Auf twitter entspann sich dieser Dialog:
Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins 5. Juni
We'll hopefully have the July 17th sat imagery we ordered soon, then we'll publish a report comparing it to the Russian MoD #MH17 images
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ECGuillet @ECGuillet 7. Juni
@EliotHiggins @bellingcat U might also look 4 evidence of Low Loader Truck, 3x2 Buk, Pervomaiske/Chervonyi-Zhoten launch site, 3x2 in Russia
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bellingcat @bellingcat 7. Juni
@ECGuillet @EliotHiggins I'd love to, but it's $2100 a go, so we have to pick our images carefully
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ECGuillet @ECGuillet 7. Juni
@bellingcat @EliotHiggins How much land coverage do $2100 cover?
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bellingcat @bellingcat 7. Juni
@ECGuillet @EliotHiggins We can confirm if the low-loader was away or not
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ECGuillet @ECGuillet 7. Juni
@bellingcat @EliotHiggins B4 it moved east to South of Snizhne launch site, it might have been w/other militant vehicles besides Command Car
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Eliot Higgins
@ECGuillet @bellingcat annoyingly the sat imagery from Zuhres to Snizhe is clouded over wissen wir, dass der DG Satellit um 11:08 über das fragliche Gebiet flog, um diese Uhrzeit war es also zwischen Zuhres und Snizhe bedeckt. Wann kommt also der Bellingcataufmacher der dieses Foto als Fake enttarnt, weil der blaue Himmel hinten und vorne nicht passt?
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