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Der Gaming-Thread

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Der Gaming-Thread

13.09.2011 um 23:21


Der Gaming-Thread

13.09.2011 um 23:22
Nebenbei noch was geschichtliches und auch was über die Zukunft in Sachen Red Orechstra, was ich eben bei den im Forum gefunden habe. :D
9 years ago a group of internet friends got together to create something unique - a WWII shooter that was different than anything else that was out there. The Red Orchestra mod was ahead of it's time with several features that were cutting edge/first of their kind that are either now standard in most shooters (like 3d ironsights, etc) or have yet to be matched (3d scopes, etc).

In 2005 this group of friends got together and started a company to make a retail game out of the mod that they created. This game, Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 once again set a new standard for tactical shooters. But created on an extremely limited budget and with no marketing funds there was a limit to what the team could achieve.

In 2006 the team set out to make the WWII game that they always wanted Red Orchestra to be. Over the next 5 years there were many ups and downs in the development of the game (chasing publishers for funding who were only interested in console, etc). In 2009 with the release of Killing Floor Tripwire was finally in the position to staff up and complete Red Orchestra 2.

Now in 2011 we are finally read to unleash our WWII masterpiece on the world. The game is of course not perfect (what game is), and many beloved features had to be cut along the way to ensure the game would ever get finished. But I think when the dust clears everyone will see that once again this team, founded out of a group of simple gaming fans just like all of you, has raised the bar for all of the other shooter developers out there in terms of features and gameplay.

I sincerely hope that all of you enjoy the game as much as we do. Sure there will be issues, but you all know Tripwire and anything we missed before shipping, we'll fix just as soon as possible. And speaking of Tripwire traditions, we have some AWESOME free content and updates planned for RO2.

So today it begins, another long ride with a Tripwire game. Sit down, buckle up, lock and load, and enjoy the ride!!!


Der Gaming-Thread

13.09.2011 um 23:25
Deutsche version von RO 2 ist zensiert oder? Also keine sterbe Animation und so?


Der Gaming-Thread

13.09.2011 um 23:33
nur keine zerfetzten Leichen, ansonsten sollte es ungeschnitten sein


Der Gaming-Thread

13.09.2011 um 23:55
Jetzt werden bei mir schon wieder 7,8 Gb geladen......


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 00:03
Nach einem Steam neustartet schaltet er die Dateien frei!!
Es ist so weit, das Warten hat endlich ein Ende!!! *freu*


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 00:11
probieren wir mal


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 00:18
jetzt hat sich mein Steam aufgehängt...
leckt mich Leute, ich geh pennen, gut nacht


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 00:19
Jo bei mir scheint er auch beim entschlüsseln zu hängen, ich warte noch ne Weile.
Ansonsten geb ich auch auf für heute.....
Gute Nacht


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 09:48
so, jetzt startets endlich :lv:


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 09:58
nein, doch nicht, erst noch ein Update :P


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 10:51
so, fertig


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 10:52
mit spieln? das ging aber schnell :D


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 10:58
Wohl eher mitm Update, jetzt kann gespielt werden :D


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 10:59
ne, mit Update und Installation, aber jetzt krieg ich beim starten ne Fehlermeldung :/


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 10:59
schon klar :D

uh welche? O.o


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 11:00
Failed to find default engine.ini file to retrieve My Documents subdirectory to use. Force quitting.

1x verlinktmelden

Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 11:08
stell steam mal auf englisch :D

1x verlinktmelden

Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 11:10
Nochmal von vorne installieren :D


Der Gaming-Thread

14.09.2011 um 11:11
ich probiers mal

