Hier mal eine kleine Meldung von Patrick Fitzgerald, der sich bekanntlich damit befaßt,die kriminelle Bush-Regierung zu demontieren... *freu*
Friday morningI am recommending to the grand jury that they indict White House Deputy Chief of StaffKarl Christian Rove on charges of perjury and lying to federal investigators. At thishour, I am still mulling over charges of obstruction of justice based on yesterday'stestimony.
If 12 of the 23 jurists concur with my assertions and vote toindict I will schedule a press conference for Monday. If they require more time fordeliberation then the grand jury will reconvene next Wednesday and I will then hold apress conference upon its conclusion.
Yours Truly,
Fighting for truth, justice and the American way.
PS: A note tothe mainstream media, pundits and newsreaders: You guys should really stop letting thedefense counsel and Administration play you like a fiddle. All, but a very select few ofyou, look very foolish spinning this way and that and playing fast and loose withoutchecking your facts, doing your homework or asking the tough questions. More importantly,you need to earn the trust of the American people back once again. After the bad examplesset by Judy Miller, FOX News, Chris Matthews, and the Bob's - Woodward and Novak et al,you are despised almost as much the very evil doers I am prosecuting. Please straightenup and fly right your country needs you now more than ever.
posted byPatrick J. Fitzgerald at 4/28/2006
http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/iln/osc/ (Archiv-Version vom 15.06.2006)