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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

1.419 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Musik, Jugendkultur, Popkultur ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

30.05.2011 um 23:01

Hui, The Make-Up gehen mir aber fett ins Ohr und kenn ich gar nicht, Danke Dir.


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

30.05.2011 um 23:10


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

30.05.2011 um 23:17

FiatLuxFan Diskussionsleiter
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

30.05.2011 um 23:19

Bitte. :) Es lohnt sich den Thread durchzugehen,die anderen User hier und ich haben sich Mühe gegeben viele gute Bands hier reinzubringen,da ist bestimmt noch einiges dabei was du noch nicht kennst.

Ich war lange ein Fan dieser Musik,da ist einiges zusammengekommen im Laufe der Jahre.

Btw:Die zwei Bands,die du eben geposted hast kenne ich selbst noch nicht und werde sie antesten.



Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

01.06.2011 um 10:09


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

01.06.2011 um 17:40

FiatLuxFan Diskussionsleiter
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

06.06.2011 um 10:59

Sehr guter Song von"The Radio Dept.",erinnernt mich an Bands wie "Death Cab for Cutie","The Postal Service""The Arcade Fire","Wolf Parade","New Order" und englischem 90er Slowcore/Shoegazer Zeugs aus Amerika.^^ Das schöne dabei ist, das der Song trotzdem nicht angestaubt klingt. :)

Einer der wenigen Traumsongs der letzten DCFC Platte"Narrow Stairs",bei dem die Band alles gibt und ein Edelfeuerwerk abbrennt:

Youtube: Death Cab for Cutie - Grapevine Fires (Video)
Death Cab for Cutie - Grapevine Fires (Video)
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Arcade Fire in besseren Tagen,die neue Platte"The Suburbs" ist trotz 17 Tracks/70min Spieldauer ne Mogelpackung^^

Youtube: Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies)
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies)
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Wolf Parade,von vielen als billiges Modest Mouse-Plagiat abgetan, ist alter Form:


Die gottgleichen "The Thermals" mit einem Kracher des neuen Albums"Peronal Life",davon gibts nicht mehr viele auf dieser Platte,davor hat man 7 Jahre Effektgeräte kurzgeschlossen und so getan als ob Punkrock quicklebendig ist,das Ganze extrem überzeugend..

Youtube: The Thermals - Your Love Is So Strong (Live on KEXP)
The Thermals - Your Love Is So Strong (Live on KEXP)
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

06.06.2011 um 12:27

Hatten wir eigentlich schon die Bergziegen/Schneeziegen in diesem Thread? NEIN,und das ist ein Skandal angesichts dem Legendenstatus der Band und Songs wie diesen:

Produziert in einem richtigen Studio:
Youtube: The Mountain Goats - Cotton
The Mountain Goats - Cotton
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Lo-Fi par excellence:
Youtube: The Mountain Goats - Going to Alaska
The Mountain Goats - Going to Alaska
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Youtube: Love Love Love - The Mountain Goats
Love Love Love - The Mountain Goats
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The Mountain Goats (stylized "the Mountain Goats") is an American indie rock band formed in Claremont, CA by singer-songwriter John Darnielle. For many years, the sole member of The Mountain Goats was Darnielle himself, despite the plural moniker.

Darnielle remains the sole core member of the band, but has worked with a variety of collaborators over the years, including bassist Peter Hughes, drummer Jon Wurster (of Superchunk), singer-songwriter Franklin Bruno, bassist and vocalist Rachel Ware, singer-songwriter/producer John Vanderslice, guitarist Kaki King, and Annie Clark (of St. Vincent).[1][2]

Throughout the '90s, The Mountain Goats were known for producing "militantly lo-fi" home recordings (most famously, on a boom box) and releasing recordings in cassette or vinyl 7" formats.[3] Since 2002, the Mountains Goats have transitioned to a more polished approach, recording studio albums with a full band.[1][3]

The Mountain Goats are currently based in Durham, North Carolina.
Wikipedia: The Mountain Goats
Wikipedia: The Mountain Goats discography

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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

06.06.2011 um 13:05

Ich hätte niemals gedacht das es Superchunk noch gibt,die machen seit ca. 20 Jahren dieses typische Collage-Radio-Indiezeugs, mal mi mehr, mal mit weniger Erfolg....

Youtube: Superchunk - Digging for Something
Superchunk - Digging for Something
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Song von 1993:

Youtube: Superchunk - Hyper Enough
Superchunk - Hyper Enough
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

08.06.2011 um 12:52
Apropos College-Radio Zeugs mit catchy Refrains,mir sind gerade noch mehr Bands der alten Schule eingefallen, die in der ersten Liga spielten,auch wenn keine bekannt geworden ist...

VERSUS,eine unglaublich gute Band mit vielen Ideen, die man zuvor so nicht gehört hat.

