@ Goldman
Es gibt tausenduneine Loge und mehr. Eine Loge ist der Wortbedeutungnach ein "abgeschlossener Raum", der anderen Personen nicht ohne weiteres (d. h. ohneAufnahme) zugänglich ist. Vom Debattierclub um die Ecke bis zum Briefmarkensammlervereinsetzt ein Zugang zu den Angeboten der "Logen" stets eine Mitgliedschaft voraus. Jederzehnte Mensch auf dieser Welt ist Mitglied einer "Loge". Freimaurer gibt es ca. 6Millionen weltweit, in Deutschland ca. 12000.
Es ist ferner immer das Gleiche.Es wird munter aus dem Internet zitiert, statt aus den Büchern, die in öffentlichen undprivaten Bibliotheken bereitstehen, es wird ungeprüft nachgeplappert und re-rezitiert,ohne dass sich kaum jemand die Mühe macht, die mutmaßlichen Quellen einer wirklichenPrüfung zu unterziehen (wissenschaftliche Erhärtung).
Beispiel gefällig? Auchdies stammt - laut Internet - von Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma) UND: auch DIES ist wiedie Einschübe von Affensaft aus dem Zusammenhang des gesamten Buches gerissen. UND: auchhier ist nicht klar, ob der Internettext mit dem Original übereinstimmt. ABER ich führewenigstens schon mal als ersten Schritt die Quelle an, aus der das nachfolgend Zitatstammt:
"FREEMASONRY is the subjugation of the Human that is in
man by theDivine; the Conquest of the Appetites and
Passions by the Moral Sense and the Reason;a continual
effort, struggle, and warfare of the Spiritual against
the Materialand Sensual. That victory, when it has
been achieved and secured, and the conquerormay rest
upon his shield and wear the well-earned laurels, is
the true HOLYEMPIRE.
To achieve it, the Mason must first attain a solid
conviction,founded upon reason, that he hath within
him a spiritual nature, a soul that is notto die when
the body is dissolved, but is to continue to exist and
to advancetoward perfection through all the ages of
eternity, and to see more and more clearly,as it draws
nearer unto God, the Light of the Divine Presence. This
thePhilosophy of the Ancient and Accepted Rite teaches
him; and it encourages him topersevere by helping him
to believe that his free will is entirely consistent
with God's Omnipotence and Omniscience; that He is not
only infinite in power,and of infinite wisdom, but of
infinite mercy, and an infinitely tender pity and love
for the frail and imperfect creatures that He has made.
Every Degree of theAncient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
from the first to the thirty-second, teaches byits
ceremonial as well as by its instruction, that the
noblest purpose of lifeand the highest duty of a man
are to strive incessantly and vigorously to win the
mastery of everything, of that which in him is
spiritual and divine, over thatwhich is material and
sensual; so that in him also, as in the Universe which
Godgoverns, Harmony and Beauty may be the result of a
just equilibrium.
Youhave been taught this in those Degrees, conferred
in the Lodge of Perfection, whichinculcate
particularly the practical morality of Freemasonry. To
be true, underwhatever temptation to be false; to be
honest in all your dealings, even if greatlosses
should be the consequence; to be charitable, when
selfishness would promptyou to close your hand, and
deprivation of luxury or comfort must follow the
charitable act; to judge justly and impartially, even
in your own case, whenbaser impulses prompt you to do
an injustice in order that you may be benefited or
justified; to be tolerant, when passion prompts to
intolerance and persecution;to do that which is right,
when the wrong seems to promise larger profit; and to
wrong no man of anything that is his, however easy it
may seem so to enrichyourself;--in all these things
and others which you promised in those Degrees, your
spiritual nature is taught and encouraged to assert its
rightful dominion overyour appetites and passions.
The philosophical Degrees have taught you the valueof
knowledge, the excellence of truth, the superiority of
intellectual labour,the dignity and value of your
soul, the worth of great and noble thoughts; and thus
endeavoured to assist you to rise above the level of
the animal appetites andpassions, the pursuits of
greed and the miserable struggles of ambition, and to
find purer pleasure and nobler prizes and rewards in
the acquisition ofknowledge, the enlargement of the
intellect, the interpretation of the sacred writingof
God upon the great pages of the Book of Nature.
And the Chivalric Degreeshave led you on the same
path, by showing you the excellence of generosity,
clemency, forgiveness of injuries, magnanimity,
contempt of danger, and theparamount obligations of
Duty and Honour. They have taught you to overcome the
fear of death, to devote yourself to the great cause of
civil and religiousLiberty, to be the Soldier of all
that is just right, and true; in the midst of
pestilence to deserve your title of Knight Commander of
the Temple, and neitherthere nor elsewhere to desert
your post and flee dastard-like from the foe. In all
this, you assert the superiority and right to dominion
of that in you which isspiritual and divine. No base
fear of danger or death, no sordid ambitions or pitiful
greeds or base considerations can tempt a true Scottish
Knight to dishonour, andso make his intellect, his
reason, his soul, the bond-slave of his appetites, of
his passions, of that which is material and animal,
selfish and brutish in hisnature."
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