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Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

65 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Super Nova ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:27

Um es vielleicht nochmal ausfürhlich zu sagen:

Das erste Video zeigt aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach eine defekte russische Interkontinentalrakete.
Das zweite Video sieht arg nach Fake aus.

ein schwarzes Loch dieser Größe in unmittelbarer Erdnähe würdest du schnell daran erkennen, dass die Erde in einem Sekundenbruchteil nicht mehr existiert.


Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:30
und jetzt erlaube mir die Frage;

Was hat das mit Supernovae zu tun?

Oktaeder Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:31

Ich rechne das nochmal durch und schau mir die Daten der Ereignisse näher an!


Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:35
Warum mache ich mir eigentlich noch die Mühe, auf solche Threads zu antworten?

Ich sollte mal einen Psychologen aufsuchen. Vielleicht kann der mich davon überzeugen, dass ich mehr an mich selbst denken muss und mir gewisse Leute am Arsch vorbeigehen sollten.

So wie grade eben ist mir selten die Kinnlade runtergefallen.

Oktaeder Diskussionsleiter
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Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:40

Ich frag mich allerdings ob das hiermit zu erklären ist:


Das hab ich durch die halbe welt gefeuert! :D

1x zitiertmelden

Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:41
Und die Jenseitsflugmachine soll ja als äußere rotationsgeschwindigkeit die lichtgeschwindigkeit durchbrechen.

Junge, (ich hab das noch nie geschrieben) ich bin raus aus dem Thread!

1x zitiertmelden

Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:42
Zitat von OktaederOktaeder schrieb:Ich frag mich allerdings ob das hiermit zu erklären ist:
Ja, die Scheiß Nazis mit ihren Reichsflugscheiben haben all die Supernovae ausgelöst, um endlich den Weltkrieg zu gewinnen. Das Geheimnis ist aufgedeckt und wir sollten alle saufen gehen, bevor wir sterben.



Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:43
einen hab ich noch (; ironsky
http://ironsky.net/ (Archiv-Version vom 16.03.2012)

Oktaeder Diskussionsleiter
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Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:45

Wie meinst du das: Ich hab das noch nie geschrieben? Das hab ich auch selbst im Internet aufgefischt!


Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 16:50
ich meinte damit; ich habe noch nie geschrieben das ich raus bin aus einem Thread!
jetzt bin ich schon wieder drin, omfg


Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:05
Zitat von therealprotontherealproton schrieb:ich bin raus aus dem Thread!
Never say never again...

si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses!


Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:16
er hat auch nie die frage gestellt: Intellegis me esse philosophum?

1x zitiertmelden

Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:30
Zitat von therealprotontherealproton schrieb:er hat auch nie die frage gestellt: Intellegis me esse philosophum?
"Si tacuisses..." alleine wäre besser? Das würde ja auf jeden zweiten Post bei Allmy passen :D


Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:40

E contrario! Barbarus hic ergo sum, quia non intellegor ulli!!! Difficile est saturam non scribere (;

Oktaeder Diskussionsleiter
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Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:46


Schonmal die Referenz Supernovas angeschaut? Soll ich euch was sagen? Blinde werden sehen! ;)


Latest Supernovae

Framed version of this page available here. Mirror sites: (Main page) (ASRAS mirror) (ISN Mirror)

All active SN
over mag 17.0 Name Mag Type
2012aw 13.0 IIP
2011ja 13.1 IIP
2012au 13.3 Ib
2012Z 14.2 Ia-pec
J07225 14.4* unk
2012A 14.4 IIP
2011iy 14.5 Ia
2012ah 14.6* Ia
2012ab 14.8 IIn
2012O 15.2 Ia
2011jl 15.5* Ic
2012at 15.6* Ic
J02292 15.6* unk
2011jh 15.6 Ia
2011fe 15.7 Ia
2012V 15.7 Ia
J12130 15.7 unk
2012bb 15.8* IIP
2012ba 15.9* Ic
2010jl 15.9 IIn
2011iv 16.1* Ia
2012ag 16.2* Ia
2011jm 16.2* Ic
J18081 16.2 unk
M31-03a? 16.3 unk
2012W 16.5* II
M31-03c? 16.5 unk
2012J 16.6* Ib/c
2012av 16.6 II
2012U 16.7* Ia
2012P 16.7 IIb
2011hr 16.8 Ia
2012ar 16.8 Ia
2011ia 16.9 Ia
2012aj 16.9 Ia

Interested in starting a supernova search?. Please e-mail me.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a star exploded. This star exploded so violently that for a few weeks the star outshone its parent galaxy. This type of explosion is called a Supernova. The last one in our galaxy was 400 years ago, making us about 300 years overdue for the next one. On this web page you will find a list of the currently observable supernovae, along with information on their location, reference images, and their last reported brightness. Most of the supernova information found on this page comes from IAU and CBET circulars and occasionally more data can be found on IAU's List of Recent Supernovae web page. These web pages have brought you the latest in supernovae data and images since April 1997. 15 years and counting.

Web page last modified on 03/24/2012 15:01:34 . For yesterday's updates, go to the updates page.

Created entries for TCP J13311933+2922023 (Mag 19.5 in UGC 8510) and PSN J06511150-3024565 (Mag 18.3 in ESO 427-G013)
Updated the entry for 2012bh (was PS1-12rg in UGC 7228)
Added images of 2012aw, 2012bc, PSN J12130023+2516574 PSN J08433232+3200172 (Mag 20.6), PS1-12ql (Mag 18.2) CSS120123:111134+342829
News: 2012aw in M95 is rapidly rising. Dr. Weidong Li of LOSS passed away in December. SUPERNOVAE.NET is down, and I no longer have contact with the people at theo.it who hosted it for so long. Please redirect your links to this page. If you have any images of NGC 4945 (host galaxy of Mag 11.7 2011ja) taken around 2011/12/15 I would be interested in looking at them. Another cool article to read (partially about this page) Supernova Alphabet soup. Does anybody know of a grant that I could apply to for supporting this page? I probably spend about 2 hours a night working on it. Supernova 2011fe in M101 is Type Ia and appears to now be fading after hitting Mag 9.9. For a list of possible supernova look at Transient Objects Confirmation page. Please note my backup e-mail address: dbishopx at gmail.com For the year 2012, 190 supernovae (59 CBAT, 28 unconfirmed, and 103 other sources) have been reported. (888 last year) The brightest SN of the year are 2012au (Mag 12.7), 2012A (Mag 13.6), and 2012Z (Mag 13.6)

New feature I now have a parser which creates a searchable database sorted by RA, sorted by date, and sorted by brightness so that you can see if a supernova has already been reported. To turn off the icons, use this link. Wow, it looks like people really do read this web page, here is a great article that Doug Rich wrote about me. Mike Schwartz of Tenagra Observatories, Ltd. has named Asteroid 1999 RH241 (70401) Davidbishop and 2005 TF152 (149968) Trondal. Extragalactic Novae now have their own page at the top level. I am (re)starting a supernova e-mail list. Please sign up if interested. VSNet is partially back up! LOSS ask people who discover supernovae to provide an offset from a nearby star to make spectroscopy easier.

Three groups are not reporting all of their discoveries to CBAT. Because of this I have active SN (above 18th mag) which have not been given designations by CBAT.
Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey: Supernova page, All discoveries page, Categorized page, MLS search page, SSS search page, Supernova hunt page
ROTSE collaboration: Discoveries page
Palomar Transient Factory, Galaxy Zoo, the hunt for supernovae Discoveries

* - last observation is over one month old.
PSN J06511150-3024565 (= SNhunt119), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/23.500 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in ESO 427-G013 at R.A. = 06h51m11s.50, Decl. = -30°24'56".5
Located 6" east and 11" north of the center of ESO 427-G013 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:3/23, Type unknown

TCP J13311933+2922023 (= SNhunt118), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/23.410 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in UGC 8510 at R.A. = 13h31m19s.33, Decl. = +29°22'02".3
Located 25" east and 3" south of the center of UGC 8510 (Discovery image) (Robert Koff image)
Mag 19.5:3/23, Type unknown (References: SN 2000J)

2012bh (= PS1-12rg), CBET 3066 discovered 2012/03/21.470 by PS1 Science consortium
Found in UGC 7228 at R.A. = 12h13m37s.31, Decl. = +46°29'00".5
Located 5".3 east and 37".5 south of the center of UGC 7228
Mag 17.0:3/21, Type Ia (References: ATEL 3997, SN 2007sw)

