Die E-bombe ....
30.11.2005 um 09:51Aus Zeitgründen konnte ich den nachstehenden Artikel nicht ins Deutsche übersetzen ...bitte um Nachsicht!
The E-Bomb – The Ultimate Perversion of Ethics
Dr.Douglas Beason, Deputy Associate Director (Defense Threat Reduction) at the Los AlamosNational Laboratory, responsible for coordinating all defense, intelli-gence, space,sensor R&D, and bio-threat programs, a $260M portfolio, who pre-viously served on theWhite House staff under both the Bush and Clinton Admini-strations and authored more thana dozen books and numerous scholarly papers on “how to kill other people moreefficiently” was recently interviewed by Joanne Myers of the Carnegie Council on Ethicsand International Affairs. He praised the new “E-bomb” (the name given to Directed-EnergyWeapons by the publisher of his latest book: <The E-Bomb - How America’s NewDirected-Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Future Wars Will Be Fought> ).
Theupshot of this interview is it to “explain away” the utter absence of moral thought andethical action in the (post-)modern world. Dr. Beason waffles away at length on the“benefits” of directed energy weapons so as to make these diabolical manifestations ofdiabolical ingenuety appear the ultimate in “humanistic” thought. He explains the“flee-effect”: it is how you will react when millimeter waves are ab-sorbed within aboutthe first third of a millimeter of your skin, and that energy, when it is absorbed byyour skin, is picked up by your nerve endings. The nerves are not actually affected. Whatthe nerve endings feel is the energy that is absorbed by your skin as intense heat. It'snot intense heat; it is actually just millimeter waves that are depositing their energy.In fact, the amount of energy that is actually deposited by a weapons system such as thisis less than one-tenth the amount of energy that you get by standing out in the sun. Itis just at a certain frequency. When you are standing out in the sun, you get millimeterwaves. You get what we call a black-body spectrum of radiation. You just don't get asmuch as what is being broadcast by the Active Denial.
This reminds people cursed withelephantine memory of an article in Encyc-lopedia Britannica : nearly half a century ago“experts” propounded that Alpha-radiation (generated in radioactive decay) is harmlessand stopped by human skin. Now, that the Anglo-American Destruct Machine has turnedentire countries (parts of former Jugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq) into deposits of“nuclear waste” and the inhabitants of these lands (as well as the soldiers who were sentthere to dispose of radioactive wastes generated in the production of barabric means toterrorize civilians) die like flies and are parents to grotesquely malformed offspring,the people know otherwise. Point in case: The E-bomb (electromagnetic-spectrum bomb)came about because of an electromagnetic burst, which was first identified back in theearly 1960s during the Starfish Nuclear Test, which was an aboveground – atmospheric -nuclear explosion, when electronics for miles and miles around just ceased to work. Thereason is that they were burnt out by this burst of electro-mag-netic radiation. Ifother scientists are to believed, who describe “life-processes” as electro-chemicalgoings-ons within cells, then it stands to reason to assume, that also they will get“influenced” (burnt out) by the bursts delivered by the E-bomb and “active denial”technology. Dermatologist will surely “tune in” to explain, that even if any damageshould be done to skin-cells, that this damaged cells are des-tined to be shed in anycase. This is what the “dust” in (even clinically clean) rooms large consists of – shedhuman skin!
Scientists never really “know” – they (at best) only interpretevidence. They are “believers” in paradigmatic truths (derived from the collectiveconsensus of the “Elders” of the various disciplines. Dr. Beason also notes, that one ofthe “bene-fits” of these new weapons is the fact, that when you can “see the target, youcan hit it” – after all, these weapons “work” (to all intents and purposes)instantane-ously, as they act at the speed of light. The “Active Denial” weapon, ateleported microwave oven, at distances of 700 meters (so the Pentagon specification)will turn people (and all else that is organic) into a crisp. Any scientist who tries toconvince thinking people that the common soldier on the battle-field, who is slog-gingnot only his survival-kit but his weaponry with him, will not at some point “mishandle”his “light sabres” (as in Star Wars) or “ray guns” (as in Buck Rogers) and thereby in oneor the other way change the intricate circuitry of these gadgets, should try to put onsuch garb and try to actually exsist (in a Heideggerian way) under such conditions. Whatmay very well be a “harmless” gadget in its original design could very well turn into abarbaric Weapon of Total Destruction of all forms of life in inintentioned (some wouldcall it: serendipitous) ways. “Murphey’s Law” (“things that can go wrong, will gowrong!”) is a warning that only “idealists” (theorists and other impractical people) willnot heed. If anything could have been learned (on a technological level) from all warsever fought, then it is the truism, that only simple weapons are really reliable: whileGerman weaponry in WW II. would not work when not properly maintained, Russian weaponsdid (so the practical joke) use grime for grease! With this practical reasoning, one ofthe main arguments of Dr. Beason dissolves into the hot air it consists of.
