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04.05.2011 um 19:57Musik
04.05.2011 um 19:59Musik
04.05.2011 um 20:37Musik
04.05.2011 um 20:38Musik
04.05.2011 um 21:56Musik
04.05.2011 um 23:03Musik
04.05.2011 um 23:14@halfbaked
![Youtube: Sofaplanet - Liebficken [with Lyrics]](/static/th/yt/xSlCiCijcOc/hqdefault.jpg)
![Youtube: Sofaplanet - Liebficken [with Lyrics]](/static/th/yt/xSlCiCijcOc/hqdefault.jpg)
Sofaplanet - Liebficken [with Lyrics]
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04.05.2011 um 23:20@clearsky
Magste das auch?

Magste das auch?

SIDERARTICA - Circle Of The Angels (Sidermix 1)
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04.05.2011 um 23:23Musik
04.05.2011 um 23:28@philomela
Hm, ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig aber in Ordnung

I look toward the ocean see reflections on the water
A glossy illumination of the city lights
Far out in the waves is the shape of a whale
Hear it singing its old song like it has always done
It was just a dream which comes and goes
As do the old seasons while the wind still blows
Open the door, step outside
Walk on the frozen ground
Look in the sky - a grey cloud
Winter is still around
It will take a hundred years waiting for the summer
And no one just yet knows if we'll hear the whales again
Nuclear winter covers the world for almost twenty years
All what we own are dreams and hope for the next generation
Open the door, step outside
Walk on the frozen ground
Look in the sky - a grey cloud
Winter is still around
It was just a dream which comes and goes
As do the old seasons while the wind still blows
Open the door, step outside
Walk on the frozen ground
Look in the sky - a grey cloud
Winter is still around
I :lv: Endzeit-Stimmung
Hm, ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig aber in Ordnung

Funker Vogt Nuclear Winter
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I look toward the ocean see reflections on the water
A glossy illumination of the city lights
Far out in the waves is the shape of a whale
Hear it singing its old song like it has always done
It was just a dream which comes and goes
As do the old seasons while the wind still blows
Open the door, step outside
Walk on the frozen ground
Look in the sky - a grey cloud
Winter is still around
It will take a hundred years waiting for the summer
And no one just yet knows if we'll hear the whales again
Nuclear winter covers the world for almost twenty years
All what we own are dreams and hope for the next generation
Open the door, step outside
Walk on the frozen ground
Look in the sky - a grey cloud
Winter is still around
It was just a dream which comes and goes
As do the old seasons while the wind still blows
Open the door, step outside
Walk on the frozen ground
Look in the sky - a grey cloud
Winter is still around
I :lv: Endzeit-Stimmung
04.05.2011 um 23:40Musik
04.05.2011 um 23:45@Assassin
mhahhah jo mann das lied :D
jo das war doch auch ein hit :D

mhahhah jo mann das lied :D
jo das war doch auch ein hit :D

Basis - Ich will euer leben nicht videoclip
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dabei seit 2010Unterstützer
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05.05.2011 um 00:40
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dabei seit 2010Unterstützer
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05.05.2011 um 00:41
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dabei seit 2010Unterstützer
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05.05.2011 um 00:43Ich quetsch allles raus hier ..

Righeira vamos a la playa
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dabei seit 2010Unterstützer
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05.05.2011 um 00:45
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dabei seit 2010Unterstützer
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05.05.2011 um 00:46
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dabei seit 2010Unterstützer
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05.05.2011 um 00:47
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dabei seit 2010Unterstützer
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