PSN J12571181-1341059, CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/23.463 by Leonid Elenin
Found in NGC 4825 at R.A. = 12h57m11s.81, Decl. = -13°41'05".9
Located 7" west and 72" south of the center of NGC 4825 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:3/23, Type unknown

PSN J08433232+3200172, CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/15.832 by unknown at R.A. = 08h43m32s.32, Decl. = +32°00'17".2 Mag 20.6:3/23 (20.0:3/15), Type unknown (Joseph Brimacombe image)

PSN J12130023+2516574 (= SNhunt115), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/03.27 by Doug Rich; Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in UGC 7217 at R.A. = 12h13m00s.23, Decl. = +25°16'57".4
Located 0" east and 3" north of the center of UGC 7217 (Discovery image) (CRTS image) (Stan Howerton image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Stan Howerton image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.7:3/23, Type unknown

2012bg (= CSS120219:112911+360021) CBET 3064 discovered 2012/02/19.29 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey at R.A. = 11h29m11s.20, Decl. = +36°00'20".6 Mag 18.3:2/19, Type IIP (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: ATEL 3941)
2012bf (= CSS120210:151342+160607) CBET 3063 discovered 2012/02/10.43 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey at R.A. = 15h13m41s.82, Decl. = +16°06'06".6 Mag 18.4:3/4, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: ATEL 3941)
2012be (= CSS120221:112052+513230) (= PS1-12pd) CBET 3062 discovered 2012/02/21.29 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey at R.A. = 11h20m52s.36, Decl. = +51°32'30".2 Mag 18.1, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: ATEL 3980, ATEL 3983)
2012ay (= CSS120224:094326-065336), CBET 3056 discovered 2012/02/24.32 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey at R.A. = 09h43m25s.71, Decl. = -06°53'35".9 Mag 19.1:3/16 (18.0:2/28), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Stan Howerton image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: ATEL 3941, ATEL 3983)
2012ax (= CSS120218:111158+294206), CBET 3055 discovered 2012/02/18.43 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey at R.A. = 11h11m58s.35, Decl. = +29°42'05".5 Mag 18.0:3/3, Type Ia (1.1W 11.5N) (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: ATEL 3941, ATEL 3983)

MASTER 070737.08+104933.7, ATEL 3981 discovered 2012/03/16.478 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 07h07m37s.08, Decl. = +10°49'33".7
Located 0" east and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image unconfirmed)
Mag > 21.0:3/22 (16.0:3/16), Type unknown

4 supernovae ATEL 3981 discovered by MASTER robotic Net
MASTER 163105.47+615548.4 (= MASTER 134433.70+224132.3)
MASTER 080909.92+032014.5 discovered 2012/03/19.792 at R.A. = 08h09m09s.92, Decl. = +03°20'14".5 Mag 17.4:03/19, Type unknown (Discovery image)
MASTER 120514.62+315653.1 discovered 2012/03/19.915 at R.A. = 12h05m14s.62, Decl. = +31°56'53".1 Mag 19.2:03/19, Type unknown (1W) (Discovery image)
4 supernovae ATEL 3980 discovered by PS1 Science consortium
PS1-12qn discovered 2012/02/02.500 at R.A. = 11h44m53s.81, Decl. = +09°11'07".3 Mag 19.5:2/2, Type Ia (2W)
PS1-12ql discovered 2012/02/27.600 at R.A. = 15h36m58s.16, Decl. = +03°59'49".4 Mag 18.2:3/23 (18.0:2/27), Type Ia (0W) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PS1-12qh discovered 2012/02/03.700 at R.A. = 11h42m56s.40, Decl. = +04°21'47".4 Mag 19.2:2/3, Type LBV
TCP J08461690+3115554, CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/19.780 by T. Kryachko, A.Sklyanov, S. Korotkiy and B.Satovskiy
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h46m16s.90, Decl. = +31°15'55".4
Located 16".5 east and 32".4 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Nick James image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:3/19, Type GV?

2012aw, (= PSN J10435372+1140177) (= PTF12bvh), CBET 3054 discovered 2012/03/16.8493 by Paolo Fagotti (Italian Supernovae Search Project); Jure Skvarc
Found in M95 at R.A. = 10h43m53s.72, Decl. = +11°40'17".7 (= NGC 3351)
Located 60" west and 115" south of the center of M95 (Skvarc discovery image) (Dimai discovery image)
Mag 13.0:3/22 (13.1:3/19), Type IIP (References: ATEL 3979, ATEL 3991, ATEL 3994, ATEL 3995, ATEL 3996, CBAT TOCP)
2012aw images sub-page

3 supernovae ATEL 3974 discovered by La Silla-QUEST
LSQ12axx discovered 2012/03/08.083 at R.A. = 08h17m50s.67, Decl. = -05°43'11".1 Mag 17.7:3/22 (17.4:03/08), Type Ib (Joseph Brimacombe image)
LSQ12ayn discovered 2012/03/10.092 at R.A. = 08h48m21s.87, Decl. = 09°26'16".2 Mag 18.4:03/10, Type IIP
LSQ12ayu discovered 2012/03/10.116 at R.A. = 09h21m59s.69, Decl. = 16°52'50".4 Mag 18.8:03/10, Type Ia
2012av, (= PSN J15461751+1045345), CBET 3053 discovered 2012/03/16.160 by F. Ciabattari and E. Mazzoni
Found in UGC 10026 at R.A. = 15h46m17s.51, Decl. = +10°45'34".5
Located 3" west and 4" north of the center of UGC 10026 (Discovery image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.6:3/17 (rising), Type II (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012bd (= MASTER 134433.70+224132.3), CBET 3061 discovered 2012/03/14.839 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 16h31m05s.47, Decl. = +61°55'48".4 Mag 18.4:3/17 (18.1:3/14), Type IIP (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: ATEL 3970, ATEL 3981)

2012au (= PSN J12545218-1014502) (= SNhunt117), CBET 3052 discovered 2012/03/14.450 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in NGC 4790 at R.A. = 12h54m52s.18, Decl. = -10°14'50".2
Located 3".5 east and 2".0 north of the center of NGC 4790 (Discovery image)
Mag 13.3:3/22 (12.7:3/16), Type Ib (References: CBAT TOCP, vsnet-recent-sn 3059, ATEL 3967, ATEL 3968, ATEL 3971)
2012au images sub-page

2012bc (= PSN J10581499-4634315), CBET 3060 discovered 2012/02/03.270 by CHASE
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h58m14s.99, Decl. = -46°34'31".5
Located 0" east and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.8:2/3, Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

PSN J18081305-6223542, CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/10.260 by unknown
Found in IC 4674 at R.A. = 18h08m13s.05, Decl. = -62°23'54".3
Located 0" east and 11" south of the center of IC 4674
Mag 16.2:3/10, Type unknown

2012az PSN J03085209+1718032 (= CSS120313:030852+171803), CBET 3057 discovered 2012/03/13.120 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h08m52s.09, Decl. = +17°18'03".2
Located 15".1 east and 15".8 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Robert Koff image) (JM Llapasset image) (William Wiethoff image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:3/15 (17.4:3/13), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP ATEL 3983)

MASTER 033305.88+171901.5, ATEL 3954 discovered 2012/03/06.562 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h33m05s.88, Decl. = +17°19'01".5
Located 0" east and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image unconfirmed) (JM Llapasset image unconfirmed)
Mag > 20.5 (17.0:3/6), Type unknown

