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Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

2.211 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Spiele, Minecraft, Oldschool ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 17:58
ich hab da noch adventurecraft zwischen, wenn dann musst du das alles rauslöschen ^^

aber ganz ehrlich... ich hab keinen plan welche sachen dazu gehören

lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 17:59
maaan lad das mal wer hoch ^^

kannst du dir das nicht von der seite runterladen?

dann kann ich dir das 1.8 update vielleicht so schicken


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:01

nein weil man so einem paket das spiel theoretisch ohne zu bezahlen spielen kann^^

deswegen gibs die dateien nirgends

lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:02
verstehe verstehe


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:02
Gibt doch ne Menge tuts unso, wie man das spiel knacken oder cracken kann oO


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:04

Ich weiß wie ich das game cracken kann -.-

Nur ist überall nur das pre-release zu finden


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:05
Habs schon^^


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:06
Die Pre-Release hab ich auch nur. Ist das rtichtige 1.8 jetzt doch zum upate bereit? O-o


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:08



Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:09
Ich werd noch bekloppt. Stimmt. Das Update hat mir ja mein schönen Mod zerschoßen. -.-


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:13
Wenn ich den Minecraft downloader benutze, um meine Mods zu aktualisieren wird wieder auf pre release gepatched. Wie unterbinde ich das? -.-


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:16

warten bis alle mods geupdated sind und erst dann wieder mods enutzen

lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:20
was haste denn für mods?


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:20
Ich benutze nur den Misa HD texture mod da.

lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 18:22

aber von misa gibts doch auch schon ein texture pack für 1.8... ach naja, ist ja nicht unbedingt HD

lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 19:43
Fuck hab ich mich erscreckt, vorallem sieht der auch viel gefährlicher aus bei misa :D

k7YHL8 EndermanOriginal anzeigen (0,3 MB)


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

14.09.2011 um 22:25
wo findet man die Endermen eigentlich?

lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

15.09.2011 um 07:12
das war jetzt in nem dungeon, also überall würde ich sagen


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

15.09.2011 um 09:09
War gerade für 4 Monate im Ausland und konnte nicht zocken. Kann mal jemand die größten Veränderungen der letzten Zeit aufzählen?


Minecraft oder "WTF, wieso lese ich erst jetzt davon?"

