9/11: Tag der Verschwörungen?
21.01.2009 um 11:44ja glausbt du wirklich das ich diesen punkt nicht bedacht hab?
genau deswegen sag ichs ja...
sicher nicht so wie er !
genau deswegen sag ichs ja...
sicher nicht so wie er !
Aside from military exercises, a National Reconnaissance Office drill was being conducted on September 11, 2001. In a simulated event, a small aircraft would crash into one of the towers of the agency's headquarters after experiencing a mechanical failure. The NRO is the branch of the Department of Defense in charge of spy satellites. According to its spokesman Art Haubold: "No actual plane was to be involved -- to simulate the damage from the crash, some stairwells and exits were to be closed off, forcing employees to find other ways to evacuate the building." He further explained: "It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility, as soon as the real world events began, we cancelled the exercise." Most of the agency's personnel were sent home after the attacks.Und hier der Mitschnitt der Verwirrung an dem Tag:
O.K., a couch, an ottoman, a love seat, and what else … ? Was it on sale … ? Holy smokes! What color is it?
In the background, however, you can make out the sound of Jeremy Powell, then 31, a burly, amiable technical sergeant, fielding the phone call that will be the military's first notification that something is wrong. On the line is Boston Center, the civilian air-traffic-control facility that handles that region's high-flying airliners.
BOSTON CENTER: Hi. Boston Center T.M.U. [Traffic Management Unit], we have a problem here. We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.
POWELL: Is this real-world or exercise?
BOSTON CENTER: No, this is not an exercise, not a test.
Powell's question—"Is this real-world or exercise?"—is heard nearly verbatim over and over on the tapes as troops funnel onto the ops floor and are briefed about the hijacking. Powell, like almost everyone in the room, first assumes the phone call is from the simulations team on hand to send "inputs"—simulated scenarios—into play for the day's training exercise.
Boston's request for fighter jets is not as prescient as it might seem. Standard hijack protocol calls for fighters to be launched—"scrambled"—merely to establish a presence in the air. The pilots are trained to trail the hijacked plane at a distance of about five miles, out of sight, following it until, presumably, it lands. If necessary, they can show themselves, flying up close to establish visual contact, and, if the situation demands, maneuver to force the plane to land.
At this point, certainly, the notion of actually firing anything at a passenger jet hasn't crossed anyone's mind.
In the ID section, the women overhear the word "hijack" and react, innocently enough, as anyone might with news of something exciting going on at work:
WATSON: What was that?
ROUNTREE: Is that real-world?
DOOLEY: Real-world hijack.
For the first time in their careers, they'll get to put their training to full use.
Almost simultaneously, a P.A. announcement goes out for Major Nasypany, who's taking his morning constitutional.
P.A.: Major Nasypany, you're needed in ops pronto. P.A.: Major Nasypany, you're needed in ops pronto.
[Recorded phone line:]
SERGEANT MCCAIN: Northeast Air Defense Sector, Sergeant McCain, can I help you?
SERGEANT KELLY: Yeah, Sergeant Kelly from Otis, how you doing today?
SERGEANT MCCAIN: Yeah, go ahead.
SERGEANT KELLY: The—I'm gettin' reports from my TRACON [local civilian air traffic] that there might be a possible hijacking.
SERGEANT MCCAIN: I was just hearing the same thing. We're workin' it right now.
...Wenn ein ultrakurzer, intensiver Laserpuls in ein Material einstrahlt, entsteht ein neuartiger, in der Natur nicht existierender Zustand, in dem die Elektronen auf Temperaturen von bis zu 30.000 Grad Celsius aufgeheizt werden, d.h., fünfmal höher als die Temperatur auf der Oberfläche unserer Sonne, während die Atome bei Zimmertemperatur "kalt" verbleiben. Die heißen Elektronen sorgen dafür, dass sich die kalten Atome über längere Strecken bewegen. Als Folge wird der Festkörper sofort zur Flüssigkeit. Dieses Phänomen, das nur im Labor(Na, so ein Glück aber auch)
produziert werden kann, wird als "kaltes Schmelzen" bezeichnet. Über dessen Ursachen und Verlauf wird seit Jahren kontrovers diskutiert.Kaltes Schmelzen ist also keine alberne Esoterik, sondern real: „Ein in der Natur nicht vorkommender Zustand der Materie“. Extrem kurze Energieimpulse können das Elektronengas also auf zigtausend Grad Celsius erhitzen, obwohl das Material als Solches kalt bleibt, sich in der Folge aber trotzdem anfängt, zu verflüssigen.
