:DDer Film läuft aktuell im Kino und handelt von :
http://kino.germanblogs.de/archive/2009/05/22/das-haus-der-damonen-horrorhaus-mit-gruselgarantie.htmPromotional material for the movie claims that it is based on the "true story" of paranormal activities experienced by the Snedeker family in the 1980s.[2] The Snedekers moved into a house in Southington, Connecticut, and would later claim that it was plagued by some manner of demonic presence. Carmen Snedeker described the demons: "One of the demons was very thin, with very high cheekbones, long black hair and pitch black eyes. Another had white hair and eyes, wore a pinstriped tuxedo, and his feet were constantly in motion. Also one had a very big smile that on each side touched his eyes, and he was very short."[3] The house was examined by Ed and Lorraine Warren. The story follows that mortuary equipment was discovered in the basement, and Lorraine Warren would later state, "In the master bedroom, there was a trap door where the coffins were brought up, and during the night, you would hear that chain hoist, as if a coffin were being brought up. But when Ed went to check, there was nobody down there." Lorraine Warren has told the Associated Press that the house was cleared of any presence after a séance conducted in 1988. The story was also covered in an episode of the A Haunting TV-series, called "A Haunting in Connecticut".
Eine Familie zog in ein Haus in Connecticut welches von Dämonen heimgesucht wird, eines der Dämonen war sehr dünn mit spitzen Wangenknochen, langen schwarzem Haar und pech schwarze augen. der andere hatte weisse haare und augen.. trug ein pinstriped tuxedo (kein plan was das is) und seine füße bewegten sich ständig-Eines hatte auch ein breites grinsen - die mundwinkel reichten bis zu den augen, und er war sehr klein.
das haus wurde von ed und lorraine warren untersucht, in dem haus fand man .. leichenbesteck im keller..
"in dem schlafzimmer war eine.. falltür wo die särge drin transportiert wurden.. und in der nacht wurde man das geräusch hören, was sich anhört als würden sich särge bewegen..aber als Ed nachgeschaut hat, war nichts zu sehen...
das haus wäre nach einer seance rein...
so in etwa.. reicht mein englisch