in brasilien gibt es auch eine art roswell, aber man liest kaum etwas darüber, obwohl die vorkommnisse dort noch heute andauern:
"VARGINHA : CITY VISITED BY UFOs - Varginha is located 300 km [or 186 miles] long from Belo Horizonte, in the southern Minas Gerais region [Brazil]. (...) It has about 110.000 inhabitants. The city (...) is situated in an strategic point of ufological activities, where there are constant sightings and close encounters of many kinds.
The Southern Minas is internationally known as a region inclined to extraterrestrial activities. Cities close to Varginha, such as São Tomé das Letras, Três Corações, Conselheiro Lafaiete, Pouso Alegre and others, also present countless records (...). In the last months, the number of cases increased frightfully. In practically all the cities of this region people are seeing flying saucers. The objects appear publicly, being seen by many witnesses at the same time. In some cases, they let themselves to be filmed or photographed."
erst 1996 kam es auch dort zu einem ufo-absturz und der gefangennahme von wesen - und vergleichbaren vertuschungsversuchen wie in roswell: (Archiv-Version vom 05.12.2004)