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Bester Raptrack

158 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Raptrack ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Bester Raptrack

05.03.2015 um 13:14


Bester Raptrack

06.03.2015 um 00:37

Was hätte ich denn reissen müssen?
Dein oder mein Trommelfell...?


Erkennst du als beste Raptracks hauptsächlich nur Mainstream Zeug an dass dir die Hose vielleicht reisst bei anderem?

Deutsch musses ja nicht sein.

Mein Gedchmack entspricht sicher nicht jedem und selbstverständlich habe ich sehr viele Kriterien was Rap anbelangt.
Ich finde es nervt, wenn Menschen beim rappen schreien und eben zuviel so herumgejaule macht das ganze auch nicht überzeugend.


Bester Raptrack

06.03.2015 um 00:50
Nebenbei fand ich den Klimmbimm Track, sowie infektionsgefahr [ sogar noch besser] gar nicht mal so übel .


Bester Raptrack

06.03.2015 um 10:21 (Video: mr dobalina)


Bester Raptrack

06.03.2015 um 11:28
still the best...


Bester Raptrack

21.04.2015 um 12:20


Bester Raptrack

21.04.2015 um 16:15
Der Unterschied zwischen Rap und Hiphop ist mir noch nicht so ganz klar ^^

Cooler Film übrigens:

Youtube: B Rabbit vs Papa Doc / 8 Mile (German)
B Rabbit vs Papa Doc / 8 Mile (German)
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Bester Raptrack

22.04.2015 um 23:23
Rap ist der Sprechgesang, Hip Hop die Kultur mit Grafitti, Musik, Klamotten usw.

Youtube: Moqui Mythos - Moqui Marbles auf Eimsbush
Moqui Mythos - Moqui Marbles auf Eimsbush
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Bester Raptrack

22.04.2015 um 23:24
Ah ok. Danke Dir :)


Bester Raptrack

23.04.2015 um 00:40
Dälek - Tarnished

Youtube: Dälek - Tarnished
Dälek - Tarnished
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Adapt to daylight that breaks over roofs on horizon
Split chest to concrete to clear sinus
Letters curve like true writers
Respect due to Phase2
Bombs grew from angst of knuckled fighters

The ones who fell in urban combat
the ones who never cared to adapt
The ones in life who always felt trapped
The ones who made a real impact
The ones who molded exactly where these thought sat.

Verses amplified acoustically through wires
Makes perfect sense in mind with liquored virus
It all makes sense when mind's on liquored virus
Traveled under soil with Osiris
Birth and death of modern world on the Tigris
Why fight this?
Okt nigga why you even mic this?
Most the rest of world don't even like us
Ink flow from pen to raw papyrus
12 straight hours doing work ain't even tired
Tried and hung from sycamore
cause i attempt to play Picasso for the poor
No one wants to hear this lion's roar
No one wants to hear a lion's roar
Attempts on life are insured
With truths i spit on tours
Bourge muthafukas expect us on all fours
Use brute force when i need to underscore
the perfect paragraph always hit block raw
Hits blocks (raw).

Endure the everyday, remain tarnished
truth is all tarnished
Corner stoops is all tarnished
Even when it's strength we try to harness
My mental stay tarnished
The way we act on streets is all tarnished
Even when we meek we still tarnished
All the words we speak is mad tarnished
The core of man tarnished

They say at best we tamed savage
this train of thought kept collective souls all ravished
Raised a weary fist to catch my breath above the gutter
gave away our hope and dignity as not to smother
We still suffer!
Tragedy at times results in stutter
Stability off kilter
Resist within oppression
the struggle is our weapon
Perhaps this is the blessing
Existence as the lesson.

Ink flow from pen to raw papyrus
12 straight hours doing work ain't even tired
Tried and hung from sycamore
cause i attempt to play Picasso for the poor
No one wants to hear this lion's roar
No one wants to hear a lion's roar
Attempts on life are insured
With truths i spit on tours
Bourge muthafukas expect us on all fours

No need to mention where we is or where we at
Instead i reminisce on all my peoples that we lost Black
The ones who molded exactly where these thought sat
The ones who taught me how to act
The ones who fell in urban combat
the ones who never cared to adapt
The ones in life who always felt trapped
The ones who made a real impact
The ones who had the qualities your average man lacks
Commit their memories to wax
In fact commit their very tarnished essence to the core of (this track).

Endure the everyday, remain tarnished
truth is all tarnished
Corner stoops is all tarnished
Even when it's strength we try to harness
My mental stay tarnished
The way we act on streets is all tarnished
Even when we meek we still tarnished
All the words we speak is mad tarnished
The core of man tarnished

Endure the everyday, remain tarnished
truth is all tarnished
Corner stoops is all tarnished
Even when it's strength we try to harness
My mental stay tarnished
The way we act on streets is all tarnished
Even when we meek we still tarnished
All the words we speak is mad tarnished
The core of man tarnished


Bester Raptrack

04.05.2015 um 11:01
Video nicht jugendfrei (Login erforderlich)


Bester Raptrack

09.06.2015 um 01:52
dass tua gleich auf der ersten seite erwähnt wird, find ich spitze... :cool:

Youtube: JAW - Dokta Jotta
JAW - Dokta Jotta
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Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt. (Video: Moabit - Du willst, dass ich schweig (Album: Bär auf Speed))

und ja - sagts was wollt's:

Youtube: KAAS - "Alle Finger Auf Mich" (Official Video)
KAAS - "Alle Finger Auf Mich" (Official Video)
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