Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
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Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:35Der Lindberg schreibt gerade sehr viel auf facebook und beantwortet Fragen, sozusagen im live Chat.
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:35I m fixing a hole, where the rain gets in and stops my mind from wandering....
.... now i know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall...
.... now i know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall...
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:37Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:38Update:"Peter Lindberg
The "meringue" of which the divers have taken a picture is laying on the circle. What looks like bottom besides it is actually the top of the circle it self. There is not only straight lined formations on the circle. I'm not really sure but I think the "meringue" is the smaller round object you can see up to the right on the "original" side scan sonar image from last year. I'm not really sure because the divers did not know where they were except someone near the outer edge of the circle.
The divers had only about 15 minutes down there before they had to start their ascend. The short time and the bad visibilty makes it very difficult for them to find something to take photos of. They also have to move very slow and gentle not to stir up the silt which will destroy the little visibility they have."
The "meringue" of which the divers have taken a picture is laying on the circle. What looks like bottom besides it is actually the top of the circle it self. There is not only straight lined formations on the circle. I'm not really sure but I think the "meringue" is the smaller round object you can see up to the right on the "original" side scan sonar image from last year. I'm not really sure because the divers did not know where they were except someone near the outer edge of the circle.
The divers had only about 15 minutes down there before they had to start their ascend. The short time and the bad visibilty makes it very difficult for them to find something to take photos of. They also have to move very slow and gentle not to stir up the silt which will destroy the little visibility they have."
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:38Er hat die Sache mit dem "Vulkan" bestätigt.
The strange about the cloud is that it looked like a very distinct "plume" of something that catched the echo sounder beams so hard that it looked like a big rock hoovering in midwater, above the "volcano". I think we might have found something which is active in the way of like a "black smooker" or that maybe heated water is jetting out under high pressure. But this was not in the area of the circle, this volcano was found many miles away. We will certanly go back and try to find out if the "plume" just was a very densed shool of fish or something else.
The strange about the cloud is that it looked like a very distinct "plume" of something that catched the echo sounder beams so hard that it looked like a big rock hoovering in midwater, above the "volcano". I think we might have found something which is active in the way of like a "black smooker" or that maybe heated water is jetting out under high pressure. But this was not in the area of the circle, this volcano was found many miles away. We will certanly go back and try to find out if the "plume" just was a very densed shool of fish or something else.
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:40Der weisse Strich auf den Fotos ist die Führungsleine der Taucher.
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:41Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:4299% a natural formation, unique in its kind though, and also that we have found an area in the Baltic with volcanic activity.
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:43zusammenfassung:
ein user fragt:
Ok so it is a 60m large disc on a 56m large pillar... Right ?
Peter Lindberg: Something like that...
ich sags doch ein lava-korn-kreis im meer :D
ein user fragt:
Ok so it is a 60m large disc on a 56m large pillar... Right ?
Peter Lindberg: Something like that...
ich sags doch ein lava-korn-kreis im meer :D
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:44@Poipoi
Die schießen sich immer mehr auf Vulkan ein. Was ist "meringue" ? Mein Online-Translator meint, es sei Baiser!
Die schießen sich immer mehr auf Vulkan ein. Was ist "meringue" ? Mein Online-Translator meint, es sei Baiser!
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:45ahh ok
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:46der roboter muss jezte ran
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:48@haymaker
Die haben da unten null Sicht und nur 15 Minuten Zeit, wissen aber das Objekt im Ganzen genau zu beschreiben? da stimmt was nicht!
Die haben da unten null Sicht und nur 15 Minuten Zeit, wissen aber das Objekt im Ganzen genau zu beschreiben? da stimmt was nicht!
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:52Yann: 99% a natural formation, unique in its kind though, and also that we have found an area in the Baltic with volcanic activity. And the last percent? Well 0.9 % that it is remains from an ancient civilisation and 0.1 % that some aliens took an asteroid and made a space craft out of it. As someone asked me: Who have decided that an alien space craft must be made of somekind of metall...?Jetzt meint der wiederum es sei zu 99% natürlich. ^^
vor 10 Minuten · 15
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
20.06.2012 um 23:58Er meint wohl diesen Steinkreis.Lupo1954 schrieb:Was ist "meringue" ? Mein Online-Translator meint, es sei Baiser!
Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
21.06.2012 um 00:00@the_georg
Nun gut, wenn man mal unter "Fels" googelt erhält man Fotos von wahnwitzigen Wackelsteinen, Windlöchern usw, die aussehen, als ob sie der Teufel gemacht hätte. Warum dann nicht auch ein 60-Meter Keks auf einer Säule?
Nun gut, wenn man mal unter "Fels" googelt erhält man Fotos von wahnwitzigen Wackelsteinen, Windlöchern usw, die aussehen, als ob sie der Teufel gemacht hätte. Warum dann nicht auch ein 60-Meter Keks auf einer Säule?