Hethen goes on to drivel on this science and technology being infinitely pre-cise, soprecise that it could discriminate between innocent civilians and combat-ants at rangesthat are greater than small-arms fire. At this point (if not much earlier on) he isentirely overcome by his futuristics-mania: he has forgotten to mention, that this willnecessitate the “micro-chipping” of all of mankind prior to the E-bomb and “ActiveDenial” being put to use. But he counts (obviously) on his listeners to follow his“sermon” with infinite belief in his truthfullness. With this we have come to the realreason for 9-11 and similar “events” that periodically “happen”: the comingall-embracing police-state will lead to the micro-chipping of everybody! Only then willthese diabolical weapons be able to discriminate between friend and foe!
Hedisqualifies himself further (as a terrorist ) by restating the tired old lie of thenuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki having “saved” innumerous lives by endingthe Pacific War prematurely. Such skulduggery one expects from a politician; that itcomes from a “scientist” is just further support for the arguments of those, who suspectthe ilk of Dr. Beason being up to no good! Just like “hand-phones” (who fry the brains ofusers) are called “harmless” – despite multiple evidence to the contrary – the “ActiveDenial” weaponry will surely change warfare forever. Anybody who believes in theassurance, that “directed energy weapons” are non-lethal and even non-carcinogenic (nowwhy did he bring that up, one wonders?) considers genetical malformations a sequitur ofmodern existence. In a world where “elected” officials only think of the “future” interms of the duration of their period of office and emplyees in terms of the unexpiredportion of their con-tract, people are conditioned to sideline all thoughts ofextra-systemic “time” as something that only concerns “others”. In times past, it wasthe “cloth” that “made” people into what they appeared to be – in this day and age it isthe “posi-tion” they hold. The concept of “checks and balances”, in combination with thechimaera of “representative democracy” combines into the “freedom” of holders of“positions” to do as they see fit. If some untoward results of their actions begin tosurface within their “time of office”, the farcical legal system will ensure that it isonly their “successors” in office, who will ever have to live with any consequences.
Dr. Beason calls the “E-bomb” the only way to ensure that the next war will not bethe last war. What a change in the way physicists view the “future”: Albert Einsteinpredicted that the war after the next one will be faught with sticks and stones; Dr.Beason has come up with a way to fight yet another war (prior to “Einsteinian”thermo-nuclear armageddon) – another period when corporate profits can be garnered byherding mankind into yet another meat-grinder! This is where he then starts to mentionthe explosion of the cost of our presently prevalent source of energy – oil! At a timewhen it is quite openly stated by oil-producers that it costs them around US $ 3 (in asimple word THREE!) to lift a barrel of oil from the ground, the global oil price hoversjust under US $ 70! Dr. Beason is equally forward in predicting the future oil-price tobe in the order of several hundret of dollars! His only solution to this impendingcatastrophe is to “go nuclear”. Only in this way will it be possible to generate theamounts of energy required, to power the new kind of weaponry of which he is so obviouslyenamoured!
The “Moon Programme” gave the “brass monkeys” of the world thetechnology to deliver “devices” that science had come up with decades earlier. Theperfectly groundless escalation of the oil-price of the present will lead to resistanceagainst “going nuclear” in an all-out way. Only then will the tax-payer be willing tofork out the money required to devise the miniaturized nuclear power-sources required toturn the E-bomb from a diabolical dream into an equally diabolical reality.
Atthis point, most of the riddles of the present morph into one big make-belief monster: “terrorism” is called the reason for the ever more obvious emergence of a globalpolice-state; the “War on Terror” will necessitate the micro-chipping of all of mankind; “terrorism” is cited as one of the major reasons for the ever escalating oil price andthat will – so it can be safely predicted – as some future stage require to “go nuclear”.
