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14.02.2008 um 22:02
Shadow! das isn remix von 6 days, die original version gefällt mir besser, der text is zu melancholisch für diese version

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14.02.2008 um 22:24
Plan B - No Good (Chase & Status and Benni G Remix)



14.02.2008 um 23:44
Na gut ich geb's ja zu, es gab auch gute Gitarrenklänge in diesem Jahrtausend, aber meiner Meinung nach leider viel zu wenig davon ;).

Gruß greenkeeper



15.02.2008 um 16:05
Garden Grove

We took this trip to garden grove
It smelled like lou-dog inside the van, oh yeah
This aint no funky reggae party, $5 at the door
It gets so real sometimes, who wrote my rhyme
I got the microwave, got the vcr
I got the deuce-deuce in the trunk of my car, oh yeah
If you only knew all the love that I found
Its hard to keep my soul on the ground
Youre a fool, dont fuck around with my dog
All that I can see I steal, I fill up my garage
Cause in my mind
Music from jamaica, all the love that I found
Pull over theres a reason why my souls unsound
Its you
Its that shit stuck under my shoe
Its that smell inside the van
Its my bed sheet covered with sand
Sitting through a shitty band
Getting dog shit on my hands
Getting hassled by the man
Waking up to an alarm
Sticking needles in your arm
Picking up trash on a freeway
Feeling depressed everyday
Leaving without making a sound
Picking my dog at the pound
Living in a tweeker pad
Getting yelled at by my dad
Saying Im happy when Im not
Finding roaches in the pot
All these things I do
Theyre waiting for you.

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15.02.2008 um 17:15
Der Film war übelster Trash-Horror:D, der Musicscore richig abgedreht, WICKED !!!

TROLL (1986)



15.02.2008 um 17:54



15.02.2008 um 17:56
In Extremo, nicht schlecht, auch 'ne gute Bühnenband.

So jetzt mal wieder ein Klassiker, den ich heute bei youtube "unplugged" entdeckt habe. Is das wirklich schon so lange her, sch***e wie schnell die Zeit vergeht. ;)

Gruß greenkeeper

Youtube: Midnight Oil - The Dead Heart (Unlpugged)
Midnight Oil - The Dead Heart (Unlpugged)
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15.02.2008 um 23:40
wow, mit Didgeridoo!, sehr spaciges Instrument
MTV unplugged hatte schon manchmal gute acts dabei, da hats sich noch gelohnt gelegentlich MTV zu gucken, Mittlerweile meide ich Musikfernsehen vollkommen

Akustik Rap-Rock:

Plan B - Who Needs Actions
Youtube: Plan B - Who Needs Actions
Plan B - Who Needs Actions
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klingt ein wenig nach Rage against the Machine (Bullet in your Head!), nur ruhiger:D :
Plan B - No More Eatin'
Youtube: Plan B 'No More Eatin'
Plan B 'No More Eatin'
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15.02.2008 um 23:47
Hahaha DNS der HTML Noob hahah



16.02.2008 um 09:29



16.02.2008 um 09:51



16.02.2008 um 10:15
Fesches Vid hast da zusammen geschnitten dns.. Das sind so ca. auch die Genres welche ich hör... Aber ein paar gänzlich Unbekannte sind auch dabei, muss ich zugeben *g*

Bei Singer-Songwriter 9 Crimes, na ned schlecht...



16.02.2008 um 10:24
Zur Sicherheit, nur damit keine Missverständnisse entstehn ;)

Video is von DNS !!! Seine Interpretation von Musikgenres.

Von es mir gibt es wieder einen Klassiker aus den ... :)

Gruß greenkeeper



16.02.2008 um 11:33
Youtube: Sublime - STP
Sublime - STP
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ein morgen voller sonnenschein
was ist da passender als sublime ?



16.02.2008 um 16:31

und was wäre ein nachmittag ohne sublime ? :D

Sublime - Get Ready

Some folks say smoking herb is a crime,
if they catch you smokin
they're bound to drop the dime
insufferable informa crazy fools
wait with their fingers crossed
for you to break the rules

and in the evening when we try to jam
we like the music loud
in this here van
we let the bass line drop as loud as we can stand
somebody always gotta turn informer for the man

I want to know right now
is there one of you in the crowd
are you gonna call 911
and spoil all of my fun
you crazy fools

I'm in the mood
get ready
I'm in the mood
come on now yeah
load up the bong
crank up the song
let the informer call 911


I'm in the mood
get ready
im in the moooood
come on now yea
im in the mood
are you ready?
im in the mood
come on now yea, come on.

Load up the bong
Crank up the song
Let the infomer call 911

and when security police force want to arrive
don't try to run
don't try to hide
just pull out the .9
pop in the clip
and let one slip
into these crazy fools


I'm in the mood
get ready
im in the moooood
come on now yea
im in the mood
are you ready?
im in the mood
come on now yea, come on.

and in the evening when we try to jam
we like the music loud
in this here van
O i wanna know, i wanna know right now
are you willing are you willing and able, you crazy fool.

Some folks say that smokin herb is a crime,
if they catch you smokin
they're bound to drop the dime
insufferable informer crazy fools
wait with their fingers crossed
for you to break the rules

I'm in the mood
get ready
im in the moooood
come on now yea
im in the mood
are you ready?
im in the mood
Get ready
Im in the mood
come on now



16.02.2008 um 16:36
Slayer - The Antichrist