Den Kasseler Physikern Dr. Eeuwe Zijlstra, Jessica Walkenhorst und Prof. Dr. Martin Garcia ist es gelungen, die mikroskopischen Mechanismen des laserinduzierten "kalten Schmelzens" des Halbleiters InSb zu erklären. Dieser ultraschnelle Prozess läuft in einem so kurzen Zeitraum ab, wie das Licht benötigt, um eine Distanz von ca. einem Zehntel Millimeter zurückzulegen, und unterscheidet sich dramatisch vom Schmelzen unter normalen Bedingungen, wenn zum Beispiel ein Eiswürfel oder ein Stück Butter bei Hitze schmilzt. Die in der Arbeitsgruppe Garcia durchgeführten Berechnungen zeigen mit bisher noch nicht erreichter Genauigkeit die Pfade auf, entlang derer sich die Atome kurz nach der Laseranregung fortbewegen, und beenden damit eine Kontroverse über die mikroskopischen Ursachen des "kalten Schmelzens". Ein detailliertes Verständnis laserinduzierter Prozesse ist von großer Bedeutung, da Laser verwendet werden können, um Halbleiter auf unkonventionellem Weg zu manipulieren. Das Phänomen findet Anwendungen in der Materialbearbeitung, Herstellung von mikroskopischen Werkzeugen und Schaltkreisen sowie in der Medizin.
Those questions and others loom at the heart of an even larger mystery: How could America's elaborate air defense system of satellites, radar, and supersonic fighters be caught so off-guard on Sept. 11? The mystery is now at the center of one of the most secret - and politically explosive - investigations being conducted by the bipartisan Sept. 11 commission.http://www.propagandamatrix.com/051203atlanticcityfighters.html (Archiv-Version vom 04.02.2009)
Led by former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States is analyzing almost every corner of the Sept. 11 tragedy, from skyscraper escape procedures to what the White House knew about terrorist threats and how well the FBI and CIA cooperated. On Monday, the commission plans to hold another public hearing in Washington, this one focusing on homeland security and personal liberty.
But one investigation that has not drawn much attention involves air defenses. This is especially important to New Jersey.
For almost a half-century, the state Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing, based at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, had been a key part of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. The command runs radar sites and monitors fighter squadrons assigned to protect the United States and Canada from attack, and from unauthorized flights by drug smugglers and undocumented immigrants. Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold War, two F-16 fighters from the 177th were parked around the clock on the Atlantic City runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble.
But the 177th's jets were not on alert Sept. 11. A series of Pentagon cutbacks, beginning in 1998, changed the wing's mission from scramble-ready status to dropping bombs on enemy positions. In 2000, after two years of training, the 177th was even sent to Saudi Arabia to fly patrols over southern Iraq as part of Operation Southern Watch.
By Sept. 11, the unit was back in New Jersey - but still training to bomb enemy targets overseas.
A spokeswoman for the 177th confirmed that two of its F-16s were flying unarmed bombing runs that morning over a section of the Pine Barrens designated for military drills. But the F-16 pilots, she said, were unaware that America's air defense system needed them desperately.
Furthermore, there may be another important facet to Global Guardian. A 1998 Defense Department newsletter reported that for several years Stratcom had been incorporating a computer network attack (CNA) into Global Guardian. The attack involved Stratcom “red team” members and other organizations acting as enemy agents, and included attempts to penetrate the Command using the Internet and a “bad” insider who had access to a key command and control system. The attackers “war dialed” the phones to tie them up and sent faxes to numerous fax machines throughout the Command. They also claimed they were able to shut down Stratcom’s systems. Reportedly, Stratcom planned to increase the level of computer network attack in future Global Guardian exercises. [IAnewsletter, 6/1998 pdf file] It is not currently known if a computer attack was incorporated into Global Guardian in 2001 or what its possible effects on the country’s air defense system would have been if such an attack was part of the exercise.NORAD Personnel Mistake Hijacking for Part of an Exercise:
When the FAA’s Boston Center first contacts NORAD’s Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) to notify it of the hijacking of Flight 11 (see (8:37 a.m.) September 11, 2001), personnel there initially mistake the hijacking for a simulation as part of an exercise.
