dosbox schrieb: aber so, wie es zunächst von Silverstein gesagt wurde, war die kontrollierte Sprengung gemeint.
"We were concerned about the collapse of a 47-story building there. We were worried about additional collapse there of what was remaining standing of the towers and the Marriott, so we started pulling the people back after a couple of hours of surface removal and searches along the surface of the debris. We started to pull guys back because we were concerned for their safety."
Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 28.09.2007)ZITAT:
"They pulled everybody out of there....that was probably like four or five o'clock before we stopped.
Firefighter Todd Fredrickson "
They pulled us all back at that time, almost an hour before it, because they were sure -- they knew it was going to come down, butthey weren't sure. So they pulled everyone back, and everybody stood there and we actually just waited and waited until it went down, because it was unsafe. They wouldn't let anyone next to I guess the two piles, we would call them, where one and two was. We stood back. We waited.
Then approximately I guess maybe two hours before number 7 came down, we went into Ground Zero and helped dig around and was there when they located Chief Feehan and one of the chiefs pulled us all out because they said 7 was going to come down.
We operated until they finally started pulling people back. They pulled us back, I think it was like probably between 4 and 6, because of Seven. Seven was the concern at thetime.
Quelle: Herren was an dem Tag nicht alles gesprengt worden ist
:)So und hier der Beweis das Pull Ist sprengen heisst *rolleyesÜ
"We have never, ever heard the term 'pull it' being used to refer to the explosive demolition of a building, and neither has any blast team we've spoken with. The term is used in conventional demolition circles, to describe the specific activity of attaching long cables to a preweakened building and maneuvering heavy equipment (excavators, bulldozers etc) to 'pull' the frame of the structure over onto its side for further dismantlement. This author and our research team were on site when workers pulled over the six story remains of WTC6 in late fall 2001, however we can say with certainty that a similar operation would have been logistically impossible at Ground Zero on 9/11, physically impossible for a building thesize of WTC7, and the structure did not collapse in that manner anyway"
Four demolition and engineering experts tell Popular Mechanics that pull it is not slang for controlled demolition.
"I've never heard of it," says Jon Magnusson of Magnusson Klemencic Associates.
Ron Dokell, retired president of Olshan Demolishing Company, says the same thing. Mark Loizeaux of Controlled Demolition, Inc. adds that the only way he can imagine the term being used is in reference to a process where the legs of a structure are precut and attached to cables, and then large machines are used to literally pull the building to the ground.
Demolishing small buildings and structures is quite simple and does not require huge machineries as these can be pulled down or broken down manually using small equipments and machines. Large buildings and structures will require huge machineries and equipments to be broken down. The amount of time required to pull down a building dependson the method of demolition used. A few of the common equipments and machineries used for demolition are as listed below.
Hydraulic Equipments
Wrecking Balls
Mechanical Hammers and
Big Trucks to carry the waste
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