Then – and only then – Dr. Beason will have achieved his brave new world, inwhich all life on earth will be “in the sights” of visionaries and prophets like him!
The E-Bomb – The Ultimate Perversion of Ethics
Dr.Douglas Beason, Deputy Associate Director (Defense Threat Reduction) at the Los AlamosNational Laboratory, responsible for coordinating all defense, intelli-gence, space,sensor R&D, and bio-threat programs, a $260M portfolio, who pre-viously served on theWhite House staff under both the Bush and Clinton Admini-strations and authored more thana dozen books and numerous scholarly papers on “how to kill other people moreefficiently” was recently interviewed by Joanne Myers of the Carnegie Council on Ethicsand International Affairs. He praised the new “E-bomb” (the name given to Directed-EnergyWeapons by the publisher of his latest book: <The E-Bomb - How America’s NewDirected-Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Future Wars Will Be Fought> ).
Theupshot of this interview is it to “explain away” the utter absence of moral thought andethical action in the (post-)modern world. Dr. Beason waffles away at length on the“benefits” of directed energy weapons so as to make these diabolical manifestations ofdiabolical ingenuety appear the ultimate in “humanistic” thought. He explains the“flee-effect”: it is how you will react when millimeter waves are ab-sorbed within aboutthe first third of a millimeter of your skin, and that energy, when it is absorbed byyour skin, is picked up by your nerve endings. The nerves are not actually affected. Whatthe nerve endings feel is the energy that is absorbed by your skin as intense heat. It'snot intense heat; it is actually just millimeter waves that are depositing their energy.In fact, the amount of energy that is actually deposited by a weapons system such as thisis less than one-tenth the amount of energy that you get by standing out in the sun. Itis just at a certain frequency. When you are standing out in the sun, you get millimeterwaves. You get what we call a black-body spectrum of radiation. You just don't get asmuch as what is being broadcast by the Active Denial.
This reminds people cursed withelephantine memory of an article in Encyc-lopedia Britannica : nearly half a century ago“experts” propounded that Alpha-radiation (generated in radioactive decay) is harmlessand stopped by human skin. Now, that the Anglo-American Destruct Machine has turnedentire countries (parts of former Jugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq) into deposits of“nuclear waste” and the inhabitants of these lands (as well as the soldiers who were sentthere to dispose of radioactive wastes generated in the production of barabric means toterrorize civilians) die like flies and are parents to grotesquely malformed offspring,the people know otherwise. Point in case: The E-bomb (electromagnetic-spectrum bomb)came about because of an electromagnetic burst, which was first identified back in theearly 1960s during the Starfish Nuclear Test, which was an aboveground – atmospheric -nuclear explosion, when electronics for miles and miles around just ceased to work. Thereason is that they were burnt out by this burst of electro-mag-netic radiation. Ifother scientists are to believed, who describe “life-processes” as electro-chemicalgoings-ons within cells, then it stands to reason to assume, that also they will get“influenced” (burnt out) by the bursts delivered by the E-bomb and “active denial”technology. Dermatologist will surely “tune in” to explain, that even if any damageshould be done to skin-cells, that this damaged cells are des-tined to be shed in anycase. This is what the “dust” in (even clinically clean) rooms large consists of – shedhuman skin!
Scientists never really “know” – they (at best) only interpretevidence. They are “believers” in paradigmatic truths (derived from the collectiveconsensus of the “Elders” of the various disciplines. Dr. Beason also notes, that one ofthe “bene-fits” of these new weapons is the fact, that when you can “see the target, youcan hit it” – after all, these weapons “work” (to all intents and purposes)instantane-ously, as they act at the speed of light. The “Active Denial” weapon, ateleported microwave oven, at distances of 700 meters (so the Pentagon specification)will turn people (and all else that is organic) into a crisp. Any scientist who tries toconvince thinking people that the common soldier on the battle-field, who is slog-gingnot only his survival-kit but his weaponry with him, will not at some point “mishandle”his “light sabres” (as in Star Wars) or “ray guns” (as in Buck Rogers) and thereby in oneor the other way change the intricate circuitry of these gadgets, should try to put onsuch garb and try to actually exsist (in a Heideggerian way) under such conditions. Whatmay very well be a “harmless” gadget in its original design could very well turn into abarbaric Weapon of Total Destruction of all forms of life in inintentioned (some wouldcall it: serendipitous) ways. “Murphey’s Law” (“things that can go wrong, will gowrong!”) is a warning that only “idealists” (theorists and other impractical people) willnot heed. If anything could have been learned (on a technological level) from all warsever fought, then it is the truism, that only simple weapons are really reliable: whileGerman weaponry in WW II. would not work when not properly maintained, Russian weaponsdid (so the practical joke) use grime for grease! With this practical reasoning, one ofthe main arguments of Dr. Beason dissolves into the hot air it consists of.
