Junge Männer verschwinden nach Disco-Besuch
07.07.2011 um 13:55
Ein paar gute Gedankengänge aus dem englischen Link zu dem möglichen Jack the Pusher:
Is it an accident or a murder disguised?
If murder: Is this the act of a single individual (serial)
Well, these disappearances were mainly in the northern half of the country. and if we follow the chronological order on the card, except for a few, it makes a circle! It starts in the north, it goes down in Normandy and Brittany, it goes in the east, and it goes … And all this would be pure coincidence? Hmm … If the police say, they will pretend to believe them eh …
Like a lot of investigations, we do not probably no overlap, each case is isolated in its region, and even when there are two / three in the same area at the same time, apparently no one associates not much … It is always accidental, the emphasis on alcohol and hope is good, we have the reasons, no need to investigate, thank you goodbye! Move along there’s nothing to see.
Regarding the missing men, I can not help but think there is a young woman, pleasant physically involved, as in the claim that various of the gang of barbarians or in the movie “Bait”. ..
I find this very strange many disappearances. Like many people, I wonder. After all, in a short time, many young people have disappeared in circumstances quite similar. And for those whose body was found, was still in the water. The conclusions were always the same: death by drowning (with accidental preferred hypothesis). That’s a lot of people now … And in no time! Today I just read the news of another loss (yet!). These Joachim Lebreton, 23, disappeared from Caen this weekend. The circumstances of his death inevitably remind me to other young people, those mentioned here … I hope he will be found alive and healthy, but I confess that at the same time, I fear the worst. And it is the same for other missing persons who have not yet been found: I hope the best while fearing the worst (unfortunately). According to different autopsies, they died by drowning and did a priori, no trace of violence. OK … But there are several ways to fall overboard and drown. Certainly, it can accidentally fall. But then that’s a lot of “accidents” like, all-in-same … One can also jump into the water voluntarily (suicide). And it can also be pushed or thrown into the water by one or more third persons! In the latter case, perhaps you might think that there should be signs of struggle. But not necessarily! Before disappearing, each youth was alone, tired (white night), alcohol (therefore weak and vulnerable) … Moreover, we can all imagine, they have been sleeping without their knowledge by a substance undetectable at autopsy (as, for example, make them breathe chloroform, but I do not know if it detectable) . After, simply throw them into the water unconscious and they drown. This assumption is perhaps fanciful. But until the police speak of accidents without seeking further, one can imagine everything. And then … no trace of struggle, it is not 100% sure! It seems that John Ani wore strange wounds to the face and lips. They could possibly be caused by the fall in the water, but maybe not … As for Francis Thillman (which has not yet been found to date), it was sighted shortly before his disappearance with injuries (with blood on his face, it seems), his glasses broken, and with behavior “incoherent”. That it has happened?? Otherwise, the other day I read comments about the victims of Lille. People living in Lille (and therefore familiar with the area) find it odd that these young people have been accidentally dropped. I do not know Lille, but according to them it is not so obvious from falling into the water accidentally, there … When I look at the map of France, with all disappearances pointed above, I still have more questions. There is a high concentration of disappeared in the northern half, and somewhat on the periphery. In some specific cities, many young people are concerned. What bothers me most is that the police seem to treat each case separately and concluded quickly to accidents, apparently without reconciliation with other similar cases. It does not seem to be, either, to cross inter-regional scale of France. I guess when it concludes an accident, the case was soon closed and left unattended more … I pity from my heart victims’ relatives, who in addition to having to live the anguish and grief, must remain with uncertainties … If I were them, I have confidence that the authorities have done absolutely EVERYTHING to know the truth and seriously explored ALL the tracks. What to make of all this? I do not know … I admit I thought a lot. It may actually be accidents due to alcohol (even if that means a lot in little time …). But if it were not accidents? If acts of malice were the cause of these disappearances / deaths? If it is malicious, who is responsible? A single person? Several accomplices or people acting alongside one another? Any group / network? What is the motive? What is the procedure? I tend to think that these young people have been pushed or thrown into the water by one or more persons. But I could be wrong, of course. I also imagined (do not laugh at me, please) that someone could have put a substance into their drink without their knowledge during the evening. Potential effects of this substance (which exists or does not exist, of course): to weaken? Make them completely passive, unable to defend themselves? Give them strong suicidal thoughts, with a pressing need to isolate and uncontrollable attraction for vacuum or water? Really, do not laugh at me … But force, we can all imagine. The more I hear about these kids who disappear one after another, the more it reminds me of some dreary business, like that of the Disappeared Mourmelon, or that of the Disappeared of the Yonne … I may be wrong, though. Meanwhile, I sincerely hope that those who have not been found drowned one day be found alive (even if hope is dwindling). Good luck to their families. Sincerely, Sab
Reiner Zufall alles.Hmm.