Einer meiner All-Time-Faves in der Indie-Schublade,das wird immer so bleiben. :)
Youtube: Versus - Glitter Of Love
Versus - Glitter Of Love
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Auch sehr schön:

Wikipedia: Versus (band)

SEAM,auch Meister des noisigen Indie-Pops.Ich glaub von der Band hab ich schonmal was gebracht...
Youtube: Seam - Haole Redux
Seam - Haole Redux
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Wikipedia: Seam (band)

Death Cab's neue Scheibe sollte man nicht so abwerten,obwohl sie insgesamt doch sehr durchwachsen ist...

Ein weiterer Hit:

Youtube: Death Cab for Cutie - No Sunlight (Video)
Death Cab for Cutie - No Sunlight (Video)
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FiatLuxFan Diskussionsleiter
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

12.06.2011 um 14:11
Was fasle ich hier eigentlich von "Death Cabs neuester Scheibe"? Der Nachfölger namens "Codes and Keys" ist längst erschienen... :D

Vor einigen Jahren hätte ich auf solche Platten gewartet und die Tage gezählt bis zum VÖ-Termin, der Ganze Indie-Kram verliert mit den Jahren einfach an Reiz,auch wenns bei mir sehr lange ging. :)

Was gibts zur neuesten DCFC zu sagen,ausser dass ich den Kauf nach 15 Durchläufen weniger bereue als am Anfang.Da dachte ich DCFC sind dem "Radiohead-Syndrom" anheimgefallen, will heissen: Je bekannter man wird, desto überproduzierter,steriler und mit Gefühlsplagiaten und Innovationsplacebos zugekeistet kommen die Platten daher.^^

Die guten Nachrichten sind unter anderem diese hier:

Youtube: Death Cab for Cutie - You Are A Tourist [Official Video]
Death Cab for Cutie - You Are A Tourist [Official Video]
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Hier das Gesamte Album.Der erste Track ist "The Postal Service" für Arme,aber ab Min. 4:04 kommt der Titeltrack,der definitiv zu überzegen weiss und bei dem alles stimmt."Some Boys" ist auch ganz nett,nicht mehr und nicht weniger.

Aber insgesamt gibts hier zuviel belangloses und die Band interpretiert sich selbst, die zuvor oft vernommen Aha-Momente und diese fast magische Mischung aus poetisch-schönem Songwriting,guten Ideen und ausgeklügelter,aber nicht übertriebener Produktion fehlt hier komplett.
Man kann dazu auch sagen die Band hat sich weiterentwickelt und der LP trotzdem vieles abgewinnen.
0:00 - Home Is a Fire
4:04 - Codes and Keys
7:26 - Some Boys
10:37 - Doors Unlocked and Open
16:14 - You Are a Tourist
21:01 - Unobstructed Views
27:10 - Monday Morning
31:29 - Portable Television
34:21 - Underneath the Sycamore
37:46 - St. Peter's Cathedral
42:15 - Stay Young, Go Dancing

"Pitchforkmedia" konnte diese Band noch nie besonders leiden,warum das so war/ist wird mir immer ein Rätsel bleiben, aber diese Rezension unterschreibe ich dieses Mal, obwohls wehtut.

Watch: Death Cab Play "VH1 Storytellers"
Stream New Albums From Cults, MMJ, Death Cab

Album Review
Codes and Keys
Death Cab for Cutie
Codes and Keys
[Atlantic; 2011]

Find it at: Insound Vinyl | eMusic | Amazon MP3 & CD

Leading up to Death Cab for Cutie's last record, 2008's Narrow Stairs, guitarist/producer Chris Walla claimed that they were taking inspiration from Brainiac and "heavy, sludgy, slow metal," and that the record contained a "10-minute long Can jam." But nothing on the record sounded remotely similar to those references; the jam in question, "I Will Possess Your Heart", actually ran a bit over eight minutes, and I don't think anyone mistook Ben Gibbard for Damo Suzuki. Leading up to the band's latest effort, Codes and Keys, the name-dropping returned, when Gibbard told SPIN that it was keyboard-heavy and "not guitar-based," citing Brian Eno's Another Green World as a hint of what to expect.

The claims of extended experimentation, though exaggerated, aren't as spurious this time around. Codes and Keys does sound different from the rest of the band's catalog. Soft pitter-pattered beats rustle underneath sparse melodies, while layers of extra instrumentation are placed atop already-busy arrangements. Two songs (the metronomic "Doors Unlocked and Open" and the unmoored piano meditation "Unobstructed Views") run well over the five-minute mark; swaths of gentle noise surround even the most straightforward cuts. If you come to this record looking for something as directly engaging as "Cath..." or "I Will Follow You Into the Dark", you're going to walk away empty-handed.