11 supernovae ATEL 3957 discovered by Palomar Transient Factory
PTF11ncy discovered 2011/09/16.14 at R.A. = 17h53m11s.70, Decl. = +53°40'06".7 Mag 20.1:09/16, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12tr discovered 2012/01/18.20 at R.A. = 04h40m08s.80, Decl. = +03°15'24".8 Mag 19.5:01/18, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12aki discovered 2012/02/03.41 at R.A. = 10h21m34s.93, Decl. = +05°18'24".6 Mag 19.0:3/13 (18.5:02/03), Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12alp discovered 2012/02/04.36 at R.A. = 13h07m39s.48, Decl. = +06°20'08".9 Mag 17.0:02/04, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12aob discovered 2012/02/03.25 at R.A. = 07h48m04s.92, Decl. = +37°10'27".8 Mag 19.5:02/03, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12art discovered 2012/02/11.48 at R.A. = 17h05m54s.34, Decl. = +04°51'42".5 Mag 18.5:02/11, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12ass discovered 2012/02/18.46 at R.A. = 15h10m05s.22, Decl. = +01°12'58".2 Mag > 21.0 (20.2:02/18), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12ast discovered 2012/02/18.50 at R.A. = 12h51m52s.24, Decl. = +38°31'29".7 Mag 20.2:3/13 (20.0:02/18), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Bimacombe image)
PTF12asw discovered 2012/02/18.31 at R.A. = 13h05m32s.54, Decl. = +27°20'29".4 Mag 20.0:3.13 (19.3:02/18), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12awi discovered 2012/02/21.38 at R.A. = 10h03m13s.71, Decl. = +01°53'43".4 Mag 17.6:3/16, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12bdp discovered 2012/02/26.37 at R.A. = 12h58m10s.54, Decl. = -26°21'17".4 Mag 18.8:02/26, Type II
PSN J15164204+5525011, CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/03.480 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 5908 at R.A. = 15h16m42s.04, Decl. = +55°25'01".1
Located 11" west and 27" north of the center of NGC 5908 (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Nick James image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Xavier Bros image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.4:3/20 (17.3:3/8), Type LBV (References: ATEL 3969)

PSN J02513960+1739325 (= MLS120304:025140+173932), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/03/04.140 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in UGC 2341 at R.A. = 02h51m39s.60, Decl. = +17°39'32".5
Located 18" west and 9" south of the center of UGC 2341 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 18.0:3/4, Type unknown

MASTER 105345.09+541805.1, ATEL 3954 discovered 2012/02/26.689 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 10h53m45s.09, Decl. = +54°18'05".1 (near NGC 3448) Mag 19.0:3/8 (18.2:3/5), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)

3 supernovae ATEL 3953 discovered by La Silla-QUEST
LSQ12agq discovered 2012/02/19.216 at R.A. = 10h17m41s.65, Decl. = -07°24'54".4 Mag 17.7:3/4, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
LSQ12aor discovered 2012/02/25.223 at R.A. = 10h55m17s.63, Decl. = -14°18'01".3 Mag 19.2:02/25, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
LSQ12apf discovered 2012/02/26.243 at R.A. = 11h27m08s.06, Decl. = -09°13'22".3 Mag 20.7:02/26, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
2012ar (= PSN J16203602-1027383) (= CSS120301:162036-102738), CBET 3041 discovered 2012/03/01.490 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h20m36s.02, Decl. = -10°27'38".3
Located 7".1 west and 27".8 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Federica Luppi and Luca Buzzi image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.8:3/5 (16.6:3/1), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012aq (= CSS120224:145405+220541), CBET 3038 discovered 2012/02/24.540 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey at R.A. = 14h54m05s.13, Decl. = +22°05'40".6 Mag 17.4:2/29, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (References: ATEL 3941)

LSQ12ale, ATEL 3942 discovered 2012/02/20.274 by La Silla-QUEST
Found in NGC 3843 at R.A. = 11h43m56s.51, Decl. = +07°55'37".3
Located 28".4 east and 5".3 north of the center of NGC 3843 (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 18.0:2/28, Type Ia

3 supernovae ATEL 3942 discovered by La Silla-QUEST
LSQ12agk discovered 2012/02/17.283 at R.A. = 11h46m12s.70, Decl. = -01°56'29".9 Mag 20.0:2/28 (19.6:2/17), Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
LSQ12lb discovered 2012/02/01.083 at R.A. = 05h56m52s.65, Decl. = -29°53'17".4 Mag 18.9:2/1, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
2012ao (= MLS120225:151643-143838), CBET 3036 discovered 2012/02/25.490 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey at R.A. = 15h16m42s.88, Decl. = -14°38'38".1 Mag 19.1:3/6, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)

TCP J07592325+1625109 (= SNhunt113), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/02/25.240 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in UGC 4139 at R.A. = 07h59m23s.25, Decl. = +16°25'10".9
Located 5" west and 6" south of the center of UGC 4139 (Discovery image) (Processes image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 19.5:2/25, Type unknown (LBV?) (References: SN 2011an)

PSN J10572260+4055551 (= SNhunt114), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/02/26.390 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h57m22s.60, Decl. = +40°55'55".1 (near NGC 3468)
Located 0" east and 2" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 19.0:2/26, Type unknown

49 supernovae ATEL 3941 discovered by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
CSS120225:104941+031730 discovered 2012/02/25 at R.A. = 10h49m40s.78, Decl. = +03°17'29".8 Mag 19.3, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120225:135902+021739 discovered 2012/02/25 at R.A. = 13h59m01s.96, Decl. = +02°17'39".1 Mag 18.7:2/26 (18.4:2/25), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120224:134312+322634 discovered 2012/02/24 at R.A. = 13h43m12s.27, Decl. = +32°26'33".8 Mag 18.9, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120224:145405+220541 (= 2012aq)
CSS120224:094326-065336 (= 2012ay)
CSS120224:100531-013042 discovered 2012/02/24 at R.A. = 10h05m31s.07, Decl. = -01°30'41".8 Mag 19.4:3/3, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120223:095241+352001 discovered 2012/02/23 at R.A. = 09h52m41s.26, Decl. = +35°20'00".7 Mag 19.6:3/2 (19.2:2/23), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120223:101223+334336 discovered 2012/02/23 at R.A. = 10h12m22s.94, Decl. = +33°43'36".0 Mag 20.2:3/3 (19.2:2/23), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120222:084614+225502 discovered 2012/02/22 at R.A. = 08h46m14s.23, Decl. = +22°55'01".8 Mag 19.7:3/1 (19.2:2/22), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120222:095634+180751 discovered 2012/02/22 at R.A. = 09h56m34s.46, Decl. = +18°07'51".5 Mag 19.4:3/3 (19.3:2/22), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120221:112052+513230 (= 2012be)
CSS120219:112911+360021 (= 2012bg)
CSS120218:111158+294206 (= 2012ax)
CSS120218:013618+114123 discovered 2012/02/18 at R.A. = 01h36m17s.79, Decl. = +11°41'22".5 Mag 18.3, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120210:073508+394354 discovered 2012/02/10 at R.A. = 07h35m08s.42, Decl. = +39°43'54".2 Mag 19.2:2/27 (18.9:2/10), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120210:151342+160607 (= 2012bf)
CSS120201:112525+251604 discovered 2012/02/01 at R.A. = 11h25m24s.67, Decl. = +25°16'03".8 Mag 19.2, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120127:024237-144610 discovered 2012/01/27 at R.A. = 02h42m36s.50, Decl. = -14°46'09".9 Mag 18.3, Type unknown (Discovery image)
CSS120126:142127-173046 discovered 2012/01/26 at R.A. = 14h21m27s.34, Decl. = -17°30'46".1 Mag 18.8, Type unknown (Discovery image)
CSS120125:122038+321740 discovered 2012/01/25 at R.A. = 12h20m38s.22, Decl. = +32°17'39".8 Mag 19.5:3/2 (18.9:1/25), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120125:124045+125321 discovered 2012/01/25 at R.A. = 12h40m44s.84, Decl. = +12°53'21".0 Mag 19.8:3/2 (19.2:1/25), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120125:122958+100407 discovered 2012/01/25 at R.A. = 12h29m57s.51, Decl. = +10°04'06".9 Mag 21.2:3/2 (19.6:1/25), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120125:140617+003739 (= PSN J14061744+0037390)
CSS120123:111134+342829 discovered 2012/01/23 at R.A. = 11h11m33s.90, Decl. = +34°28'28".7 Mag 19.4, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120123:133657-030204 discovered 2012/01/23 at R.A. = 13h36m56s.93, Decl. = -03°02'03".9 Mag 19.0, Type unknown (Discovery image) Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120225:080449+191228 discovered 2012/02/25 at R.A. = 08h04m48s.65, Decl. = +19°12'27".6 Mag 20.7, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Discovery image)
MLS120225:151643-143838 (= 2012ao)
MLS120225:134515-064632 discovered 2012/02/25 at R.A. = 13h45m15s.32, Decl. = -06°46'32".1 Mag 20.9, Type unknown (Discovery image)
MLS120224:104015+121023 discovered 2012/02/24 at R.A. = 10h40m15s.48, Decl. = +12°10'23".0 Mag 19.3:3/14, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120224:141234-131859 discovered 2012/02/24 at R.A. = 14h12m33s.78, Decl. = -13°18'59".0 Mag 20.8:3/16 (19.3:2/24), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120223:100818+132621 discovered 2012/02/23 at R.A. = 10h08m17s.64, Decl. = +13°26'21".2 Mag 20.0, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120223:104532+070943 discovered 2012/02/23 at R.A. = 10h45m32s.08, Decl. = +07°09'43".2 Mag 19.8:2/27, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120221:124539+031849 discovered 2012/02/21 at R.A. = 12h45m38s.54, Decl. = +03°18'49".1 Mag 20.1, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120219:082320+161233 discovered 2012/02/19 at R.A. = 08h23m19s.95, Decl. = +16°12'33".4 Mag 18.6:3/13 (18.1:2/19), Type unknown (host galaxy) (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120211:085038+184029 discovered 2012/02/11 at R.A. = 08h50m37s.68, Decl. = +18°40'28".7 Mag 22.0:3.2 (19.9:2/11), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120211:083128+192242 discovered 2012/02/11 at R.A. = 08h31m27s.71, Decl. = +19°22'42".4 Mag 19.1:2/20, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Briamcombe image)
MLS120211:024712+175746 discovered 2012/02/11 at R.A. = 02h47m11s.86, Decl. = +17°57'46".5 Mag 19.4, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120211:092738+153502 discovered 2012/02/11 at R.A. = 09h27m38s.30, Decl. = +15°35'02".0 Mag 19.3:2/27 (20.2:2/11), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120210:075930+194611 (= MASTER 075929.72+194610.7)
MLS120210:083019+151940 discovered 2012/02/10 at R.A. = 08h30m18s.79, Decl. = +15°19'40".3 Mag 20.5:2/28 (19.6:2/10), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120202:013141+012414 discovered 2012/02/02 at R.A. = 01h31m41s.26, Decl. = +01°24'13".9 Mag 19.6, Type unknown (Discovery image)
MLS120201:125517+054621 discovered 2012/02/01 at R.A. = 12h55m16s.96, Decl. = +05°46'20".7 Mag 20.2, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120130:155638-175824 discovered 2012/01/30 at R.A. = 15h56m38s.48, Decl. = -17°58'24".2 Mag > 21.0:3/5 (19.6:1/30), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120130:140053-110152 discovered 2012/01/30 at R.A. = 14h00m53s.14, Decl. = -11°01'51".9 Mag 21.3:3/4 (20.7:1/30), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120127:090330+202037 discovered 2012/01/27 at R.A. = 09h03m30s.30, Decl. = +20°20'37".4 Mag > 21.0:3/12 (20.6:1/27), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120127:081146+155505 discovered 2012/01/27 at R.A. = 08h11m45s.51, Decl. = +15°55'05".0 Mag > 21.0:3/12 (19.4:1/27), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120126:074216+193753 discovered 2012/01/26 at R.A. = 07h42m15s.51, Decl. = +19°37'53".0 Mag > 21.0:3/12 (20.3:1/26), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120126:081334+183447 discovered 2012/01/26 at R.A. = 08h13m33s.55, Decl. = +18°34'46".9 Mag 19.3:2/27, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
SSS120204:122819-342726 (= PSN J12281903-3427264)
2012am (= PSN J10540167+4601389), CBET 3034 discovered 2012/02/24.274 by Tim Puckett
Found in UGC 6015 at R.A. = 10h54m01s.67, Decl. = +46°01'38".9
Located 7" west and 1" south of the center of UGC 6015 (Joseph Brimacombe image) (L. Elenin and I. Molotov image) (Paolo Corelli image)
Mag 17.6:2/24, Type IIn (References: CBAT TOCP; SN 2006cf)