15.09.2011 um 10:27
Three new mobs.
New Enderman mob.
They take damage from water.
They emit purple smoke particles.
They drop Ender Pearls.
They open their mouth when hostile/looked at.
New Silverfish mob.
Will spawn from rarely generated blocks, that look identical to stone, or stone bricks.
New Cave Spider mob.
They spawn in Abandoned Mine Shafts.
Their attacks are venomous, and turn the player's health yellow upon being poisoned (will not kill you but will make you lose 4 health bars, if you are below 4 health bars then it will bring you down to Half Heart.png heart).
Have a unique mob spawner.
They are smaller than regular spiders.
9 new blocks and crafting recipes
Stone Brick
Stone Brick Slabs
Stone Brick Stairs
Brick Slabs and Brick Stairs
Fence Gates
Glass Panes
Iron Bars
Melon Seeds
New Creative game mode.
Flying by double tapping Space
Unlimited resources
A new screen, the Unlimited Item Selection screen
New features in the terrain generator; things which will only appear in new worlds/chunks.
Optional structures
NPC Villages with farms and "town borders".
Contain houses, "smithies", and wells: all of which are connected through gravel pathing
Made of: Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Wooden Planks, Wood, Torches, Cobblestone Stairs, wooden stairs, Gravel, Fence, Glass and/or Glass Panes, Ladders, Wooden Doors, Crops, Farmland, Water, Lava, Furnaces, Iron Bars, Black Wool, bookshelves and Pressure Plates.
Will spawn only on flat areas.
Strongholds, consisting of 4 new blocks: Stone Brick, Mossy Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, and Iron Bars.
Will only spawn 3 times in a map.
Abandoned Mine Shafts
Contains naturally generated Cobweb.
Underground Ravines including canyons on the surface and ledges to walk on.
New, fractal-based biome code, spawning much larger versions of existing versions along with 5 new biomes
Rivers flowing through/in between biomes.
Ocean Biomes, that are deeper and much more vast than before.
Mountain biome.
Swamp biome, which is the only biome to generate vines on trees. Mushrooms are more commonly generated here as well.
Clay is now much more abundant
Snow in Taiga and Tundra biomes does not generate for technical reasons. They will return in Beta 1.9
New combat Mechanics.
Hold-to-charge bows.
3 different charged states; takes less than 1 second to fully charge.
Fully charged bows causes the player to walk slower.
Critical hits.
When the player hits a mob while jumping.
When the mob is hit by a fully-charged arrow.
Player blocking attack animation and hostile mob attack animations.
Block "stance".
Mobs killed by the player drop tiny flashing Experience Orbs that add to your experience bar.
New Food System.
There is now a food meter.
Food no longer heals directly but indirectly: if the food meter is above 80%, heals Half Heart.png about every 5 seconds.
All food (except Mushroom Stew) is stackable.
Food takes 1.6 seconds to consume, accompanied with an animation.
5 new food items.
Melon Slices.
Raw Chicken.
Raw Beef.
Cooked Chicken.
Steak, which has Cooked Porkchop's old texture. Cooked Porkchops' new texture is a tan shade of the same sprite.
Eating any raw food or Rotten Flesh has a chance to give the player food poisoning.
New farming options, more interesting farming.
Plantable pumpkins and melons, each with a central stem that grows to max size and spawns a fruit next to it.
Melon Seeds.
Pumpkin Seeds.
A new achievement: "Kill a skeleton with an arrow at 50 meters".
Sprinting: By double pressing the forward button, the player will move faster.
Sprinting is limitless, but will deplete your hunger bar.
Hitting a mob while sprinting sends them flying.
Jumping while sprinting boosts the jump to a length of about 4 blocks.
Sprinting makes particles come up from the ground.
While sprinting, the field of view slightly increases.
Mob changes
Passive mobs will randomly flee if attacked by the player or other mobs (such as Wolves).
Zombies drop Rotten Flesh instead of Feathers.
The snout on pigs now protrude from their head.
Skeletons now hold full-size bows.
Skeleton arrows originate from about their eyes to the bow, instead of above the head.
New uses for shears.
Tall Grass
New improved lighting
Day/night cycles no longer require chunk updates. Lighting is updated via a texture, whose coordinates are the block's sky light and block light levels.
The lighting on a block is given a tint based on the most prominent source of light
Redish from Non-sunlight light sources
Blue from Moonlight
Total darkness keeps the same black tint
Sunlight gives the same white tint
Main Menu/Options changes
The Main Menu's background is now an animated scene.
In the Main Menu, the version in the main menu is in the lower left, instead of the upper left.
New sliders for Field of View and Brightness
4 new entries in control list
"Attack" and "Use Item", default to left and right click respectively
Player list, default to tab
Pick Block, defaults to scroll-wheel click
Improved server join screen: The server join screen features a list of servers.[1][2][3]
New texture for Moss Stone.
Clouds change color during sunrise and sunset to match the sky color.
New particle effects.
Performing a critical hit on any mob will cause 'sparks' to fly.
Explosion particles are now shockwaves instead of smoke.
Tiny stationary bubble particles can be seen when underwater.
Fog is now thicker and darker deep underground, and gives off particles. Due to this, the void appears black.
Changes with debug-view (F3)
Mobs are no longer visibly labeled with their entity ID
The world's numeric seed is displayed in a field below player position.
Fog can now be toggled while in Debug Mode (?)
User-placed leaf blocks no longer decay.
Cloud height raised to the top of the map, so clouds no longer go through buildings.
Cloud movement syncs with the time.
Rain and snow renders faster.
Armor bar moved to above hearts, due to food bar.
Player to mob damage decreased by half a heart.
Pressure plates can now be placed on fences.
Arrows that hit a mob visually "stick" to the mob.
Improved chest model with a 3D lock and an open state/animation.
They are now slightly smaller than one full block, and cannot have a breakage texture applied to them.
Rollover labels for items.
The ability to allow moderators to enter creative mode in SMP.[4]
Easier changing of the max level (map) height.
Shift-Clicking items will craft the maximum possible amount of what you are trying to craft with the limit at 64 and will directly put it in your inventory without the need to drag it there. (e.g. You have 16 coal above 16 sticks and you shift click the torches, a stack of torches (64) will appear in your bottom usage bar)
Holding the left or right mouse button down will now count as just one click (e.g. holding the left mouse button down with a sword equipped used to make the sword swing infinitely, but now only counts as one swing).

Bug Fixes:

The Shift+Click crash bug from 1.8pre2 is fixed.
Fixed Redstone circuits not working after /time set x glitch going to be fixed in SMP.
Destroying boats and minecarts now creates particles.
Ghast attack sounds are fixed in SMP.

New bugs:

Version number is still shown at the top-left of the screen while debug is off.
The destruction animation for chests is missing.
If you place a torch underwater, the torch will fall off but its light will remain.
Experience orbs when dropped don't drop in a stack like items do, so when a player dies when they have a large number of experience, each orb has to be processed individually. This will cause a high amount of lag, especially for SMP servers.
Some computers are unable to open some worlds for unknown reason.
Occasionally minecraft crashes when a bed is placed.
Minecraft can randomly turn off. (Archiv-Version vom 23.09.2011)

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