Death Cab still sound like Death Cab, but Codes and Keys is undoubtedly the least "pop" record they've made since breaking through to the mainstream with their last indie-situated effort, 2003's Transatlanticism. So there's new territory for the band explored here, and Walla, along with mixing maestro Alan Moulder, applies a label-money sheen that provides a decent frame for the record's sonic idiosyncrasies. But for a band so identified with exploring feelings and the details of relationships, the record comes off as chilly, diffident, and emotionally distant. The texture-heavy excursions ("Doors Unlocked and Open", "Unobstructed Views", "St. Peter's Cathedral") are adrift and without direction, while early singles "You Are a Tourist" and "Underneath the Sycamore" sound like generic versions of the band from an earlier era.

Indeed, even when the band revisits past glories on Codes and Keys' few highlights, Death Cab weirdly sound like they are imitating themselves. They borrow the baroque Brian Wilson-isms of Narrow Stairs' "You Can Do Better Than Me" for "Portable Television", copy the upward-moving bridge of The Photo Album's "I Was a Kaleidoscope" for the same structural change in "Monday Morning", and lift the basic structure of Plans opener "Marching Bands of Manhattan" for "Underneath the Sycamore". Anyone who's spent the last decade following along will get some warm fuzzies from these flashes of familiarity, but they tend to get stale with repeat listens.

The rudderless quality might owe something to the album's sporadic recording process-- eight different studios were employed, and the members of Death Cab rarely sound like they're in the same room together. Most remote of all is Gibbard. His vocals are frequently treated with effects, creating an alienating space that, excepting the moony-eyed closing hymn "Stay Young, Go Dancing", robs him of his trademark intimacy. Lyrically, he largely plays it safe, engaging in nonsensical rhymes ("When you scream/ Love you seem") and sweeping declarative generalizations. Gibbard's evocative narratives and incisive commentary, always overlooked with this band, are mostly missing.

Over the last decade, both Death Cab and the landscape around them have changed considerably; while they've signed to a major label and topped the charts, the sensitive-guy Pac NW indie rock archetype they launched a decade ago has receded from the conversation. Another sound that Gibbard had a hand in introducing, however, still reverberates: the gentle, electronic bedroom-pop that he and producer Jimmy Tamborello made as the Postal Service. Those sounds never really infiltrated Death Cab until now, but Codes and Keys doesn't approach that project's level of emotional engagement. Here, Death Cab sound miles apart from each other and, ultimately, from us.


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

30.07.2011 um 13:45
re ^^ (Video: Pink Turns Blue - I Coldly Stare Out)


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

01.08.2011 um 16:19
Beirut - Elephant Gun

Youtube: Beirut - Elephant Gun (Official Video)
Beirut - Elephant Gun (Official Video)
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Sehr pathetisch, man ich stehe voll drauf.

lg MoKO


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

01.08.2011 um 16:36
Gold Panda: "Quitters Raga" [OFFICIAL]

Youtube: Gold Panda: "Quitters Raga" [OFFICIAL]
Gold Panda: "Quitters Raga" [OFFICIAL]
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Noch n bissel indie-folk-tronica hinterher.

Der Song schaffte es in die "The Top 100 Tracks of 2009" auf Pitchfork.
75. Gold Panda
"Quitter's Raga"
[Make Mine]

A mid-tempo instrumental about two minutes long, anchored by a vocal chant so shredded that even people who speak the sample's language probably couldn't sing along comfortably. (The source: "Can't say 'cause I'll get sued," Gold Panda told us in September. You kids!) But there's something novel in the way the track is structured: It doesn't have enough time to build itself up, so it just breaks down. And maybe that's why it invites repeat plays-- it's a palate cleanser. It's easy to wonder about the future of this style, especially since J. Dilla's death, but while I'm actually listening to it, I bliss out and forget-- and then I remember the song's title. --Mike Powell
Das wars dann vorerst von mir.


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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

05.08.2011 um 14:56

Voll geiler Track, ich hab ihn jetzt bestimmt 15 Mal hintereinader gehört und er gefällt mir noch immer. :) Selbst 2011 geht noch was im Indie, der "traditionelle" mit seinen vielen Facetten scheint aber am Ende seiner langen Reise angekommen zu sein...

Aber es gibt noch denkwürdige Konzerte, die ich hin und wieder aufsuche. :)

dEUS Live 6.Juli 2011 mit einem alten Hit:

Youtube: dEUS - Suds And Soda - Live @ Poolbar Festival, 06.07.2011
dEUS - Suds And Soda - Live @ Poolbar Festival, 06.07.2011
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Das Video hab ich noch nie gebracht, den Song(Track? :D ) aber wahrscheinlich schon...

Youtube: The Notwist - Pick Up the Phone
The Notwist - Pick Up the Phone
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I love this Remix:

Youtube: Dntel -  Dream Of Evan And Chan (Superpitcher Kompakt rmx)
Dntel - Dream Of Evan And Chan (Superpitcher Kompakt rmx)
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