bullet Lieutenant Colonel Dawne Deskins, mission crew chief for the Vigilant Guardian exercise currently taking place (see (6:30 a.m.) September 11, 2001), will later say that initially she and everybody else at NEADS think the call from Boston Center is part of Vigilant Guardian. [Newhouse News Service, 1/25/2002] Although most of the personnel on the NEADS operations floor have no idea what the day’s exercise is supposed to entail, most previous major NORAD exercises included a hijack scenario. [USA Today, 4/18/2004; Utica Observer-Dispatch, 8/5/2004] The day’s exercise is in fact scheduled to include a simulated hijacking later on. [Vanity Fair, 8/1/2006]
bullet Major Kevin Nasypany, the NEADS mission crew commander, had helped design the day’s exercise. Thinking the reported hijacking is part of it, he actually says out loud, “The hijack’s not supposed to be for another hour.” [Vanity Fair, 8/1/2006]
bullet In the ID section, at the back right corner of the NEADS operations floor, technicians Stacia Rountree, Shelley Watson, and Maureen Dooley react to the news. Dooley, the leader of the ID section, tells the other members of her team: “We have a hijack going on. Get your checklists. The exercise is on” (see (8:38 a.m.) September 11, 2001). Rountree asks, “Is that real-world?” Dooley confirms, “Real-world hijack.” Watson says, “Cool!” [Vanity Fair, 8/1/2006; Spencer, 2008, pp. 25]
bullet When NEADS Commander Robert Marr sees his personnel reacting to the news of the hijacking (see (8:40 a.m.) September 11, 2001), he reportedly thinks the day’s exercise “is kicking off with a lively, unexpected twist.” Even when a colleague informs him, “It’s a hijacking, and this is real life, not part of the exercise,” Marr thinks: “This is an interesting start to the exercise. This ‘real-world’ mixed in with today’s simex [simulated exercise] will keep [my staff members] on their toes.” [Spencer, 2008, pp. 26]
bullet Major General Larry Arnold, who is at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, also later says that when he first hears of the hijacking, in the minutes after NEADS is alerted to it, “The first thing that went through my mind was, is this part of the exercise? Is this some kind of a screw-up?” [ABC News, 9/11/2002; 9/11 Commission, 5/23/2003] According to author Lynn Spencer: “Even as NORAD’s commander for the continental United States, Arnold is not privy to everything concerning the exercise. The simex is meant to test commanders also, to make sure that their war machine is operating as it should.” [Spencer, 2008, pp. 38]
bullet At 8:43 a.m., Major James Fox, the leader of the NEADS weapons team, comments, “I’ve never seen so much real-world stuff happen during an exercise.” [Vanity Fair, 8/1/2006]
Es gibt nicht diese Aussage, ich habe gefragt, was hätten sie tun sollen/können! Wenn so darauf bestanden wird, daß die Maschinen hätten abgefangen werden müssen, wird die Frage nach den möglichen Maßnahmen wohl erlaubt sein?Mondsohn schrieb:Man hätte eh nichts tun können"- das ist der beste Spin der letzten 5 Jahre!
According to the 9/11 Commission, “During the course of the morning, there [are] multiple erroneous reports of hijacked aircraft in the system.” [9/11 Commission, 6/17/2004] Around 9:09 a.m., the FAA Command Center reports that 11 aircraft are either not communicating with FAA facilities or flying unexpected routes. [Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6/3/2002] NORAD’s Major General Larry Arnold claims that during the “four-hour ordeal” of the attacks, a total of 21 planes are identified as possible hijackings. [Code One Magazine, 1/2002; Filson, 2003, pp. 71] Robert Marr, head of NEADS on 9/11, says, “At one time I was told that across the nation there were some 29 different reports of hijackings.” [Newhouse News Service, 3/31/2005] Sources later claim that these false reports cause considerable chaos. Larry Arnold says that particularly during the time between the Pentagon being hit at 9:37 and Flight 93 going down at around 10:06, “a number of aircraft are being called possibly hijacked… There was a lot of confusion, as you can imagine.” [Filson, 2003, pp. 71-73] He says: “We were receiving many reports of hijacked aircraft. When we received those calls, we might not know from where the aircraft had departed. We also didn’t know the location of the airplane.” [Code One Magazine, 1/2002] According to Robert Marr: “There were a number of false reports out there. What was valid? What was a guess? We just didn’t know.” [Filson, 2003, pp. 73] Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Victoria Clarke, who is in the Pentagon during the attacks and for most of the rest of the day, recalls: “There were lots of false signals out there. There were false hijack squawks, and a great part of the challenge was sorting through what was a legitimate threat and what wasn’t.”
Fragst Du das jetzt ernsthaft?paco_ schrieb:Es gibt nicht diese Aussage, ich habe gefragt, was hätten sie tun sollen/können! Wenn so darauf bestanden wird, daß die Maschinen hätten abgefangen werden müssen, wird die Frage nach den möglichen Maßnahmen wohl erlaubt sein?
Aber sicher, wer so auf diesem Thema herumreitet, sollte doch zumindest eine dazu Vorstellung haben?. Links zu Norad brauche ich nicht, was einem in so einer Situation für Optionen zur Verfügung stehen, kenne ich aus erster Hand.kurvenkrieger schrieb:Fragst Du das jetzt ernsthaft?
Wenn Du meinst dieser Satzbau sei verständlich muß ich Dich leider enttäuschen, das is ne Zumutung und keine Grammatik.paco_ schrieb:Nochmal extra für Dich: Die Aufgaben von NORAD kenne ich vermutlich besser als Du, ich möchte wissen, was Du oder sonstwer, der der Meinung ist, daß das Ausbleiben der Abfangjäger die Ereignisse des 11.9. begünstigt hat, glaubt, was ein Pilot, der die entführte Maschine vor sich sieht, für Optionen hat, diese zu stoppen. War das jetzt auch für Dich verständlich, oder muß ich erst Piktogramme zeichnen?