2012al (= PSN J10061161+4717406) (= SNhunt112), CBET 3033 discovered 2012/02/24.330 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h06m11s.61, Decl. = +47°17'40".6 (near NGC 3111)
Located 1".6 east and 1".4 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Stan Howerton image) (L. Elenin and I. Molotov image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Federica Luppi image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 18.1:2/24, Type IIn (References: CBAT TOCP)

MASTER J114408.87+173643.6, ATEL 3940 discovered 2012/02/22.905 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h44m08s.96, Decl. = +17°36'39".2
Located 0" east and 4".7 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image unconfirmed)
Mag > 20.5:2/25 (17.8:2/22), Type unknown

2012ak (= PSN J10012720+3640120), CBET 3032 discovered 2012/02/21.201 by E. Briggs, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in CGCG 182-058 at R.A. = 10h01m27s.20, Decl. = +36°40'12".0 (= PGC 29010)
Located 8" east and 4" south of the center of CGCG 182-058 (Discovery image) (Paul Mortfield image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.7:3/19 (17.7:2/21), Type II (References: CBAT TOCP)

MASTER 075929.72+194610.7 (= MLS120210:075930+194611), ATEL 3938 discovered 2012/02/18.658 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 07h59m29s.72, Decl. = +19°46'10".7 Mag 19.0:2/23 (18.5:2/19), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)

2012an (= PSN J17241023+5900069), CBET 3035 discovered 2012/02/21.529 by Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in NGC 6373 at R.A. = 17h24m10s.23, Decl. = +59°00'06".9
Located 16".3 east and 24".2 north of the center of NGC 6373 (Discovery image (mirror)) (L. Elenin image) (Federica Luppi and Luca Buzzi image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Juanjo Gonzalez image) (Joel Nicolas image) (William Wiethoff image) (William Wiethoff image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.7:3/7 (17.4:2/21), Type IIb (References: CBET 3043 CBAT TOCP; SN 2001ad)

2012aj (= PSN J16270396+5136498), CBET 3030 discovered 2012/02/21.494 by Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in PGC 214498 at R.A. = 16h27m03s.96, Decl. = +51°36'49".8
Located 7".36 west and 0".1 south of the center of PGC 214498 (Discovery image (mirror)) (L. Elenin image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.9:3/7, Type Ia (References: CBET 3042 CBAT TOCP)

2012ah, (= PSN J23255963-8154333), CBET 3028 discovered 2012/02/21.390 by Stu Parker
Found in NGC 7637 at R.A. = 23h25m59s.63, Decl. = -81°54'33".3
Located 58" west and 8" north of the center of NGC 7637 (Discovery image) (Stu Parker image)
Mag 14.6:2/21, Type Ia (References CBAT TOCP, CBET 3031; SN 1992ao)

2012ai (= PSN J09075883+4142199), CBET 3029 discovered 2012/02/20.120 by Doug Rich
Found in NGC 2755 at R.A. = 09h07m58s.83, Decl. = +41°42'19".9
Located 6" east and 12" south of the center of NGC 2755 (Doug Rich image) (Robert Koff image) (Mante Andrea image) (Ron Arbour image prediscovery) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Stan Howerton image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 17.4:2/22, Type II (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012ad (= CSS120126:063845+672022), CBET 3024 discovered 2012/01/26.300 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h38m45s.07, Decl. = +67°20'22".4
Located 0" east and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Stan Howerton image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image) William Wiethoff image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 19.2:3/7 (17.9:1/26), Type Ia

2012ac (= CSS120211:033433+180440), CBET 3023 discovered 2012/02/11.160 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h34m33s.42, Decl. = +18°04'40".3
Located 1".9 west and 2".1 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.6:2/11, Type Ia

2012ab, CBET 3022 discovered 2012/01/31.350 by ROTSE collaboration
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h22m47s.60, Decl. = +05°36'25".0
Located 0" east and 1" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset iamge) (JM Llapasset image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 14.8:3/14 (14.6:2/29), Type IIn

MASTER074423.15+525320.5, ATEL 3935 discovered 2011/12/30.587 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 07h44m23s.15, Decl. = +52°53'20".5 Mag 21.6:2/19 (18.8:12/30), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image unconfirmed)

2012as (= PSN J15250852+3757494), CBET 3044 discovered 2012/02/17.939 by Zhangwei Jin and Xing Gao
Found in UGC 9842 at R.A. = 15h25m08s.52, Decl. = +37°57'49".4 (= PGC 55040)
Located 30".9 east and 12".9 north of the center of UGC 9842 (Discovery image Discovery page) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Federica Luppi and Luca Buzzi image)
Mag 17.6:2/19, Type IIn (was LBV) (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012ae (= PSN J08585588+2303424), CBET 3025 discovered 2012/02/13.760 by T. Kryachko, S. Korotkiy and B.Satovskiy
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h58m55s.88, Decl. = +23°03'42".4
Located 3" west and 1" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (William Wiethoff image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.4:2/13, Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012ag (= PSN J13412766-3200010) (= SSS120216:134128-320001), CBET 3027 discovered 2012/02/16.740 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in ESO 445-011 at R.A. = 13h41m27s.66, Decl. = -32°00'01".0
Located 8" east and 8" north of the center of ESO 445-011 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.2:2/18, Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