Hethen goes on to drivel on this science and technology being infinitely pre-cise, soprecise that it could discriminate between innocent civilians and combat-ants at rangesthat are greater than small-arms fire. At this point (if not much earlier on) he isentirely overcome by his futuristics-mania: he has forgotten to mention, that this willnecessitate the “micro-chipping” of all of mankind prior to the E-bomb and “ActiveDenial” being put to use. But he counts (obviously) on his listeners to follow his“sermon” with infinite belief in his truthfullness. With this we have come to the realreason for 9-11 and similar “events” that periodically “happen”: the comingall-embracing police-state will lead to the micro-chipping of everybody! Only then willthese diabolical weapons be able to discriminate between friend and foe!
Hedisqualifies himself further (as a terrorist ) by restating the tired old lie of thenuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki having “saved” innumerous lives by endingthe Pacific War prematurely. Such skulduggery one expects from a politician; that itcomes from a “scientist” is just further support for the arguments of those, who suspectthe ilk of Dr. Beason being up to no good! Just like “hand-phones” (who fry the brains ofusers) are called “harmless” – despite multiple evidence to the contrary – the “ActiveDenial” weaponry will surely change warfare forever. Anybody who believes in theassurance, that “directed energy weapons” are non-lethal and even non-carcinogenic (nowwhy did he bring that up, one wonders?) considers genetical malformations a sequitur ofmodern existence. In a world where “elected” officials only think of the “future” interms of the duration of their period of office and emplyees in terms of the unexpiredportion of their con-tract, people are conditioned to sideline all thoughts ofextra-systemic “time” as something that only concerns “others”. In times past, it wasthe “cloth” that “made” people into what they appeared to be – in this day and age it isthe “posi-tion” they hold. The concept of “checks and balances”, in combination with thechimaera of “representative democracy” combines into the “freedom” of holders of“positions” to do as they see fit. If some untoward results of their actions begin tosurface within their “time of office”, the farcical legal system will ensure that it isonly their “successors” in office, who will ever have to live with any consequences.
Dr. Beason calls the “E-bomb” the only way to ensure that the next war will not bethe last war. What a change in the way physicists view the “future”: Albert Einsteinpredicted that the war after the next one will be faught with sticks and stones; Dr.Beason has come up with a way to fight yet another war (prior to “Einsteinian”thermo-nuclear armageddon) – another period when corporate profits can be garnered byherding mankind into yet another meat-grinder! This is where he then starts to mentionthe explosion of the cost of our presently prevalent source of energy – oil! At a timewhen it is quite openly stated by oil-producers that it costs them around US $ 3 (in asimple word THREE!) to lift a barrel of oil from the ground, the global oil price hoversjust under US $ 70! Dr. Beason is equally forward in predicting the future oil-price tobe in the order of several hundret of dollars! His only solution to this impendingcatastrophe is to “go nuclear”. Only in this way will it be possible to generate theamounts of energy required, to power the new kind of weaponry of which he is so obviouslyenamoured!
The “Moon Programme” gave the “brass monkeys” of the world thetechnology to deliver “devices” that science had come up with decades earlier. Theperfectly groundless escalation of the oil-price of the present will lead to resistanceagainst “going nuclear” in an all-out way. Only then will the tax-payer be willing tofork out the money required to devise the miniaturized nuclear power-sources required toturn the E-bomb from a diabolical dream into an equally diabolical reality.
Atthis point, most of the riddles of the present morph into one big make-belief monster: “terrorism” is called the reason for the ever more obvious emergence of a globalpolice-state; the “War on Terror” will necessitate the micro-chipping of all of mankind; “terrorism” is cited as one of the major reasons for the ever escalating oil price andthat will – so it can be safely predicted – as some future stage require to “go nuclear”.
Then – and only then – Dr. Beason will have achieved his brave new world, inwhich all life on earth will be “in the sights” of visionaries and prophets like him!