepti
Holy essence that consumes even the stars
Drink the Devil’s Blood
Drink and become the poison of earth and man
Drink the Devil’s Blood and become
One of His million hands; One of His million eyes
One of His million brains shining with utmost devotion
A molecule of The One with many faces
While of thy soul remains but ashes cold...


Black-Metal Thread

11.06.2013 um 14:53
Vielleicht sollten wir den Thread in Black Metal-Lyrics umbenennen lassen ^^

Stand aside for the superior race
You are nothing but worms

Mightier than any god
I'm greater than any man

I am elite

I'm harder than a diamond
More powerful than an atom bomb

Jews and kikes stay away

I am elite

I'm stronger than the power of the universe
More insane than a serial killer
Whiter than all of you together
More evil than the fires of hell

I am elite


Black-Metal Thread

11.06.2013 um 19:56

Aus "a chore for the lost" von "Deathspell Omega" ;)
Every human being not going to the extreme limit is the servant or the
enemy of man and the accomplice of a nameless obscenity.
Wenn dir Deathspell Omega gefällt, könnte dir das hier auch gefallen: (Video: Blacklodge - Sulfuric Acedia)

Sulphuric Acedia

Blackening, obviously there to fall
Into The Dark Night of the Soul
Descent into Saturnine melancholia
Tragic echoes from Inanna

The terror of the night
The arrow that flies by day
The pestilence that stalks in darkness
The destruction that wastes at noonday
[Psalm 91:5,6]

As a dark depression
Falling into a sea of poison
Sadaverine from Capricorn
A descent into Chaos Aeon
Black, is the gate to Perfection
A temple for destruction
A coffin prepared by Typhon
Black is the gate called Putrefaction

Blacker than the blackest black
Caput Corvi, Vision from schizophrenia
Dissolving, sulphuric Acedia
Confrontation with the Prima Materia
In search for the jewel hidden in the Toad's head
Leading to the secret of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto Death [Matt 26:38]
Vanity of vanities, vanity of vanities! All is vanity [Eccl 1:2]
What does man gain by all toil at which he toils under the sun [Eccl 1:3]

My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto Death [Matt 26:38]
All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing [Eccl 1:8]
What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun [Eccl 1:9] (Video: Blacklodge - Saturn)

Blacklodge - Saturn

Saturn Songtext :
All, what has begun, is sentenced to end soon or late
All, what you have planned, is leading to an accident
All, what you have hoped, will deceive with the worst event
All, what you have been running after, is a grave, it's your fate

It's just a question of time

All, the ones you care, will betray you or die
All the ones you have loved, never really loved you
All, of your heroes, and idols, will be totally forgotten
All, is empty there, and you are forever alone in this Cosmos

The Scythe is slicing off lives and deeds
Slowly but surely is coming your turn
The Sixth is sliding in silence and feeds
Your curse! And that is the Law Of Saturn

A painted instantly on Goya's wall
A Trojan in every biological cell
The more you rise, the harder you'll fall
A Law of demise, because under the pall is Hell

Sixth pointed star at His North Pole
The Seal of Solomon
Eye of the Storm at His South Pole
To deal with the Demon

The blackest of the planet

All of your deeds will fade at the horizon
All of your achievements aim for oblivion
All, what you have achieved is miserable and pathetic
All, what you have reached, is a just another step towards death!

It's just a question of time

Nameless horror in space it crawls
Devouring perpetually aeons
The blackest of the plannet withers
As a jigsaw wheel in the others


Black-Metal Thread

11.06.2013 um 23:28

Eines der zahlreichen Projekte von Henrik Björkk Wikipedia: Nordvargr


Black-Metal Thread

12.06.2013 um 01:49
Ja, sah ich vor 3 wochen am Deathkult Open Air. Live klingen sie weniger industrial.
Die lyrics find ich gut, musikalisch kann ich sie nicht mit Deathspell Omega vergleichen. :)

Youtube: Blacklodge - TridenT live @ Deathkult Open Air 2013
Blacklodge - TridenT live @ Deathkult Open Air 2013
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Black-Metal Thread

12.06.2013 um 02:19
Die einzige Industrial-Komponente die Deathspell Omega hat ist ihr Sänger, der Finne Mikko Aspa . Der ist fast noch untriebiger als Henrik Björkk. Vornehmlich im Black, Grind und Industrial. Politisch aber ähnlich umstritten.

Fetter Techno-Beat... erinnert mich an:

Youtube: Waltari & Avanti! - The Top
Waltari & Avanti! - The Top
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Fand ich damals total abgefahren.


Black-Metal Thread

12.06.2013 um 09:30
ich pack mal die knicklichter aus