MASTER J085834.51+213821.7, ATEL 3929 discovered 2012/02/13.880 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h58m34s.56, Decl. = +21°38'21".4
Located 0" east and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.9:2/13, Type unknown

2012at (= PSN J04545281-3719161) (= SNhunt111), CBET 3045 discovered 2012/02/06.510 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in ESO 361-19 at R.A. = 04h54m52s.81, Decl. = -37°19'16".1 (= PGC 16317)
Located 0".9 west and 1".1 south of the center of ESO 361-19 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.6:2/17, Type Ic (References: CBAT TOCP)

PSN J12281903-3427264 (= SSS120204:122819-342726), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/02/04.770 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h28m19s.03, Decl. = -34°27'26".4
Located 3" west and 1" south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Leonid Elenin image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.7:2/16 (16.6:2/4), Type unknown

2012af (= MASTER PGC1696336), CBET 3026 discovered 2012/02/11.991 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in PGC 1696336 at R.A. = 15h00m30s.87, Decl. = +23°55'45".1
Located 9".2 east and 0".7 south of the center of PGC 1696336 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Xavier Bros image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 17.4:2/18 (16.5:2/11), Type Ia (References: ATEL 3919)

PSN J03082763+0405345 (= SNhunt110), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/02/12.120 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in NGC 1218 at R.A. = 03h08m27s.63, Decl. = +04°05'34".5
Located 21" east and 65" south of the center of NGC 1218 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Stan Howerton image)
Mag 18.8:2/15 (17.2:2/13), Type unknown (References: SN 2000fs)

2011kd, CBET 3018 discovered 2011/12/29.550 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey at R.A. = 12h14m55s.42, Decl. = -04°25'07".6 Mag 20.7:2/13 (19.7:12/29), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)

2012ap (= PSN J05001372-0320512), CBET 3037 discovered 2012/02/10.230 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 1729 at R.A. = 05h00m13s.72, Decl. = -03°20'51".2
Located 29".2 west and 16".9 north of the center of NGC 1729 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Rob Fesen image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Diego Rodriguez image) (Stan Howerton image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.7:3/19 (15.7:2/12), Type Ib/c (References: ATEL 3922, CBAT TOCP)

20 supernovae ATEL 3911 discovered by Palomar Transient Factory
PTF11rnu discovered 2011/12/28.50 at R.A. = 12h45m27s.20, Decl. = +00°58'33".2 Mag 19.6:12/28, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF11rrq discovered 2011/12/30.37 at R.A. = 12h24m02s.86, Decl. = +12°26'05".8 Mag 20.0:12/30, Type Ia (near IC 3258) (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12ax discovered 2012/01/02.47 at R.A. = 08h46m28s.58, Decl. = +27°24'55".9 Mag > 20.5:2/11 (20.0:01/02), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12fo (= 2012D)
PTF12ie discovered 2012/01/04.41 at R.A. = 08h39m26s.26, Decl. = +13°57'29".4 Mag 22.5:2/14 (20.2:01/04), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12jb discovered 2012/01/05.10 at R.A. = 23h46m09s.37, Decl. = +03°17'34".1 Mag 18.3:01/05, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12lc discovered 2012/01/06.43 at R.A. = 07h44m32s.88, Decl. = +39°11'54".3 Mag 18.8:01/06, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12ml discovered 2012/01/10.12 at R.A. = 01h34m00s.77, Decl. = -00°00'46".9 Mag 19.1:01/10, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12ms discovered 2012/01/10.18 at R.A. = 02h43m51s.56, Decl. = +00°35'57".4 Mag 19.3:01/10, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12ne (= 2012S)
PTF12rz discovered 2012/01/17.20 at R.A. = 01h52m08s.36, Decl. = +35°39'56".4 Mag 19.9:01/17, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12sz discovered 2012/01/17.39 at R.A. = 12h26m51s.72, Decl. = +05°15'57".5 Mag 19.5:01/17, Type Ia (Discovery image)
PTF12tc discovered 2012/01/18.12 at R.A. = 01h41m47s.08, Decl. = +06°22'01".2 Mag 18.2:01/18, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12th (= PSN J04502783-0329245)
PTF12vr discovered 2012/01/18.42 at R.A. = 12h27m06s.05, Decl. = +07°30'00".4 Mag 19.5:01/18, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12xv (= CSS111231:044049+063112) discovered 2011/12/31 at R.A. = 04h40m49s.03, Decl. = +06°31'11".7 Mag 19.2:2/14, Type IIn (CSS discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12yc discovered 2012/01/21.11 at R.A. = 00h45m11s.03, Decl. = +39°11'21".1 Mag 20.3:01/21, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12zg discovered 2012/01/23.27 at R.A. = 07h54m20s.95, Decl. = +23°46'45".2 Mag 20.1:2/11 (19.8:01/23), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12zp discovered 2012/01/25.42 at R.A. = 12h30m11s.24, Decl. = +11°44'40".7 Mag 18.6:01/25, Type Ia (in LEDA 097411) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12abl discovered 2012/01/26.34 at R.A. = 10h43m22s.43, Decl. = +12°52'24".3 Mag 18.6:2/14, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
2012bb (= PSN J12195197-3627261), CBET 3059 discovered 2012/02/02.190 by CHASE
Found in ESO 380-014 at R.A. = 12h19m51s.97, Decl. = -36°27'26".1
Located 11".4 east and 8".0 north of the center of ESO 380-014 (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.8:2/11, Type IIP (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012X, CBET 3011 discovered 2012/01/29.260 by ROTSE collaboration
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h29m20s.80, Decl. = +53°00'41".2
Located 5".5 east and 5".4 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image) (William Wiethoff image) (Thomas Langhans image)
Mag 18.4:2/3 (17.9:1/29), Type Ia

LSQ12ca, ATEL 3908 discovered 2012/01/15.104 by La Silla-QUEST at R.A. = 05h31m03s.62, Decl. = -19°47'59".1 Mag 19.5:1/15, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)

2012aa (= PSN J14523348-0331540), CBET 3015 discovered 2012/01/29.560 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h52m33s.48, Decl. = -03°31'54".0 (near UGCA 396)
Located 0".1 east and 1".6 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image)
Mag 17.8:2/24 (17.7:1/29), Type Ic (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012Z (= PSN J03220535-1523156), CBET 3014 discovered 2012/01/29.150 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 1309 at R.A. = 03h22m05s.35, Decl. = -15°23'15".6
Located 14".6 west and 43".1 north of the center of NGC 1309 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Otmar Nickel image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Martin Mobberley image) (Jose Carrillo image) (JM Llapasset image) (Stan Howerton image) (Maurice Gavin image) (JM Llapasset image)
Mag 14.2:2/23 (13.6:2/18), Type Ia-pec (References: ATEL 3900, 3901, 3909, CBAT TOCP SN 2002fk)

PSN J22225848-6548431, CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/28.800 by Berto Monard
Found in IC 5202 at R.A. = 22h22m58s.48, Decl. = -65°48'43".1
Located 17" east and 33" south of the center of IC 5202 (Discovery image) (Confirmation image)
Mag 17.8:1/28, Type unknown

MASTER PGC1376112, ATEL 3891 discovered 2012/01/22.865 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in PGC 1376112 at R.A. = 07h59m17s.19, Decl. = +10°12'06".1
Located 10".4 east and 0".1 north of the center of PGC 1376112 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.7:1/22, Type unknown

2012Y (= PSN J04502783-0329245) (= SNhunt109) (= PTF12th), CBET 3013 discovered 2012/01/18.23 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h50m27s.83, Decl. = -03°29'24".5 (near MCG -1-13-16)
Located 1" west and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Confirmation image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 18.5:1/30 (18.2:1/26), Type IIn (References: ATEL 3903, 3911, CBAT TOCP)

