@ lupin:
Wie sagt der Schwabe so schön:
No et huhdla, wenn de ebbes willsch musch au wardda kenna.
Also nun nochmal in Deutsch:
Nein, es ist bisher noch nichts gekommen, was aber nicht weiter verwunderlich oder aber schon eine Bestätigung deiner Quelle wäre, denn laut
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=section§ionName=contactder Kontaktseite von GR ist es ziemlich unwahrscheinlich eine Antwort zu bekommen.
"We are unable, however, due the volume of emails, to respond to all emails received."
Also da hilft nur abwarten und das Wetter genießen.
Ps: Um transparent zu bleiben setze ich hier nochmal eine Kopie der von mir durch dich inspirierten Email, die ich vor 5 minuten geschrieben habe hinein:
Dear Sir or Madam,
as I read on globalresearch.ca you cannot respond to all emails recieved. But as for this particular question which is
in the old email attached I really need an answer, because I get questioned all the time about it and now the conspiracy theorists are taking over and disregard all evidence that is shown. They take the article you published and build their theories on that.
So it would be deeply appreciated if you could send me a short answer to my questions.
Many greetings from Germany
(Mein echter Name)
----- Original Message -----
To: crg.online@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:13 PM
Subject: Article about weathermanipulation
Dear Sir or Madam,
im a participant of an german web forum that deals with all kinds of issues regarding science and controversial concepts. At the momen we are engaged into a discussion of
wether wheater manipulation/modification is fact or just overrated rubbish. One of our members took
an article from your site and posted it as evidence for his views. Well we don´t talk about things that
proven and regularly used like cloud seeding with silver iodide, but more serious implications.
The article he used as proof can be found here:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7139I did a little research on the author chris handy and well what I found out was not satisfying. He is an columnist of The Daily Texan and a graduate student on asian culture and language.
Well I have one question: Are your articles reviewed before you publish them, and are their any references included?
If not, would you say the article is as your disclaimer says the sole responsibility of the author and does not express the
opinion of globalresearch?
Many greetings from germany
(Mein echter Name)
Also wenn was kommt, meld ich mich, wenn net dann isch au et schlimm, außer vielleicht der Tatsache, dass Du in der Reaktion der Reaktionslosigkeit auch eine Antwort für dich herauslesen kannst, was aber nicht logisch wäre.