Vantablack - schwärzer als Schwarz
14.07.2014 um 22:48
"Vantablack absorbs all but 0.035 per cent of light, a new world record
It is so dark the human eye struggles to discern its dimensions
The material gives the appearance of a 'black hole' on all it covers
The material absorbs all but 0.035 per cent of light, a new world record, and is so dark the human eye struggles to discern its shape and dimension, giving the appearance of a black hole.
Named Vantablack, or super black, it also conducts heat seven and half times more effectively than copper, and is ten times stronger than steel.
It is created by Surrey NanoSystems using carbon nanotubes, which are 10,000 thinner than human hair and so miniscule that light cannot get in but can pass into the gaps in between.
It has been grown on sheets of aluminium foil which can be seen in pictures released by the company. While the foil is crinkled and uneven, the surface covered by Vantablack appears completely smooth because of its light absorbing property.
The super black material has been developed for use in astronomical cameras, telescopes and infrared scanning systems and will be launched at the Farnborough International Airshow this week.
Vantablack ist also ein Stoff, der so schwarz ist, dass man keine Strukturen oder Ebenen erkennen kann.
Es absorbiert 99.965 % des Lichts, ist zehnmal so hart wie Eisen und leitet Hitze siebeneinhalb mal effektiver als Kupfer.
Es besteht aus Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhrchen, welche 10.000 mal dünner als menschliches Haar sind.
Vantablack wurde entwickelt zur Anwendung in Kameras, Teleskopen und Infrarotscannern, es soll die Genauigkeit erhöhen.
Also, was haltet ihr davon? Vantablack könnte durch die hohe Wärmeleitfähigkeit ja auch sicherlich in anderen Bereichen eingesetzt werden.