Körpergrösse und Suizid bei Männern
15.03.2014 um 22:445cm mehr an grösse senkt die suizidquote um 9%. tja man wusste immerschon, dass kleine männer es schwerer haben, aber das ist das schon heftig wie ich finde. was sagt ihr dazu?
A Swedish study adds to this long list of advantages by exploring the relationship between men’s height and their likelihood of committing suicide. In a 2005 paper published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, Patrik K. E. Magnusson, David Gunnell, Per Tynelius, George Davey Smith, and Finn Rasmussen investigated the height-suicide link for 1,299,177 Swedish men born between 1950-1981. In total, 3,075 men had committed suicide (0.24% of the full cohort). The researchers also measured several possible confounding variables including body mass index, and parental socioeconomic index and education.http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/homo-consumericus/201204/more-good-news-tall-men
Here is the key finding: By using one of several hazard models, the researchers found that a five-centimeter increase in height yielded a 9% decrease in risk for suicide. Shorter men were substantially more likely to commit suicide than taller men, and this relationship held true even when several confounding variables were taken into account.