Warum sind Apple-Produkte so unerreicht?
07.10.2014 um 13:43Windows Phones laufen erstaunlich flüssig. Selbst mit nur 512 MB RAM. Ich mag Windows Phones.kalamari schrieb:Und natürlich laggt für dich alles, wo kein Apfel drauf ist,
Genau so find ich die Nexus Geräte gut.
Hier hast du sogar ne Studie darüber, dass SD Karten die Smartphone Performance erheblich beeinflussen.kalamari schrieb:blödsinniges Argument von wegen "Flashspeicher ist ja so viel schneller"
Hier eine Zusammenfassung dazu:
Slow storagehttp://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/storage-wars-do-we-really-need-microsd-cards-in-our-phones--1219436
Then again, a microSD card slot isn't necessarily desirable even when it can easily be included. Because while microSD cards sound good on paper in reality they can hugely impact a phones performance.
According to a study carried out by Hyojun Kim at the Georgia Institute of technology, using a microSD card in your phone can cause it to become sluggish, with even basic tasks like web browsing suffering as a result. Overall performance can often drop by between 100% and 300% and in one case the study found that there was an incredible 2000% decrease in performance.
Even at the lower end that's a massive loss in performance and is an unacceptable trade off for some extra storage, particularly on higher end handsets where you're paying hundreds of pounds extra for a boost in specs.
The reason for the performance loss is simple, microSD cards themselves aren't fast enough. They can't keep up with the power and speed packed into modern smartphones. Though some are better at this than others and the brand and class of card you choose will have a big impact.