2012W (= PSN J00500895-0511175) (= SNhunt108), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/26.090 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in NGC 268 at R.A. = 00h50m08s.95, Decl. = -05°11'17".5
Located 10".0 west and 18".6 north of the center of NGC 268 (Discovery image) (Confirmation image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Stan Howerton image) (Stan Howerton image)
Mag 16.5:2/20 (15.9:1/29), Type II

PSN J11423452+2628187 (= SNhunt107), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/26.440 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in NGC 3826 at R.A. = 11h42m34s.52, Decl. = +26°28'18".7
Located 23" east and 61" south of the center of NGC 3826 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 20.0:2/1 (19.2:1/26), Type unknown

2012T (= PSN J14014169+3349339), CBET 3005 discovered 2012/01/26.472 by Tim Puckett
Found in NGC 5421 at R.A. = 14h01m41s.69, Decl. = +33°49'33".9
Located 3".5 east and 3".4 south of the center of NGC 5421 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 17.4:1/26, Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP, (CBET 3004 corrected))

2012S (= PSN J01494770+3144496) (= CSS120126:014948+314450) (= PTF12ne), CBET 3003 discovered 2012/01/06.18 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h49m47s.70, Decl. = +31°44'49".6
Located 5".3 west and 12".7 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 17.2:1/26, Type IIP (References: ATEL 3911, CBAT TOCP)

PSN J14185608-2724569, CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/17.340 by unknown
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h18m56s.08, Decl. = -27°24'56".9 (near ESO 511-G26)
Located 15" east and 4" south of the center of the host galaxy (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.7:1/17, Type unknown

PSN J14061744+0037390 (= CSS120125:140617+003739), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/25.540 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h06m17s.44, Decl. = +00°37'39".0
Located 3" east and 5" south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.6:1/26 (18.1:1/25), Type unknown

2012V (= PSN J19471032+5954599), CBET 3008 discovered 2012/01/25.790 by Giancarlo Cortini
Found in NGC 6829 at R.A. = 19h47m10s.32, Decl. = +59°54'59".9
Located 18" east and 36" north of the center of NGC 6829 (Discovery image) (Xing Gao image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Bob Koff image) (Tom Krajci image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset iamge) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.7:2/24 (14.8:2/8), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012O, CBET 2992 discovered 2012/01/18.330 by ROTSE collaboration
Found in NGC 4906 at R.A. = 13h00m39s.99, Decl. = +27°55'24".4
Located 3".1 east and 1".8 south of the center of NGC 4906 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (JM Llapasset image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.2:3/13 (15.0:2/2), Type Ia

2012ba (= PSN J15222512-3812042), CBET 3058 discovered 2012/01/21.330 by CHASE
Found in ESO 328-46 at R.A. = 15h22m25s.12, Decl. = -38°12'04".2
Located 7".3 east and 6".3 south of the center of ESO 328-46 (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.9:2/1, Type Ic (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012P (= PSN J14595904+0153251) (= PTF12os), CBET 2993 discovered 2012/01/22.156 by Fabio Briganti (Italian Supernovae Search Project)
Found in NGC 5806 at R.A. = 14h59m59s.04, Decl. = +01°53'24".4
Located 10" west and 1" south of the center of NGC 5806 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.7:3/14 (15.0:1/22), Type IIb (was Ib/c) (References: CBAT TOCP, ATEL 3881, 3882, 3884, 3885; SN 2004dg)
2012P images sub-page

13 supernovae ATEL 3874 discovered by Palomar Transient Factory
PTF11rly discovered 2011/12/27.45 at R.A. = 12h58m17s.01, Decl. = -09°52'00".5 Mag 19.5:12/27, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF11rmb discovered 2011/12/27.55 at R.A. = 10h05m26s.35, Decl. = -06°09'24".0 Mag 18.7:1/26 (17.9:12/27), Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF11rnq discovered 2011/12/27.17 at R.A. = 02h23m22s.71, Decl. = -02°40'37".4 Mag 20.6:1/23 (19.7:12/27), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF11rns discovered 2011/12/27.42 at R.A. = 12h28m10s.75, Decl. = +11°27'54".8 Mag 19.1:1/26, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF11rpc discovered 2011/12/29.24 at R.A. = 09h15m47s.00, Decl. = +49°28'20".1 Mag 19.9:12/29, Type Ia (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF11rpj discovered 2011/12/28.48 at R.A. = 08h49m39s.21, Decl. = +11°03'29".9 Mag 19.2:12/28, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF11rpz discovered 2011/12/29.20 at R.A. = 09h21m58s.02, Decl. = +51°02'25".5 Mag 19.8:12/29, Type Ia (near NGC 2841) (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12lz discovered 2012/01/06.14 at R.A. = 01h37m16s.90, Decl. = +30°07'14".3 Mag 19.2:1/23, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Briacombe image)
PTF12mj discovered 2012/01/06.21 at R.A. = 10h25m44s.15, Decl. = +73°42'00".9 Mag > 21.0:1/29 (19.1:01/06), Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
PTF12ta discovered 2012/01/17.42 at R.A. = 12h35m02s.53, Decl. = +08°32'38".7 Mag 19.0:1/26, Type Ia (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
33 supernovae ATEL 3873 discovered by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
CSS120121:094613+195028 (= PS1-12fo) discovered 2012/01/21 at R.A. = 09h46m12s.85, Decl. = +19°50'28".2 Mag 18.1:01/21, Type Ic (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: ATEL 3918, 3925, 3931)
CSS120119:231949+212438 discovered 2012/01/19 at R.A. = 23h19m49s.17, Decl. = +21°24'38".4 Mag 18.4:01/19, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120118:105924+143218 discovered 2012/01/18 at R.A. = 10h59m23s.52, Decl. = +14°32'17".8 Mag 19.8:1/30 (19.5:01/18), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120113:134558+323143 discovered 2012/01/13 at R.A. = 13h45m57s.91, Decl. = +32°31'43".3 Mag 18.5:01/24, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120113:075900+270957 (= 2012L)
CSS120104:131903+160943 discovered 2012/01/04 at R.A. = 13h19m02s.83, Decl. = +16°09'43".2 Mag 19.8:1/24 (19.5:01/04), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS120101:154353+181209 discovered 2012/01/01 at R.A. = 15h43m52s.51, Decl. = +18°12'09".4 Mag 19.7:1/27 (18.7:01/01), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS111230:143658+163057 discovered 2011/12/30 at R.A. = 14h36m57s.53, Decl. = +16°30'56".6 Mag 19.2:1/27 (18.6:12/30), Type Ic (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: ATEL 3883)
CSS111230:015105+050335 (= PSN J01510522+0503352)
CSS111229:104531+432538 discovered 2011/12/29 at R.A. = 10h45m30s.87, Decl. = +43°25'37".6 Mag 18.9:12/29, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS111228:103551+410959 (= TCP J10355100+4109594)
CSS111228:095421-011339 discovered 2011/12/28 at R.A. = 09h54m20s.59, Decl. = -01°13'39".5 Mag > 20.5:1/28 (19.2:12/28), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
CSS111227:021338-110933 (= PSN J02133780-1109326)
CSS111225:140122+161705 (= PSN J14012159+1617047)
CSS111224:125356+014409 discovered 2011/12/24 at R.A. = 12h53m55s.75, Decl. = +01°44'08".6 Mag 19.7:1/30 (19.2:12/24), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
SSS120103:032929-491301 (= PSN J03292940-4913010)
SSS120103:105011-150221 (= PSN J10501145-1502213)
MLS120120:080401+151513 (= PSN J08040080+1515129)
MLS120120:012859+111527 discovered 2012/01/20 at R.A. = 01h28m58s.52, Decl. = +11°15'26".6 Mag 20.0:01/20, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120119:075219+274911 discovered 2012/01/19 at R.A. = 07h52m18s.63, Decl. = +27°49'11".1 Mag 20.6:01/27, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120118:075008+185905 discovered 2012/01/18 at R.A. = 07h50m07s.63, Decl. = +18°59'05".0 Mag 18.8:1/23 (18.7:01/18), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120118:114727+024324 discovered 2012/01/18 at R.A. = 11h47m26s.94, Decl. = +02°43'24".4 Mag 19.2:01/31, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120104:075718+195732 discovered 2012/01/04 at R.A. = 07h57m18s.30, Decl. = +19°57'32".1 Mag 21.8:1/31 (20.6:01/04), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS120101:032446+223327 discovered 2012/01/01 at R.A. = 03h24m46s.28, Decl. = +22°33'26".9 Mag 20.0:01/01, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS111228:041353+170348 (= PSN J04135273+1703481)
MLS111228:035911+152547 discovered 2011/12/28 at R.A. = 03h59m10s.64, Decl. = +15°25'46".7 Mag 20.8:12/28, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS111228:101134+150649 discovered 2011/12/28 at R.A. = 10h11m33s.69, Decl. = +15°06'49".5 Mag 21.5:2/14 (20.4:12/28), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS111227:071633+293258 discovered 2011/12/27 at R.A. = 07h16m32s.94, Decl. = +29°32'58".0 Mag 20.3:1/24 (20.1:12/27), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS111227:080448+173647 discovered 2011/12/27 at R.A. = 08h04m48s.13, Decl. = +17°36'47".3 Mag 20.6:12/27, Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS111227:124651-055601 discovered 2011/12/27 at R.A. = 12h46m50s.76, Decl. = -05°56'01".0 Mag 21.1:1/31 (20.4:12/27), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS111226:225156-023401 discovered 2011/12/26 at R.A. = 22h51m55s.58, Decl. = -02°34'01".3 Mag 19.9:12/26, Type unknown (Discovery image)
MLS111225:113846+035506 discovered 2011/12/25 at R.A. = 11h38m46s.06, Decl. = +03°55'05".6 Mag 21.6:1/27 (19.6:12/25), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
MLS111225:125106-000447 discovered 2011/12/25 at R.A. = 12h51m06s.27, Decl. = -00°04'46".8 Mag 20.0:1/27 (19.7:12/25), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
2012N (= PSN J14354463+2443415), CBET 2991 discovered 2012/01/21.523 by Tim Puckett
Found in UGC 9396 at R.A. = 14h35m44s.63, Decl. = +24°43'41".5
Located 15".4 west and 8".3 north of the center of UGC 9396 (Discovery image) (Nick James image) (Simone Leonini image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (AAVSONet image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Marc Deldem image)
Mag 17.5:3/2 (16.5:1/21), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012L (= CSS120113:075900+270957), CBET 2989 discovered 2012/01/13.460 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 07h59m00s.47, Decl. = +27°09'57".1
Located 8".4 west and 13".7 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Thomas Langhans image)
Mag 19.5:1/28 (18.7:1/13), Type Ia

