@Sittingbull: "Das Zeug ist orange-glühend, im Feuerbereich fast weißglühend. Das kann Alu nicht! Wie oft denn noch?"
"At the 80th floor of WTC 2 in the northeast corner, where office furnishings had been deposited by the rapid path of the plane, the fire burns at such a high temperature that a stream of molten metal begins to pour over the side of the tower."
Guter Fund von Dir, dessen Tragweite viele hier gar nicht sehen:
Wenn es Metall war (laut offizieller Aussage von damals), dann war es mindestens 1100 Grad heiß. Aluminium kann es nicht gewesen sein, da im Hellen dieses Metall von unseren Augen als silbrig wahrgenommen wird.
Deshalb haben OVT-ler ein Problem damit, dass es ein Metall war:
1 wegen der enormen Hitze des Materials (wenn es Metall war) und
2 weil das Material (durch Thermit verflüssigter) Stahl sein gewesen könnte.
Sie sagen deshalb jetzt, irgendwas anderes als Metall hat sich in das hinunterströmende Metall reingemogelt: Batterien, Büromaterial .. Dadurch haben sie zwei Fliegen mit einer Klatsche geschlagen:
1. Das Metall fing früher an sich gelb zu verfärben (unter 1100 Grad)
2. Das Metall kann Alu gewesen sein (sprich die Färbung ist nicht mehr silbrig).
Beweise bringen sie keine, da sie damit das sogenannte "Plancksche Strahlungsgesetz" teilweise aufheben würden ... Aber wir dürfen gespannt sein, weil können sie wirklich nachweisen, dass flüssiges Alu vermischt mit "irgendwas" sich ungemäß des Strahlungsgesetzes verhält.
Fazit: Das Grundproblem für die offizielle Verschwörungstheorie ist:
1. wenn es Metall war= Wie kann das Metall heißer als die Feuer werden?
2. wenn das Metall kein Alu war= Was war es sonst außer Stahl?
Wahrhaft ein guter Fund, zeigt er doch exemplarisch wie hier mal wieder von VTlern belegbare Tatsachen ausgeblendet und verleugnet werden :D!
According to NIST, therefore, light alloyed material from the aircraft and from the building melted and pooled on the floor. This melting was allowed by the very high temperatures of the raging fire which affected the 80th and 81st floor near the north face of the tower. The material flowed probably from the 81st floor onto the 80th and then flowed outward from there, after entraining materials, such as calcium sulfate (gypsum) and plastics, which were abundantly present in the building.
My opinion on this subject is fairly straightforward: I don't think it is molten steel for the simple reason that this material flowed for several minutes from the same position, yet there were no signs of any melting of the supporting steel structure of the building face, which would have been in direct contact with this molten material. It is quite obvious that the steel structure of the face would have been affected if the temperature of the molten flow had been close to the melting point of steel (approximately 1500 °C) but it would have had no trouble withstanding a molten light alloy at 600-650 °C, even if it had been superheated to approximately 800 °C. .
Reinforcement work for UPS
In my answer during the TV program I mentioned that probably there were electric batteries on the 81st floor of the South Tower, but some pro-conspiracy sites ridiculed this conjecture. However, experience has taught me that sarcasm and irony are usually signs of lack of better arguments, so I gave no further thought to such comments. My conjecture was based on several facts. First of all, I had found that the final NIST report, NCSTAR1-1, specified the Port Authority (PANYNJ) rules for alterations to the supporting structure of the Twin Towers requested by tenants.
Since the flow affected specifically a set of clearly identified floors, I searched for reports of any alterations to the supporting structures of those floors and for information as to the identity of the tenant or tenants of the 81st floor, which might have triggered the flow of molten material. On page 136 of the same NIST report I found this table which mentioned United Parcel Service, better known as UPS, as a tenant of the 81st floor of the South Tower and, even more importantly, mentioned that reinforcement work of the floors in the so-called "two-way" part of the floor in 1991.
I also found this information on page 50 of the NCSTAR 1-1C report):
Of course I was quite intrigued by this, so I researched further. Why would United Parcel Service, better known as UPS and a very well-known brand in deliveries, have a depot at the 81st floor of the South Tower and go the length of an extremely expensive reinforcement of the floor structures? First of all I checked the meaning of "two-way" in this context. This drawing of the Twin Towers' floor plan, from page 30 of the NCSTAR 1-1 report, provided the answer:
It turned out that the "two-way" area was the very corner region where the flow had occurred. Having established this, the next step was to determine exactly what was located at that floor. Another table, on page 170 of the NCSTAR 1-1C report), provided this information:
In 1999, the tenant of the 81st floor of WTC2, Fuji Bank Limited, carried out further reinforcement work on the "two-way" area with the following reason:
"Documents reference adding reinforcement to existing two-way floor trusses to accommodate new UPS workspace. Documents do not specify the required amount of reinforcement due to the new superimposed loads"
This work was done by the LERA engineering firm, which had been responsible for the structural calculations for the construction of the Twin Towers. Table 13.2 on page 111 of the NCSTAR 1-1H report again summarizes the reinforcement work performed in several stages by Fuji Bank on multiple floors of WTC2, including the 81st floor and extending also to the 80th and 82nd floors.
Interestingly, in my opinion there is still an element of doubt, since this table, too, shows that the tenant was Fuji Bank: nothing to do with United Parcel Service. In the banking and IT sectors, "UPS" has a very specific meaning: Uninterruptible Power Supply. This is the name given to battery-based systems which must ensure the continuous supply of electric power for computer rooms and electrical medical devices which cannot tolerate the slightest power outage. Isn't it remarkable that the same floor, in the same "two-way" part of the South Tower, exactly where the mysterious flow occurred, was occupied by "UPS United Parcel Service" in 1991 (according to NIST) and by Fuji Bank Limited in 1999 (again according to NIST), and that Fuji Bank carried out reinforcement work "to accommodate new UPS workspace"? It may well be so, but my personal suspicion is that the acronym "UPS" was misinterpreted as referencing the international courier company but actually referred to one of Fuji's IT resources. Several sources confirm that data processing equipment related to the computer center was located on that floor: survivors have testified to this, and even pro-conspiracy sources (Christopher Bollyn, some months later) mention an unnamed "deep throat" who claims to have worked in this very facility. I'd like to point out that the Italian TV program was broadcast several months before these pro-conspiracy rumors circulated. For me, these rumors merely confirmed my initial conjecture, which was based on an analysis of official technical sources. So the 81st floor of the South Tower apparently had a large portion of its area occupied by the batteries of a UPS which belonged to Fuji Bank. However, this may seem irrelevant to many readers who are not familiar with UPS systems of medium-sized mainframe computers or data centers.
http://11-settembre.blogspot.com/2007/02/ups-on-81st-floor-of-wtc2.htmlTonnen von Blei (wo liegt da der Schmelzpunkt) und hunderte Liter Batteriesäure, hunderte Akkus der Notstromversorgung mit Kurzschlussströmen von über 10'000 Ampere. Das lag genau dort wo die Pseudoaufklärer "Thermit" sehen wollen. Köstlich. Fotos, Pläne und weitere Dokumente dazu im Link.