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The hardest things to say
03.07.2005 um 18:32hey
ich hab letztens "The Body" von Stephen King gelesen.
Sehr interessant fand ich es ja net sehr..aber mcih hat es
wirklich fasziniert was Stephen King zu anfang des Buches
"The most important things are the hardest things to say. Thea are the things you get ashamed of, because words make them smaller. When they were in your head they were limitless; but when they come out they seem to be no bigger than normal things. But that's not all. The important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried; they are clues that could guide your enemies to a prize they would love to steal. It's hard and painful for you to talk about these things....and then people just look at you strangely. They haven't understood what you've said at all, or why you almost cried while you were saying it."
So, ich fand diese stelle wirklich interessant. Ich habe mir nun gedanken gemacht, was für dinge gemeint sind...die sooo schwer sind auszusprechen.
Welche Dinge findet ihr schwer auszusprechen?
Und ich meine nun keine Zungenbrecher.^^
Beleidigungen sind die Argumente jener, die keine Argumente haben.
ich hab letztens "The Body" von Stephen King gelesen.
Sehr interessant fand ich es ja net sehr..aber mcih hat es
wirklich fasziniert was Stephen King zu anfang des Buches
"The most important things are the hardest things to say. Thea are the things you get ashamed of, because words make them smaller. When they were in your head they were limitless; but when they come out they seem to be no bigger than normal things. But that's not all. The important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried; they are clues that could guide your enemies to a prize they would love to steal. It's hard and painful for you to talk about these things....and then people just look at you strangely. They haven't understood what you've said at all, or why you almost cried while you were saying it."
So, ich fand diese stelle wirklich interessant. Ich habe mir nun gedanken gemacht, was für dinge gemeint sind...die sooo schwer sind auszusprechen.
Welche Dinge findet ihr schwer auszusprechen?
Und ich meine nun keine Zungenbrecher.^^
Beleidigungen sind die Argumente jener, die keine Argumente haben.