2012M (= PSN J14565985+2435595), CBET 2990 discovered 2012/01/20.139 by Alessandro Dimai (Italian Supernovae Search Project)
Found in PGC 53433 at R.A. = 14h56m59s.85, Decl. = +24°35'59".5
Located 8" west and 25" south of the center of PGC 53433 (Discovery image) (L. Elenin image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Joseph Brimaocmbe image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Marc Deldem image)
Mag 18.3:3/2 (17.0:1/20), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

TCP J15063158+0926356 (= SNhunt106), CBAT TOCP discovered 2011/12/30.540 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in UGC 9708 at R.A. = 15h06m31s.56, Decl. = +09°26'35".6
Located 13" west and 23" south of the center of UGC 9708 (Discovery image) (Confirmation image) (Joseph Briamcombe image) (Federica Luppi and Luca Buzzi image)
Mag 19.4:1/20, Type unknown

PSN J08040080+1515129 (= MLS120120:080401+151513), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/20.330 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in PGC 22633 at R.A. = 08h04m00s.80, Decl. = +15°15'12".9
Located 12" west and 3" north of the center of PGC 22633 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image) (Stan Howerton image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Emile Capella image)
Mag 19.2:1/28 (18.1:1/20), Type unknown

2012G (= MASTER PGC042367), CBET 2983 discovered 2012/01/14.370 by ROTSE collaboration
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h39m35s.1, Decl. = +16°35'11".9
Located 10".7 west and 4".3 south of the center of anonymous galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (MASTER image) (Stan Howerton image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset image) (JM Llapasset image)
Mag 17.2:3/14 (15.8:1/21), Type Ia (References: ATEL 3876)

2012U (= PSN J02060433-5511375), CBET 3007 discovered 2012/01/20.450 by Peter Marples (BOSS)
Found in ESO 153-20 at R.A. = 02h06m04s.33, Decl. = -55°11'37".5 (= PGC 8012)
Located 8" east and 0" north of the center of ESO 153-20 (Discovery image) (Greg Bock image) ( image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.7:2/11 (14.9:1/20), Type Ia (References: (CBET 3006 corrected) CBAT TOCP)

PSN J02292569-4304517 (= SNhunt105), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/18.490 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in IC 1810 at R.A. = 02h29m25s.69, Decl. = -43°04'51".7
Located 13" west and 17" south of the center of IC 1810 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.6:2/12, Type unknown

MASTER 013902.45+613055.6, ATEL 3870 discovered 2012/01/13.876 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 01h39m02s.45, Decl. = +61°30'55".6 Mag 18.7:1/19 (17.1:1/13), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)

2012I (= PSN J02582783+0611253) (= CSS120118:025828+061125), CBET 2985 discovered 2012/01/18.170 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h58m27s.83, Decl. = +06°11'25".3
Located 1".6 east and 6".4 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Stan Howerton image) (JM Llapasset image)
Mag 16.3:1/18, Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

PSN J10525661-3256071 (= SNhunt104), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/16.690 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in NGC 3449 at R.A. = 10h52m56s.61, Decl. = -32°56'07".1
Located 37" east and 28" south of the center of NGC 3449 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Stan Howerton image)
Mag 18.8:1/28 (17.9:1/18), Type unknown

PSN J07225346-6202360 (= SNhunt103), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/16.630 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in ESO 123-9 at R.A. = 07h22m53s.46, Decl. = -62°02'36".0
Located 21" east and 52" south of the center of ESO 123-9 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 14.4:2/13, Type unknown

2012Q (= PSN J06462664-3653134), CBET 2994 discovered 2012/01/14.130 by CHASE
Found in ESO 366-18 at R.A. = 06h46m26s.64, Decl. = -36°53'13".4
Located 0".6 east and 1".8 north of the center of ESO 366-18 (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.0:1/14, Type Ic (References: CBAT TOCP)

2012E (= PSN J02332279+0935056), CBET 2981 discovered 2012/01/14.142 by L. Cox, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in NGC 975 at R.A. = 02h33m22s.79, Decl. = +09°35'05".6
Located 1".04 east and 60".5 south of the center of NGC 975 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:2/20 (15.8:1/20), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)
2012E images sub-page

2012D (= PSN J12583711+2710252) (= SNhunt102) (= PTF12fo), CBET 2980 discovered 2012/01/03.40 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in PGC 44486 at R.A. = 12h58m37s.11, Decl. = +27°10'25".2 (= CGCG 160-67, in Abell 1656)
Located 2".3 west and 10".6 south of the center of PGC 44486 (Discovery image) (Leonid Elenin image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Federica Luppi and Luca Buzzi image) (Stan Howerton image)
Mag 17.1:1/28, Type IIP (References: ATEL 3911, CBAT TOCP)

2012H, (= PSN J05201494-2518563), CBET 2984 discovered 2012/01/10.160 by CHASE
Found in IC 411 at R.A. = 05h20m14s.94, Decl. = -25°18'56".3
Located 49".7 west and 31".6 north of the center of IC 411 (Stan Howerton image) (Leonid Elenin image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (José Luis Perán Fernández image) (Manuel Díaz image) (Ella Sanders image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.5:2/26 (16.7:1/14), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

PSN J12355230+2755559, CBET 2976 discovered 2012/01/11.250 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 4559 at R.A. = 12h35m52s.30, Decl. = +27°55'55".9
Located 71" west and 103" south of the center of NGC 4559 (Discovery image) (Leonid Elenin image) (Simone Leonini image prediscovery) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Mantero Andrea image)
Mag 18.2:1/15 (16.7:1/11), Type LBV (References: ATEL 3865, CBAT TOCP, SN 1941A)

2012K (= MASTER PGC002065), CBET 2987 discovered 2012/01/08.502 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in PGC 2065 at R.A. = 00h34m30s.79, Decl. = +30°24'06".3
Located 13".9 east and 15".7 north of the center of PGC 2065 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Stan Howerton image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 16.9:1/14 (16.0:1/8), Type II (References: ATEL 3859)

