14.07.2006 um 16:10Ich hoffe, dass Pro7 die Serie kauft... Die sind momentan auf dem Mystery-Trip. ^^
UGO: Is the show supposed to scare people?Die Serieist nach 22 (23?) Folgen zuende! Das Ende ist offen, der Ami Sender
SHAUN: I don'tknow about scares at that level. I would say that there is sort of an underbelly of dreadthat's pervasive in this show. Our show's about aftermath and we are clearly living in anaftermath world. The residents of the Gulf Coast are going to be living in one for quitea while. Post-9/11 I think the whole country has felt a sense of unease and disquietabout what the future holds.
UGO: So like Lost, can anyone die in thisseries?
SHAUN: Of course. It's like life.
UGO: So you're not going toconfirm that it's aliens in the show?
SHAUN: That is correct, sir. I used to runa show about the CIA so I never confirm or deny anything.