2012B (= PSN J03513452+3704427), CBET 2978 discovered 2012/01/08.203 by Jack Newton and Tim Puckett
Found in MCG +6-9-10 at R.A. = 03h51m34s.52, Decl. = +37°04'42".7 (= PGC 13981)
Located 5".03 east and 7".6 south of the center of MCG +6-9-10 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.5:3/19 (16.5:1/23), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)
2012B images sub-page

2012A (= PSN J10250739+1709146), CBET 2974 discovered 2012/01/07.387 by B. Moore, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in NGC 3239 at R.A. = 10h25m07s.39, Decl. = +17°09'14".6
Located 24".65 east and 16".1 south of the center of NGC 3239 (Discovery image)
Mag 14.4:3/21 (13.6:1/14), Type IIP (References: ATEL 3855, 3857, 3860, 3861, 3863, 3956, CBET 2975 CBAT TOCP)
2012A images sub-page

MASTER140859.07+255012.0, ATEL 3854 discovered 2012/01/04.941 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h08m59s.07, Decl. = +25°50'12".0
Located 1".6 east and 0" north of the center of the anonymous galaxy (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Thomas Langhans image)
Mag 17.3:2/3 (16.7:1/13), Type unknown

2011jy, (= MASTER OT105357.03+232234.5), CBET 2988 discovered 2011/12/30.792 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h53m57s.03, Decl. = +23°22'34".5
Located 0" east and 0" north of the center of the anonymous galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image) (William Wiethoff image) (Thomas Langhans image)
Mag 18.4:2/24 (16.5:12/30), Type II (References: ATEL 3847)

2012C (= PSN J09373048+3250315), CBET 2979 discovered 2012/01/04.177 by Doug Rich
Found in NGC 2926 at R.A. = 09h37m30s.48, Decl. = +32°50'31".5
Located 7" west and 3" north of the center of NGC 2926 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Leonid Elenin image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Leonid Elenin image) (Federica Luppi and Luca Buzzi image) (Martin Mobberley image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 17.7:1/19 (16.6:1/5), Type Ic (References: CBAT TOCP)

PSN J16092659+6422447, CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/04.970 by Zhangwei Jin and Xing Gao
Found in CGCG 320-007 at R.A. = 16h09m26s.59, Decl. = +64°22'44".7
Located 11".2 east and 1".7 north of the center of CGCG 320-007 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Thomas Langhans image) (Thomas Langhans image)
Mag 17.1:3/2, Type unknown

PSN J13240095+0942529 (= SNhunt101), CBAT TOCP discovered 2012/01/04.440 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in NGC 5125 at R.A. = 13h24m00s.95, Decl. = +09°42'52".9
Located 4" east and 16" north of the center of NGC 5125 (Discovery image) (Faulkes Telescope image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 19.2:1/11 (18.6:1/6), Type unknown (References: SN 1997co)

2012J (= PSN J14562364-3736180), CBET 2986 discovered 2012/01/02.080 by Berto Monard
Found in ESO 386-39 at R.A. = 14h56m23s.64, Decl. = -37°36'18".0
Located 20" west and 16" south of the center of ESO 386-39 (Discovery image) (Confirmation image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Berto Monard image) (Berto Monard image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.6:2/11 (15.8:1/6), Type Ib/c (References: CBAT TOCP)

2011js (= PSN J02480496-1357511) (= SNhunt99), CBET 2969 discovered 2011/12/31.160 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in NGC 1103 at R.A. = 02h48m04s.96, Decl. = -13°57'51".1
Located 15".2 west and 17".9 south of the center of NGC 1103 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Stan Howerton image) (William Wiethoff image)
Mag 15.6:1/20, Type IIn (References: CBAT TOCP)

2011ka (= PSN J05142826-6210190), CBET 2996 discovered 2011/12/29.889 by Berto Monard
Found in ESO 119-46 at R.A. = 05h14m28s.26, Decl. = -62°10'19".0
Located 10" west and 5" south of the center of ESO 119-46 (Discovery image) (Confirmation image) (Berto Monard image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Berto Monard) (Stu Parker image prediscovery) (Berto Monard image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 14.6:1/11 (14.5:1/2), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

2011jm (= TCP J12545110+0239149), CBET 2962 discovered 2011/12/24.490 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in NGC 4809 at R.A. = 12h54m51s.09, Decl. = +02°39'14".8
Located 0".6 east and 0".2 north of the center of NGC 4809 (Discovery image) (Confirmation image) (Stan Howerton image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Stan Howerton image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Federica Luppi image) (JM Llapasset image) (Stan Howerton image) (Stan Howerton image) (JM Llapasset image)
Mag 16.2:2/18 (14.8:12/24), Type Ic (References: CBAT TOCP)

2011jh, (= PSN J12471442-1003473), CBET 2953 discovered 2011/12/22.784 by Yoji Hirose
Found in NGC 4682 at R.A. = 12h47m14s.42, Decl. = -10°03'47".2
Located 18" west and 1" north of the center of NGC 4682 (Discovery image) (Yoji Hirose image) (T. Noguchi image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Stu Parker image) (CRTS image) (Stan Howerton image) (Thomas Langhans image)
Mag 15.6:3/2 (15.4:12/27), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)

2011ja, (= PSN J13051112-4931270), CBET 2946 discovered 2011/12/18.086 by Berto Monard
Found in NGC 4945 at R.A. = 13h05m11s.11, Decl. = -49°31'27".0
Located 152" west and 195" south of the center of NGC 4945 (Discovery image)
Mag 13.1:3/6 (11.7:1/9), Type IIP (References: CBAT TOCP, ATEL 3820, 3899, SN 2005af)
2011ja images sub-page

2011iy, (= PSN J13085839-1531041), CBET 2943 discovered 2011/12/09.856 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 4984 at R.A. = 13h08m58s.38, Decl. = -15°31'04".0
Located 16".6 east and 6".1 south of the center of NGC 4984 (Discovery image)
Mag 14.5:3/1 (12.2:12/10), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP)
2011iy images sub-page

2011iv, (= PSN J03385135-3535320), CBET 2940 discovered 2011/12/02.570 by Stu Parker
Found in NGC 1404 at R.A. = 03h38m51s.34, Decl. = -35°35'32".0
Located 7" west and 8" north of the center of NGC 1404 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.1:2/14 (12.2:12/5), Type Ia (References: CBAT TOCP; ATEL 3797, SN 2007on)
2011iv images sub-page

2011jl (= PSN J10430295-3621524), CBET 2957 discovered 2011/11/27.280 by CHASE
Found in NGC 3354 at R.A. = 10h43m02s.95, Decl. = -36°21'52".4
Located 0".5 east and 8".0 south of the center of NGC 3354 (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.5:1/28, Type Ic (References: CBAT TOCP)

2011ir (= PSN J11480032+0429471), CBET 2934 discovered 2011/11/21.813 by Shigeru Furuyama
Found in UGC 6771 at R.A. = 11h48m00s.31, Decl. = +04°29'47".0
Located 1".2 east and 29".9 north of the center of UGC 6771 (Discovery image) (T. Yusa image confirmatio

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Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:52
2011fe (= PTF11kly), (= PSN J14030581+5416254), ATEL 3581 discovered 2011/08/24.000 by Palomar Transient Factory
Found in M101 at R.A. = 14h03m05s.80, Decl. = +54°16'25".3 (= NGC 5457)
Located 58".6 west and 270".7 south of the center of M101 (Discovery image)
Mag 15.7:3/19 (9.9:9/10), Type Ia

(References: CBET 2792, 2804, 2863, TOCP page, AAVSO special notice 250, ATEL 3582, 3583, 3584, 3585, 3587, 3588, 3589, 3590, 3592, 3593, 3594, 3597, 3598, 3599, 3602, 3605, 3607, 3612, 3615, 3620, 3623, 3642, 3658, 3696, 3822, SN 1970G, 1951H, 1909A)
2011fe images sub-page

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Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:53
Das sind bald soviele das man sie nicht mehr zählen kann! ;) Und es werden noch mehr! ;)


Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:54
so wenig sind das nicht, das stimmt. muss nachdenken - schön das du wie der on Topic bist (;

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Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:55

Das sind verdammt viele! ;) Und fast alle von 2011 und noch mehr 2012! ;)

Und das coole ist ich bin woanders! ;) hab ich dir ja erzählt!


Was hat es mit den ganzen Supernovas auf sich?

24.03.2012 um 18:56
verdammt nimm mich mit (;
